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  • Offer Profile
  • TRILOGIQwas founded in 1992 in Paris, designing and manufacturing modular systems for automotive companies. The success of the company’s service and products enabled it to grow steadily and it now has a presence in 19 countries around the world. It supplies many of the world’s leading manufacturing companies across a range of industry sectors.

    TRILOGIQ composite products are revolutionizing the way materials are stored and handled, and opening up completely new possibilities for forward-thinking businesses. An extensive research and development program ensures that products are continually developed and improved to match customer needs.

    With Lean methodology and principles now being applied in many businesses outside of the traditional manufacturing sector, TRILOGIQ’s value-added solutions are making a huge impact on efficiency, safety and profitability for businesses around the world.
Product Portfolio
  • Flow Racks

      • COLLECTION N°15
        Ergonomic picking flowracks with tilt picking

      • COLLECTION N°16
        人体工程学flowracks列弗较低el return

      • COLLECTION N°35
        Ergonomic picking flowracks with high level return empty

      • COLLECTION N°39
        Ergonomic picking Flowrack with low level storage

      • COLLECTION N°43
        Simple flow rack with top level return empty

      • COLLECTION N°57
        Simple supermaket flowrack with low level storage

      • COLLECTION N°58
        Tilt angle ergonomic flowracks with return empty on top

      • COLLECTION N°60
        Simple flowracks with return empty level on top

      • COLLECTION N°61
        Picking tilt table flowrack with low level return empty

      • COLLECTION N°64
        Ergonomic picking flowrack with low level return empty

      • COLLECTION N°66
        Tilt ergonomic picking flowrack with low level storage

    • Trolleys

        • COLLECTION N°20
          Transport cart for bins, KLT's and containers

        • COLLECTION N°21
          Multiuse transport cart with door open / close

        • COLLECTION N°27
          Fully modular carts with flanges for totes, bins, cartons and containers

        • COLLECTION N°29
          Transport and picking carts & trolleys with flanges

        • COLLECTION N°30
          Side flanged simple cart & trolleys

        • COLLECTION N°31
          Carts with roller-tracks for easy picking

        • COLLECTION N°34
          Picking carts for KLT's, bins ans containers

        • COLLECTION N°33
          Transport trolley for totes, bins, KLT's and containers

        • COLLECTION N°49
          Logistic and transport cart with 3 flanges

        • COLLECTION N°72 Vertical storage cartons and packaging carts

      • Workstations

        • Display units

            • COLLECTION N°1
              Diplays with ergonomic picking device

            • COLLECTION N°2
              Display for KLT with flow guides

            • COLLECTION N°28
              Ergonomic picking display and carts for various products and packagings

            • COLLECTION N°67
              FIFO Display for KLT's with low level storage

          • Shelves & Storage

              • COLLECTION N°12
                Angled displaya for bins and container picking

              • COLLECTION N°14
                Picking ergonomic shelves for bins, totes and cartons

              • COLLECTION N°26
                Fully modular picking shelves for boxes, bins, totes, cartons and containers

              • COLLECTION N°68
                Multi products modular shelves with flanges

              • COLLECTION N°69
                Multi-products shelves with picking angle for picking and front stop

              • COLLECTION N°70
                Multi products modular shelves

            • Conveyors

                • COLLECTION N°23
                  V shape ergonomic picking conveyors

                • COLLECTION N°24
                  Classic flat conveyor for totes, bins, cartons and containers