

当明尼阿波利斯商人和投资者欧文·雅各布斯(Irwin Jacobs)在1978年收购隆德船公司(Lund Boat Company)时,这不仅标志着Genmar的成立。它也代表了造船业一个重要时代的开始。Genmar在20世纪80年代和90年代继续购买船只制造商,现在生产了一个独特的集合,一些最著名的名字在休闲划船。Genmar的产品几乎涵盖了从汽车顶渔船到豪华游艇的每一种类型的动力船,在所有具有舷外、船尾驱动和内舷动力的新船中,Genmar占了10%以上的份额。Genmar的生产设施在六个州和加拿大,有近5000人的就业基地,Genmar和它的船只代表着高质量的设计和耐用、持久的建造。现在,Genmar是美国第二大摩托化休闲船制造商,它使用创新的技术和设计为船舶制造业设立了新的标准。主要由玻璃纤维和铝制成的各种船舶包括行业领先的品牌,如Aquasport, Carver, Crestliner, Glastron, Larson, Logic, Lund, Nova, Ranger, Scarab, Trojan和Wellcraft。Genmar在全美50个州和30多个国家拥有大约1300个独立授权经销商。在使用和开发新技术方面,Genmar一直是行业领导者,不仅建造了令游艇行业羡慕的船只,而且还提高了制造过程的效率。Genmar最近通过收购Pyramid和Logic公司的协议获得了VEC(tm)和Roplene(tm)技术。 With those technologies, Genmar expects to transition from a boat manufacturer and marketer to a company that develops unique manufacturing processes for marine and non-marine industries. Marketing is still one of the keys to Genmar's success. The company has initiated strategic marketing alliances with an extensive dealer network, which uses dealer-training programs that focus on customer service and support. Additional visibility and sales come from partnerships with retailers like Wal-Mart and CITGO. Genmar's success rests upon maximizing innovative technologies and brand strengths to increase market share, and pursuing additional opportunities in the marine and non-marine industries. The company's priorities include the following: Building existing product lines, expanding the geographic marketplace and strengthening technological capabilities. Using strategic marketing initiatives to leverage brand names. Enhancing customer service and support through a superior dealer network. Improving manufacturing processes via proprietary technologies. Building a presence in the international market.