

多年来,我们的渔船经过微调,成为今天你所看到的高性能海上捕鱼机器。无论是潜水、垂钓、滑雪还是巡航,SEAVEE提供了一种安全舒适的小船,适合全家人一起享用。它们的吸引力在于简单的设计、干净、开放、不受限制的空间,这是顶级渔民的最爱,创造了许多世界纪录。没有什么能阻挡你和你的战利品。使SEAVEE成为一艘理想的船的一些标准功能包括:内置活诱饵井,原水循环泵,真正的自打捞防滑甲板,绝缘冷却器,大量的齿轮存储,杆架和高质量的建筑材料……举几个例子。当你踏上SEAVEE的那一刻,你就能感受到不同。我们的反向中国船身设计使航行更加稳定、干燥,而我们真正的深V船身和较低的重心使航行在波涛汹涌的海面上更加平稳,并在休息时提供坚实的钓鱼平台。SEAVEE采用100%手工铺设的玻璃纤维船体,在模具中至少停留6天,具有超强的强度,可以承受任何大自然母亲的惩罚。SEAVEE还提供最新的高科技材料。这种高科技设计增加了强度和耐用性。 Specifically formulated gelcoats are used to create a mirror like finish, while many custom color combinations are available for hull and boot stripes. A four stringer structural system makes up the backbone of SEAVEE boats, unmatched in quality and performance making it the unbeatable choice in strength and endurance. The fuel tanks sit low in the boat and are foamed-in to create a low center of gravity providing less roll at rest. The molded inner liner is then laminated to the hull and stringers to create additional integrated strength throughout. Along with our solid fiberglass construction our professional rigging team installs top quality hardware, accessories and power options with skill and precision providing a complete turn-key custom fishing machine based upon our clients individual needs. At SEAVEE, we take great pride in the boats we build. You can see the time and care taken to ensure that every SEAVEE is the very best, and we back them with a 10 year hull warranty!