

第一批皇冠生产线是在伊利诺伊州惠廷顿的一家小型制造工厂生产的。室内装潢店单独坐落在一个空置的小学体育馆。第一艘182BR于1991年3月25日下线。当时,冠兰的雇员还不到25人,还没有签下一个明确的经销商。到1991年7月,Crownline已经从惠廷顿的工厂发展壮大,被迫寻找一个更大的工厂。位于伊利诺斯州西法兰克福市的马克·吐温船公司的建筑最近被空出来,皇冠线公司选择了这里作为下一个临时住所。三年半后,在1994年12月,皇冠线新的,最先进的船舶制造工厂建成。这个永久性设施的设计是为了提高生产效率和增加生产需求的额外能力,使皇冠线继续其惊人的增长。自成立以来,皇冠线已经成功推出了34种不同的型号,从17英尺6英寸的开放式船首到33英尺的舱室巡洋舰。目前,Crownline已经生产并向全球经销商运送了30,000多艘船。 Crownline's professional dealer network consists of 150 marine establishments in the United States, Canada, Europe, South America and most recently, Russia. In addition to making an impact in the marine industry, Crownline has also positively affected the local economy, and with over 500 full-time personnel, is one of the largest employers in Southern Illinois. Crownline Boats, Inc. is a family-owned pleasure boat manufacturer located in West Frankfort,Illinois. Founded and incorporated in 1990 by the Claxton family, the ten year old company is one of the fastest growing independently owned boat manufacturers in the industry. The boating business is no stranger to the Claxton family who has logged over 40 years of successful boat manufacturing experience. He built this fledgling new company into one of the marine industry's "Top Ten" in twelve short years. This company was sold several years ago but the Claxton legacy endures with the inception and continuing success of Crownline Boats. The Claxton reputation immediately attracted several key production managers who were instrumental in recruiting the "cream of the crop" of Southern Illinois boat builders. These select individuals have used their skills and dedication to produce boats of the highest quality which has been a major factor in Crownline's success. In ten short years, Crownline has grown into a major international boat company with dealerships throughout North America and as far away as Australia and Russia by giving you virtually unlimited choices as to how your boat is equipped and styled and by building boats with uncompromising attention to details such as the ones illustrated here.