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  • Offer Profile
  • 我们的产品组合由:
    • 机床(金属切割机),例如转弯中心,CNC车床,发动机车床和加工中心。
    • 塑料加工机(塑料注塑造型机和吹塑机)。
    • Gray and nodular castings, supplied rough or machined.
  • 产品


      • 具有高质量,技术和生产力的转动和钻井操作的机床。

              • 罗米G系列

              • 配备CNC Siemens 828D的Romi G 550和G 550m(驱动工具)(驱动工具),在低生产环境中显示出高生产率,刚度,扭矩和准确性。粗糙的结构,带有单块床,纵向和横向马车在硬化和直的指导下支撑,使线G 500非常适合加工大尺寸零件。

                借助45.7 hp的主发动机,扭矩高达2,310 N.M,由于材料清除量很大,因此有可能获得显着的生产率增长。

                The model ROMI G 550 with driven tools allows the complete machining of a part in a single machine, because it also performs drilling and milling operations.
              • 罗米GL SERIES

              • 来自Romi GL系列的转弯中心,带有FANUC的CNC,设计用于在低生产环境中运行。功能和轴y和驱动工具可显着提高生产率。

            • 垂直转弯中心

                  • Romi VTL系列

                  • 从Line Romi VTL带有CNC Siemens的转弯中心设计用于在低生产环境中运行,从而在各种Chuck零件的加工过程中显着提高了生产率。R(右)和L(左)版本允许机器用于加工单元,包括与机器人或其他自动化系统集成。

                    They can be equipped with driven tools for drilling and milling operations.
              • CNC车床

                    • Romi C系列

                    • The turning machines form Line ROMI Centur, equipped with CNC SIEMENS offer great flexibility for machining different type of parts, with optimal levels of power, quick movements and accuracy. They can be equipped with automatic indexing tool holder turret, which offers a significant reduction for machining time.


                    • Romi C系列重型

                    • 配备CNC西门子的Romi C系列的重型转弯机是高灵活性和生产力机器,具有最佳的功率,扭矩,准确性和稳定性,用于加工大尺寸零件,例如在:油气中使用的部件。,乙醇,海军,能源发电,采矿以及基本行业的其他。它们可以根据预期的加工需求进行定制,包括可选:

                      • 用轴y铣削床头柜
                      • 深孔钻井支撑
                      • 特殊休息
                      • Tool holder turret with automatic indexing and axis Y
                      • 特殊的卡盘
                      • Other, under request
                    • 罗米UT SERIES

                    • Extra heavy turning machines from line ROMI UT, equipped with CNC SIEMENS have rough structure, monoblock bed, offering very high stiffness and stability for extra heavy machining, as those employed in ironmaking sector, they can be customized according the machining needs for which they are intended.

                      Other important feature which offers optimal performance on very severe machining applications is the extra-rigid headstock, with gears with rectified teeth made in hardened steel, which assures full power and high torque under low rotation.
                  • 垂直CNC车载

                        • 罗米VT系列

                        • Vertical turning machines from line ROMI VT, equipped with CNC SIEMENS, have rough mechanical structure, offering stiffness, stability and flexibility for machining processes of several type of parts for large size chuck, such as those employed by the sectors of: oil & gas, ethanol, naval, energy power generation, mining and other from base industry, they can be customized according the machining needs for which they are intended.


                          The innovative system of jaw assembly on chuck assures more stiffness and decreases the setup time of the machine.
                    • ENGINE LATHES

                        • 罗米T SERIES

                        • Universal lathes from Line ROMI T were carefully designed for offering total safety for the operator, according standard NR-12.


                        • Romi ES 40系列

                        • Line Romi ES-40的发动机车间粗糙且用途广泛,具有出色的扭矩和功率。根据标准NR-12,他们经过精心设计,可为操作员提供全面的安全性。


                      • MACHINING CENTERS

                          • 罗米D SERIES

                          • 配备CNC FANUC或CNC SIEMENS的LINE ROMI D的垂直加工中心是灵活的机器,用于生产和工具环境中的多个加工应用。

                            各种型号的各种型号最多15,000 rpm和600毫米至1,530毫米的轴y,可在几种类型的零件和材料中进行适当的应用。它们可以配备可选的:旋转台(第4轴),拨号测试指示器,工具中心的高压冷却液系统。
                          • Romi DCM 560DP

                          • The drilling and tapping center ROMI DCM 560DP, equipped with CNC SIEMENS, offers high productivity for machining parts, mainly with holes and taps, in high production environments.

                          • 罗米DCM 620-5X / DCM 620-5F

                          • The 5-axis / 5-sided vertical machining centers from line ROMI DCM 620, equipped with CNC SIEMENS, allow for performing machining of parts with simple and complex geometry in a single setup, making a remarkable shortage of machining time, efficiently, accurately and with productivity. The support housing of the table assures total stiffness in high-load operations.

                            The coolant system of the headstock brings as a benefit the minimization of possible heat distortions on housing, assuring perfect alignment of the center line of the spindle on machining operations which demands high accuracy for placing axis Z.
                          • Romi DCM 3000

                          • The moving column vetical machining center ROMI DCM 3000 equipped with CNC SIMENS is intended for machining long parts in high accuracy, with no change of the geometric accuracy of the machine, due to the concept of fixed table.

                            It allows working in two distinct areas of the table (swinging mode), where ma metal partition shall be installed on the center of the stroke of axis X, creating two distinct machining areas, which allows to perform load and unload of parts in one are, while the other one is machined in the another area, with significant productivity improvements.
                          • Romi PH系列

                          • The horizontal machining centers from line ROMI PH, equipped with CNC SIEMENS present productivity on milling, drilling and tapping operations, on low and high production environments.

                        • CNC BORING

                              • Romi Lazzati HBM 130T

                              • The boring machine ROMI Lazzati HBM 130T, equipped with CNC SIMENS, shows high capacity for chip removal, flexibility, accuracy and productivity on milling, drilling and tapping of large size parts, such as those employed in sectors of: oil & gas, ethanol, naval, energy power generation and other from base industry.


                          • 塑料加工机

                          • Injection Moulding Machines and Blow Moulding Machines, high productivity and accuracy, with low energy consumption.
                              • PLASTIC INJECTION MOULDING MACHINES

                                  • Romi EN系列

                                  • 配备了现代化的“停止和行驶”系统,提供了更高的速度,高精度和低功耗。自清洁应用以来,Romi En注射型机器作为食品和医疗药品包,即技术应用,例如在汽车领域中。

                                  • Romi El系列

                                  • High-performance Electric Injection Moulding Machines, specially developed for quick cycles and thin wall parts, they are highlighted by high speed and accuracy with high energy efficiency. With mold ambient free from contaminants – Clear Room – it can be employed in special applications, such as food and pharmaceutical packages, and also technical applications.

                                    对聚氯乙烯生产上可用的版本, PET pre-molds and multi-material and multi-color injection and Speed (EL 300).