导航 :EXPO21XX>自动化21xx>H07: Automation Lines>Buender&Schmitt
  • 提供个人资料
  • 我们的主要任务在于填充和关闭机械的开发和生产,以及为包装指导的单个格式集和杯子制造。
  • 填充和上限机

  • 我们的主要任务在于填充和关闭机械的开发和生产,以及为包装指导的单个格式集和杯子制造。


      • 螺丝盖关闭器

      • 无论是什么,都要喷洒瓶子,坩埚或罐子,拧紧,弹跳或独创性封闭 - 我们将把他们的头转!

        • 最多12,000 pc/h
        • 可能的关闭类型的绝佳选择
        • 拧紧扭矩
        • free programmable or servo drive
        • 其他格式的简单快速改造
        • cap sorters, elevators and final control possible
          • Screw cap closer VER 001

          • 一半自动,单个位置关闭机,带有时钟的工作方式,可将各种瓶子关闭至最大。300mm的高度,罐头和坩埚高达最大。Ø100mm以及杯子和罐子 - 宽度为100mm。接收者通过传送带进入机器,通过自由调节的周期时间进行单数,以螺旋头下为中心。带有气动命令的盖盖车站由握把螺钉盖配备。

          • 螺丝盖关闭机ver001l

          • 全自动内联封顶机键入VER 001-L,以密封瓶子和容器。瓶子在输送机上运行到机器中。瓶子通过传送带的不同速度分开,侧皮带将通过机器引导罐子。密封头从盖车站抓住盖子,并将帽子与瓶子固定在一起,而不会停止罐,也不会溅出。该设备包括带有频率控制驱动器的3m长输送机。所有窗户和门都采用安全开关设计。电气控制由西门子SPS S7组成。气动组件来自Festo。
            The machine is delivered with one format set for bottles and caps.
          • Screw cap closing machine VER 002

          • Screw cap closing machine VER 002 Fully automatic, 2 place closing machine with clocked operating for closing of all kind of bottles up to a max. height of 300mm, cans and crucibles up to a max. Ø of 100mm, as well as cups and canisters up to a width of 100 mm. The recipients run along the conveyor into the worm shaped feeding conveyor to be handed over to the star conveyor. It centers the bottles beyond the equipped by two grip screwing heads closing station with pneumatic command. The machine is delivered with bottle and cap format set.
          • 螺丝盖关闭机器VER 002S

          • Fully automatic, 1 place closing machine with clocked operating for spray pump caps with uptake and normal caps for grafting. The bottles run along the conveyor into the worm shaped feeding conveyor to be handed over to the star conveyor. It centers the bottles under the closing station. At the same time, the closing cap comes in the right position, the uptake being centered by pneumatics and put upon the bottle to be bounced to the bottle in the following. The screwing head takes now the cap from the plate to lead it to the bottle and to screw it upon.
          • Screw cap closing machine VER 004

          • 全自动,4放置塑料螺钉盖的圆形关闭机。瓶子通过输送机进入机器,被蠕虫输送机馈线奇异化。星形馈线将瓶子带到螺丝站,以居中。将盖子从盖板上取出的螺旋轴向瓶颈部倾斜,以拧紧盖子拧紧可调节扭矩。

            The machine is delivered with a format set of bottles and caps including an about 3m long transport conveyor with frequency commanded conveyor drive.
          • Screw cap closing machine VER 006

          • Fully automatic 6 place circular closing machine for plastic screw caps. The bottles pass via conveyor into the machine to be singularized by the worm conveyor feeder. The star shaped feeder leads the bottles to the screwing stations to be centered. The screw spindle, which took the cap from the cap plate, declines to the bottle neck to screw the cap against an adjustable torque.
            The machine is delivered with a format set of bottles and caps including an about 3m long transport conveyor with frequency commanded conveyor drive.
          • 扳机

          • 带有吸收和普通帽的喷雾盖盖的全自动圆形拧设置机将被弹跳。
        • 填充物

        • If foaming, liquid or paste-like, if ampoule, tube or bottle, whatsoever – we will fill them their neck!

          • 多达18,000 pc/h
          • 平滑填充数量从2到20,000毫升
          • 其他格式的简单快速改造
          • filling of the product with or without pucks
          • 免费的可编程伺服驱动器
          • 低噪声水平
            • 活塞剂量填充剂

            • 带有奇异的全自动线性填充机或停止恒星,用于产品奇异。该机器完全由CIP方便执行(例如食品领域)中的单声泵完全配备。该设备包含频率指挥的输送机驱动器。该机器可以安装杯子或普通产品填充。可以通过计算机管理对其他格式进行编程。

              所有泵,阀门和气缸均由不锈钢制成。The supply tank contains 150 liters and is situated beyond the pumps. The residual depletion is made directly by the piston. The seals are made of Viton or Variseal.
            • Mohno pump filler

            • 带有奇异的全自动线性填充机或停止恒星,用于产品奇异。该机器完全由CIP方便执行(例如食品领域)中的单声泵完全配备。该设备包含频率指挥的输送机驱动器。该机器可以安装杯子或普通产品填充。可以通过计算机管理对其他格式进行编程。


            • Piston pump filler

            • Fully automatic, 12, 18 places, circular Piston dosage filler for bottles. The recipients being singularized on the machine inlet by worm conveyor to be handed over to the feeding star. This one leads the bottles upon the bottle table beyond the filling unit. The bottles table mounts and descends, so that the filling tube plunges into the bottle to perform the filling process. During the filling, the filling tube moves slowly out of the product in the bottle. At the run-out the filled bottle is taken by the run-out star shaped conveyor to be handed over to the transport conveyor for leaving out of the machine.

            • Mohno pump filler rotating

            • Fully automatic rotating filling machine. The machine is completely equipped with mohno pumps in the CIP convenient execution (e.g. for the food sector). The equipment contains a frequency commanded conveyor drive. The machine can be fitted for service with cups or for normal product filling. Other formats can be programmed via the machine management.


          • 分类器:格式集

          • 如果塑料或不锈钢,如果6、12或24星 - 我们将为您提供好的位置!

            • 最佳填充和结束结果
            • allowing high flexibility and production efficiency
            • rapidly and simply changeable
            • 短交货延迟
            • 低生产成本