• 提供个人资料
  • Iridia是Bruxelles大学的人工智能研究实验室。它与计算智能中的理论和应用研究深深相关。

  • 研究

  • 群体智能

  • Swarm Intelligence是一种人工智能技术,涉及使用社会昆虫殖民地和其他动物社会的集体行为作为灵感来设计算法或分布的问题解决机制。群体智能系统通常由彼此与其环境相互作用的一批简单代理人组成。艾里迪亚(Iridia)是群体智能研究中最成功的两个研究领域的世界领导者:蚂蚁殖民地优化(ACO)和群机器人技术。


    • 电子服务

    • 电子服务:工程群情报系统
    • Mibisoc

    • Medical Imaging Using Bio-inspired and Soft Computing
    • 蜂窝机器人

    • 蜂窝机器人is a project sponsored by the Future and Emerging Technologies program of the European Commission (IST-2000-31010), aimed to study new approaches to the design and implementation of self-organizing and self-assembling artifacts.

      该项目持续了42个月,于2005年3月31日成功完成。自2006年10月1日以来,Swarmanoid Project将Swarm-Bots项目中所做的工作扩展到三维环境。

      Professor Marco Dorigo, the project coordinator and one of the founders of the swarm intelligence and swarm robotics research fields, has been awarded, in November 2003, the First EU Marie Curie Award, and in November 2005, the prestigious «FNRS Prize - Prix Dr A. De Leeuw-Damry-Bourlart», worth 75,000 EUR, for his contributions to artificial intelligence and robotics.

      弗朗切斯科·蒙达达(Francesco Mondada)博士是洛桑(Lausanne)EPFL群体机器人的主要设计师之一。
    • 脾脏

    • Swarmanoid项目(IST-022888)是由欧盟委员会资助的未来和新兴技术(FET-OPEN)项目。

      The main scientific objective of this research project is the design, implementation and control of a novel distributed robotic system. The system will be made up of heterogeneous, dynamically connected, small autonomous robots. Collectively, these robots will form what we call a swarmanoid. The swarmanoid that we intend to build will be comprised of numerous (about 60) autonomous robots of three types: eye-bots, hand-bots, and foot-bots.

      The Swarmanoid project is the successor project to the Swarm-bots project, and builds on the results obtained during the Swarm-bots project.

      该项目协调员是Marco Dorigo教授。
      项目协调员,群体智能和群机器人研究领域的创始人之一Marco Dorigo教授于2007年11月获得“ Cajastur国际软计算奖”。
  • 元启发式学

  • 元启发式学are widely used to solve important practical optimization problems. A metaheuristic can be seen as a general algorithmic framework which can be applied to different optimization problems with relatively few modifications to make them adapted to a specific problem. Examples of metaheuristics include ant colony optimization, evolutionary computation, iterated local search, simulated annealing, and tabu search.


    • Mibisoc

    • Medical Imaging Using Bio-inspired and Soft Computing
  • 生物信息学

  • 虹膜参与了生物信息学的几个领域。其中之一是对神经网络,免疫网络或化学反应系统等生物网络的计算研究。我们正在尝试确定所有这些特征和共同机制。所有这些网络似乎都以类似的方式增长,从而导致类似的拓扑。它们都显示出它们的结构连续变化(拓扑,节点和连接)与内部动力学(固定点,振荡或混乱)之间的相互依赖性。它们的可塑性是它们在围绕这些网络的复杂且始终改变的环境中适应性的主要原因。因此,我们还试图从它们的建模中汲取可能的灵感来构建自适应分布式工程工具的概念。
    • BIGRE

    • 生物信息学Grid Resources and Environments

    • Molecular bases of signal transduction diseases of thyroid gland
    • 聪明的

    • 适用于研究试验的统计监控
  • 商业智能

  • IRIDIA参与methodolo的发展gical support for data and text mining, adaptive control of complex systems (using fuzzy logic and neural networks) and object oriented developments. We have a large record of industrial realizations using data mining for defect recognition and time series prediction. We are teaching object oriented technologies and assisting industries, administrations and researchers in biology and chemistry to acquire and master the object oriented technology.