  • 提供个人资料
  • The ASL at Middlesex University specialize in research into自动机器人系统。我们积极参与无人驾驶汽车(UAV),无人接地车辆(UGV)和攀岩系统的尖端研究,并热衷于与免费地区的国际研究人员建立生产性联系。
  • SQ-4 - 无人机(UAV)

      • SQ-4 Small Unmanned Aerial System

      • This is a novel small unmanned aerial system(sub-400 g) which fits into a soldiers backpack.
        车辆类型:VTOL 速度:5 m/s
        长度:300毫米 耐力:15分钟
        身高:75毫米 Ceiling: 120 m
        Weight: 400 g (incl. 90 g LiPo Battery) 任务半径:1.5公里
        有效负载重量:50 g(最大) Launch: Hand/VTOL
        机翼跨度:300毫米 恢复:手/VTOL
        转子直径:7英寸道具 有效载荷传感器:两个微型录像机
        mtow:400 g 指导:GPS/高度保持
        Material: Carbon Fibre/Nylon 系统:RC
        燃料:不/a 电源类型:Lipo
  • 大挑战

  • MoD Grand Challenge 2008

  • 大挑战赛是寻找国防技术中最好的想法,以帮助解决前线部队面临的一些不断发展的威胁。它还旨在为新供应商和投资者提供进入英国国防市场的开放。2008年8月的结局,最好的球队在陆军的城市战训练设施中在艰难的条件下战斗。在Copehill Down(Fibua)训练村的Copehill Down三周,将竞争对手及其设备测试到了极限。要求竞争对手正确地识别目标,检测威胁并继电器信息回到命令。随着包括潮湿天气在内的恶劣环境条件的额外挑战,竞争对手面临着现实的场景,狙击手和平民隐藏在整个村庄中,以及简易的爆炸物,他们需要正确识别。
  • New HALO UAV

  • Based on the MoD Grand Challenge entry we have spent the last few years developing and protecting the new HALO Co-Axial Tri-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for applications in Defence, Security and the Civilian markets. This unique VTOL aircraft has six rotors and can develop a thrust of approximately 60 N. Due to its co-axial configuration and detachable arms, it is very compact and easy to transport, making it an ideal platform for short reconaissance missions and local ISTAR.
  • Kinetica艺术博览会2011

  • 作品的超现实,梦幻般的,几乎是幽灵般的动作引起了人们的惊喜和怀疑的感觉,这些感觉对显然是无生命的物体的最初令人失望和困惑。我们的概念旨在激发用户对事故发生无价欲望对象的可能性的恐惧。
  • Heineken Robot

      • Heineken Robot

      • 喜力机器人是在米德尔塞克斯大学产品设计与工程系的自治系统实验室开发的。Heineken Robot最初是在2010年2月在伦敦Kinetica艺术博览会上展出的,是一种自动驾驶微处理器控制的移动系统,用于使用Heineken的5L草本桶装系统提供啤酒。

        机器人将运行在任何平面,清晰的表面inimum dimensions: 1 m x 0.5 m. An array of Infrared sensors prevent the robot from falling off the table surface and bumping into obstacles. By placing your hand in front of and above the robot, an Ultrasonic sensor is activated, which stops it moving, you then place a half-pint beer glass under the keg tap, the robot then pours out your drink and moves on to its next customer! The robot has sensors which will let the user know when the system is running out of beer and when the batteries need to be recharged. The system has a running time of about 4 hrs between charges. The robot has been designed for ease of access to the batteries and to enable the user to changeover the keg in less than 60 seconds.
  • PC-101监视机器人

      • PC-101监视机器人

      • The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) Forensics Department are often called out to crime scenes for evidence capture, which involves taking pictures of the crime scene and associated areas. These photographs are only taken from a human height and it would be beneficial if they could be taken from an elevated perspective, as a greater amount of evidence could be captured. The MPS contacted Middlesex University as they have expertise in the field of robotics. A brief was agreed upon between both MPS and Middlesex to develop a robotic platform which could climb up existing street furniture and capture images from an elevated perspective.

        在开发阶段的这一点上,双方之间的合作尚无财务协议,因为国会议员只能深入了解需要什么类型的设备。该项目是由高级设计工程专业学生Mehmet Ali Erbil自筹资金,作为最后一年学位项目提交的一部分。
  • Rhuc天鹅断裂

      • Rhuc天鹅断裂

      • During 2007, members of the ASL designed, manufactured and programmed six life-size robots for a 60 min stage production of ‘Swan Breaks’ in collaboration with the Hip Hop dance company Robert Hylton Urban Classicism (RHUC) which premiered at the Laban Theatre, London on 11 October 2007.

        A Dance Story of love and betrayal between the natural world, humans and technology, Swan Breaks is an adaptation of ballet classic Swan Lake. Hylton is the modern day Siegfried, bored with the same attention-seeking women he searches for his perfect virtual beauty. Hooked with his lust for Odette, he is dragged into a downward spiral of addictive love, masterminded by Rothbart. Who is she, Odette or Odile, a man made fantasy. Is this computer love gone wrong with the potential for reality in personal relationships present and future?
  • SI Units (Revision) Cards

      • SI Units (Revision) Cards

      • The study and use of SI Units is fundamental to all subjects within the Engineering & Physical Sciences. The International System of Units has it’s origins in the late 17th century, however, it is now recognised worldwide as the standard by which all Science and Engineering are based.

        This revision tool, developed by members of the Autonomous Systems Lab at Middlesex University, allows the learner to practice the application, use and combination of 52 of the most frequently used SI Units. A useful pocket-sized reference to all seven SI Base Units, 22 Derived Units and 23 Other Units this product seeks to educate and demystify this complicated and heavily rule-based system. Designed for use by Engineering and Physical Sciences students at all educational levels from School, College to University degree and beyond.
  • Omni-Directional Robot

      • Omni-Directional Robot

      • ASL中的研究团队正在研究用于自动机器人运动的Omni方向车轮的设计和使用。特别令人感兴趣的是用于运动活动和游戏中应用的高速度和加速设备。
  • Shrediquette Tricopter- W. Thielicke的多动物MAV

  • 这款微型航空车是一个爱好项目。三个MEMS陀螺仪和两个轴MEMS加速度计用作传感器。它在特技飞行(“ Acro模式”)方面表现良好,但也可以自行悬停(“悬停模式”)。