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  • 提供个人资料
  • As a family business, we are oriented towards sustainable industrial research and technology development and maintain our competitiveness on the international market with innovative products and services.


  • 技术

    • Polytechnik是燃烧技术工厂最重要的供应商之一,以完美的计划和无故障的交付型旋转生物质燃烧植物而闻名,用于加热和发电。

      我们提供这些植物的性能范围从300 kW到30,000 kW(单锅炉性能)以及用于木材废物回收的特殊废热锅炉。根据燃料的类型和水含量,采用了不同的射击系统(不足的系统,不足的避难炉口和液压往复式步骤炉排)。温水,热水,蒸汽或热油被用作工艺培养基。这些植物可用于加热和加热以及发电。相应的发电性能在200千瓦的范围内 - 20,000千瓦(单涡轮机能)。制造计划中的新内容也是碳化植物和Poly H.E.L.D.燃烧技术(高效率和低灰尘,没有烟气处理)。


        • Fuels

        • Biomass is a renewable resource for cost efficient and environmentally friendly energy production.


          我们的燃烧植物涵盖了从传统生物质的默认解决方案(例如木材和林业行业的燃料)(有关分类的默认解决方案)(有关分类,请参见EN ISO 17225-1,例如:木屑,剃须,刨花,木质灰尘,切碎的木材),到定制的植物,以及定制的植物,满足特定燃料的特殊要求。

          One convincing advantage of our biomass plants originates from a special design of the combustion chamber geometry, which makes it possible to use not only high-quality resources such as wood but also agricultural by-products or other biogenic resources for a low-emission energy production while reducing energy costs at the same time.

        • CHP结合热力和电力

        • With our combined heat and power plants, Polytechnik offers you the smart and economically efficient opportunity to generate heat and electricity from biogenic fuels. Combined heat and power generation is accomplished by means of either a steam turbine or an ORC turbine (Organic Rankine Cycle).
          Our cogeneration plants on the steam basis start at classic saturated steam plants with backpressure turbines and range up to high pressure steam plants with condensing turbines. We use thermal oil as energy-carrying medium for our CHP plants for ORC turbines, which is introduced to the ORC process at approx. 310°C. ORC plants are particularly suitable for customers who show a high partial load behaviour in their heat consumption.


        • 热油

        • Polytechnik热油厂不仅用于热电联产厂中,而且在各种工业领域中都使用了热油作为加热,干燥和技术过程的能量载体(例如,贴面压机)。根据您的工艺的要求和工作温度,我们将两种矿物油和合成油提供的热油厂提供。
          Your fuel determines the design of the boiler. We offer you single-pass and multi-pass boilers for the optimisation of the operating period between two maintenances (travel time) as well as for the optimal utilisation of the available biomass.
          运营和植物安全始终是我们的重中之重。因此,默认情况下,我们包括安全设备,该设备独立保护运营人员和工厂。当然,根据最新的DIN 4754的设备已完全实施。
        • 处理蒸汽

        • Whether it is the veneer, food or brewing industry, or from the dairy industry to the cosmetics, aviation and paper industries: Polytechnik process steam plants ensure the supply for steam-processing industries in a reliable and efficient way.
          Our process steam plants turn biogenic fuels into the required steam – in exactly the required quality and quantity. They range from low-pressure steam boilers up to superheated steam boilers and high-pressure steam boilers.


        • Warm and hot water

        • Polytechnik温暖和热水植物不仅在工业部门(例如,在木材行业中用于供应干燥室),而且在社区和城市的本地和地区热能供应中也很大程度上使用。
          The plants cover the whole range from 90 – 200°C for an efficient and economical use of biogenic fuels. Depending on the heat supply’s operating temperatures (low-temperature or high-temperature circuits), flue gas condensation plants can be integrated as well, in order to increase the efficiency factor.


        • Carbonisation

        • 到目前为止,传统的vegetabl的生产e carbon involved two big problems: During the carbonisation, waste gases, which do not comply with European environmental standards, develop and the energy loss amounts to up to two thirds of the used raw material.
          Both problems can be solved by means of modern plant technologies, such as those developed by POLYTECHNIK. This makes it possible to bring the production of vegetable carbon, which in large parts has disappeared in Europe, once again closer to this huge sales market at a state-of-the-art technological level and to use suitable raw materials near their place of origin.

          The most important areas of application are the production of charcoal for consumers, the production of vegetable carbon for soil improvement (Terra Preta) as well as the production of especially high-quality coal products for the industrial sector.
          我们的蔬菜碳production plant is designed to produce products with a particularly high carbon content and a low amount of tarry pollutants. The pyrolysis procedure (conversion of biomass under heat and exclusion of air) is carried out here in form of a retort system in a batch procedure.

      • Products and components

        • Polytechnik提供创新的解决方案和整体系统 - 针对各种生物燃料和最高客户需求进行定制和优化。



            • 从设计到操作

            • 从技术的角度来看,生物质燃料能源厂的设计和构建不仅是复杂的。这就是为什么我们的专家可以从超过3,000台工厂的经验中汲取经验以及自己的供暖厂的运营,从而为我们的客户设计提供了从工厂设计到运营的服务。

              Besides others, these services are carried out:
              • 根据客户的要求,排放和授权规则以及可用的废物流/生物质的植物设计
              • combustion tests and CFD simulation (for special fuels)
              • 程序布局和计划
              • 完整工厂的3D详细规划
              • detailed calculations of plant components
              • detail and production drawings of key single components
              • manufacturing of plant components in own Polytechnik plants and by selected long-term partners
              • suitable packaging and shipping to our customers worldwide
              • 工厂安装与客户网站经理或PolyTechnik的总体责任
              • 管道和电气安装
              • plant test and commissioning
              • 操作员培训和植物切换
              • 工厂服务和优化
            • 燃料输送机和储物

            • Polytechnik’s range of services from planning to operation of the plant include the complete fuel logistics, from temporary storage to charging the combustion chamber. Based on our vast experience from thousands of plants and dozens of fuels, the silo, bunker, storage and conveyor technology are configured individually and are customer-specific.

              • vibration, through chain and belt conveyors
              • 螺丝输送机和馈线
              • 液压输送机和饲养系统
              • 分类和筛查植物
              • 磁分离器
              • 适中安全设备

              • 液压推地板
              • 圆形和方筒仓排放设备
              • 起重机系统
              • toploaders
              • 房间排放设备
            • 燃烧厂

              • air and water-cooled horizontal and step grates
              • grateless firings and combinations
              • 固定流动床

              • co-current, counterflow and centre-flow firing
              • single-pass, two-pass and multi-pass firing
              • 木制气化器

            • In order to transfer the energy of hot flue gasses from the combustion chamber into the heat recovery system, Polytechnik provides a broad range of robust and durable boiler plants in the field of boiler technology. The heat exchangers are equipped with automatic heating surface cleaning systems in order to guarantee highest efficiency for the whole load range, low operation and maintenance costs.

              • 水和气管锅炉
              • thermal oil boilers
              • 单通道,两通道和多通设计

              • 温水(最多105°C)
              • hot water (up to 200°C)
              • 饱和蒸汽(最多68 bar)
              • low-pressure steam (up to 1 bar)
              • 过热蒸汽(最大480°C)
              • 热油(最高320°C)
              • 温暖/热空气
              • hot gas

              • 有或不持续监督


              • European Pressure Equipment Guideline PED 97/23/EG
              • PB10-574-03
              • EN 12952
              • EN 12953

            • 在燃烧木材和生物质期间产生的灰烬已通过低温系统完全自动排放,并转移到容器和/或筒仓设施中以临时存储。
              The following systems have proven to be especially reliable and low-maintenance with Polytechnik plants:

              • ash shut-off valves
              • vibrating, belt and through chain conveyors
              • screw conveyors
              • ash conditioning and sorting plants

            • Polytechnik植物的控制和调节
              A programmable logic controller (PLC), which translates oxygen inflows, combustion chamber temperature, flue gas recirculation, gas and combustion air temperature, material quantity and humidity, inlet and return flow temperature, steam and system pressure and consumption of the individual consumers into command signals, is used for the fully automatic control and regulation of the energy plant.
              Plant operation runs fully automatic, from the supply of biomass to the control of energy producers, tuned to the demand of consumers to whom the energy is supplied.

              This regulation, which was developed by us and was already put to use multiple times, utilises a physical model of the firing and the heat exchanger in order to internally predict the required parameters (ventilators’ speeds, flap positions, fuel supply, etc.) as precisely as possible. Consequently, the regulation systems only have to compensate for the small deviations between the calculation model and the real plant, which enables a more precise adherence to the setpoint values.

            • 植物和过程的可视化也称为人机界面(HMI)。Polytechnik的主要目标是为我们的客户设计该工厂的控件。应要求,所有工厂参数均通过PolyTechnik的流程可视化处理,并在单个图形中进行了记录以及交织图表和统计信息:

              • 过程操作和条件的完全图形可视化
              • combustion chamber cameras
              • 通过PolyTechnik的用户界面使用单个菜单和工具栏的工厂操作
              • 归档过程数据库中的测量和通知
              • 报告和确认事件
              • 记录当前过程数据和记录的存档数据
              • user and access rights management

            • Depending on the fuel, size of the plant and the customer’s requirement, the flue gases from biomass energy plants are cleaned before they are directed outside via the chimney system.
              • 一氧化碳(CO)
              • 颗粒物(PM10,PM2.5)
              • 氮氧化物(NOX)
              • organic hydrocarbons (VOC / HC)
              • 氯和硫化合物(HCL和SOX)
              • 重金属
              • dioxins and furans (PCDDs/PCDFs)

              The following technologies are successfully utilised in Polytechnik energy plants for the reduction of these emissions:
              • 空气登台的绝热射击
              • centrifugal separators as well as single and multi-cyclones
              • electrostatic precipitators (e-filters)
              • tube and bag filters
              • scrubbers and flue gas condensations
              • 添加剂的吸附和吸收植物
              • 硝化植物(SNCR和SCR)

            • 剩余的热利用率

            • 为了剥夺锅炉厂的废气,含有宝贵的残余能量并节省燃料和运营成本,在理工厂植物中安装了锅炉后的各种下游热交换器。如果正确设计,它们将废气冷却到露点上方,并使用所获得的热量,例如用于进料水预热,以增加回流温度和/或用于预热燃烧空气。根据设计的不同,工厂的效率可以提高5%至10%。

              • warm and feed water economiser
              • thermal oil economiser
              • combustion air pre-heating
              • 燃油干燥机
            • 热恢复

            • In order to maintain a high plant efficiency at every point of the operation even with wet fuel, flue gases can be cooled down below the flue gas dew point. Steam and accompanying substances (including particulate matter) are condensed and the released condensation heat is transferred to a heat carrier medium (low-temperature).
              These systems, which often are referred to as flue gas condensation plants, utilise the latent heat content of the fuel gas and in turn significantly reduce the fuel input and CO2 emissions.