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  • Offer Profile
  • TÜV Rheinland is a leading international technical service provider. Our goal is to be the world’s best independent provider of technical services for testing, inspection, certification, consultation and training.
    Since 1872, we have been developing solutions to ensure the safety, quality and economic efficiency of the interaction between man, technology and the environment. We firmly believe that social and technological progress is inextricably linked together.
    Safety, quality, health, efficiency and compliance are the results of our work, service is our profession; economic efficiency is our mission and customer satis¬faction is our motivation. This applies to our operations in all markets, be they local or global.
  • Plants and Machinery

  • 利用我们的审计人员和专家知道,how - so that everything runs smoothly on your end. TÜV Rheinland can offer intelligent solutions - for maximum safety, functionality, and trouble-free operations of your plants and systems. From elevators to solar power stations - we have the expertise and accreditations you're looking for.
  • Renewable Energy Sources

  • Wind power, solar thermal energy, and photovoltaic energy are becoming increasingly important in the energy mix. The same applies to their quality, safety, and performance capacity. We support manufacturers, operators, and service providers in the market for renewable energy with all aspects of plant safety, technical safety, quality assurance, and profitability.
      • Biogas Plants

      • Green Energy from Biowaste

        Our experts help manufacturers and operators of biogas plants through all phases - from planning and construction to safe plant operations. So you can maximize legal certainty in dealings with authorities and minimize your risk of outages and accidents.

        Benefits At A Glance
        With services for biogas plants by TÜV Rheinland, you:
        • Gain planning and operational peace of mind throughout all phases of the project.
        • Minimize the risks of outage and plant failure.
        • Benefit from our long-standing customer and industry experience, our high quality standards, and our neutrality.
        • 依靠我们拥有训练有素的人员的大型专家网络的支持。
        我们的服务for Biogas Plants at a Glance
        • Planning and approval document check
        • Consulting for technical optimization processes of your plant for heat supply systems and CHP concepts
        • Review of the plant in terms of the relevant building regulations and codes
        • Review of the plant in terms of requirements for building permits and the authorization notification
        • 安全设备的审查,包括电气和闪电系统
        • 创建爆炸保护文件和风险评估
        • Testing of steel chimneys for compliance with DIN V 4133
        • Staff training
        • 评估
        • Certification of plant material flow in compliance with EEG
      • 燃料电池

      • Ensure Your Fuel Cells Comply with All Safety Regulations
        If your company produces fuel cells for consumer use, your product must comply with the ANSI Z21.83 “Fuel Cell Power Plants” standard.
        TüvRheinland根据ANSI Z21.83以及其他标准和准则,例如根据其适用性,为美国和加拿大提供测试服务。

        As a partner for developing and testing this technology – including regulatory consulting of all safety aspects and assessment of conformity to regulations and standards – we are highly knowledgeable in fuel cell technology and can assure you top-quality service.

        With fuel cells services from TÜV Rheinland, you can be sure of:
        • Safety and quality
        • Conformity to standards set by ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
        • CE marking and other requirements
        • 更大的市场获取
        • Meeting set standards and regulations
        • TüvRheinland的独家一站式服务
        • 用中性审核密封对抗竞争的领先优势
        • Reduced risk of company liability with documented safety standards
        • Fast audit times and long-standing experience from a company with a global presence and reputation
        • Compliance with local government and legal requirement

        Testing for the U.S. and Canada is conducted in accordance with the ANSI Z21.83 “Fuel Cell Power Plants" standard.

        CE标记燃料电池的测试通常包括对标准IEC/EN 62282“燃料电池技术”的评估,2006/95/EC“低压指令”,98/37/EC“工业机械指令”,2004/108/108/EC“ EMC指令”及其统一标准适用。

        其他指令和标准可能是相关的,具体取决于燃料系统的规模和设计 - 例如,94/9/EC“ ATEX指令”,97/23/EC“压力设备指令”以及该国其他可能的要求指定的安装。


        • Quote
        • Document/application submission
        • 初步调查
        • Testing
        • Certification
      • Photovoltaics

      • Eco-Friendly Energy Production
        Photovoltaics is one of the pillars of renewable energy production. TÜV Rheinland can support manufacturers and service providers by testing the quality of their PV modules, PV components, and PV systems. TÜV Rheinland’s new Solar Energy Assessment Center in Cologne has been in operation since June 2009. With optimized process flows and state-of-the-art testing and simulation facilities, the 2,000-square-meter center is one of the world’s leading test laboratories.

        With TÜV Rheinland’s PV testing services, you:
        • 从TüvRheinland在光伏领域的30年经验中获利
        • Take advantage of the capacities of our seven test laboratories, which offer you fast, first-class service all over the world
        • Gain a partner that has earned worldwide acceptance
        • 赚取Tuvdotcom质量密封件,以证明您的光伏组件和光伏系统已通过国家和国际标准进行了测试,以确保其高质量,安全性和可靠性
        We perform:
        • 标准测试条件和容量测量以及电致发光分析
        • Qualification, certification, and tests according to international standards
          IEC 61215, IEC 61646, IEC 61730, IEC 62108, ANSI/UL1703, and IEC 61701
          Tests for special conditions, for example, for ammonium or transport loads
        • Yield measurements
        • Long-term testing, for example, open-air weathering tests
        We qualify and certify:
        • PV安装系统(帧)
        • PV backing films
        • PV connectors, including T-connectors and Y-connectors TUV
        • PV sockets
        • PV逆变器
        Complete PV Systems
        We perform:
        • Energy yield prognosis
        • 现场评估,包括收益率评估
        • 光伏系统资格和认证
        • PV inspections and PV acceptance
        • Defect and damage assessments
        • 光伏系统监控
        • Project Certification of large PV installations (TUVdotCOM)
        Qualification of Manufacturers and Service Providers
        We perform:
        • “Power-controlled” certification, including confirmation of module capacity
        • Flasher classification (sun simulators)
        • Calibration of PV measurement systems
        • Certification of PV installation operations
        • Monitoring of manufacturing facilities
        • 货运前检查
        • Transport loads tests
      • Solar Power Plants

      • 太阳能生产工业能源
        TÜV Rheinland provides a one-stop shop service for companies that operate or invest in grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems and solar thermal power plants. Adapted to your project phases, we can help you ensure plant safety and reliability. We can also support you in achieving and maintaining profitability for large-scale PV systems and solar thermal power plants – from choosing the right site to full-scale operations.

        With project support and certification of your solar power plant from TÜV Rheinland, you can:
        • Be certain – as an operator, general contractor, or investor – of the high quality of your plant, knowing that it complies with applicable standards and regulations
        • Achieve investment security through risk minimization and the necessary bankability
        • 从现场评估到全面运营
        • 现场评估,包括检查和阴影分析
        • Yield forecasts using simulation software
        • Review of yield assessment for plausibility and consideration of identifiable yield losses
        • 支持招标和出价评估的呼吁
        • Assessment of the proposed plant concept, including support in the selection of components, plant design, and security strategy
        • Component testing, for example, type examinations, performance measurements on PV modules, and CSP mirror testing
        • Supervision of construction
        • Audit of an installation for durability and safety
        • Start-up including feed-in verification
        • Plant monitoring with yield check and yield evaluation
        • Project support in all project phases
        • 定期测试
        • Expert assessment service
      • 太阳热系统

      • Tapping the Sun’s Power to Generate Heat
        Along with their capacity, the reliability and service life of solar panels are key factors when considering installation of a solar power plant. National and international companies rely on TÜV Rheinland’s solar thermal test laboratory and its testing and certification services to ensure the quality, safety, reliability, and performance of their solar thermal products. Our laboratory’s services comply with the DIN/EN/ISOIEC 17025 norm. In addition, ours is an accredited test laboratory for DIN CERTCO for Solar Keymark and by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation (SRCC).

        With TÜV Rheinland as your partner for testing and certifying solar thermal products, you can:
        • Certify the quality of your products’ performance, reliability, safety, and functionality
        • Facilitate access to European and American markets, increasing your sales potential
        • Obtain certification of your products’ eligibility for subsidies in Germany
        Individual Tests
        • Impact strength
        • Cyclical pressure and tensile stress
        • 气候室内的材料测试:冻结性
        • Material testing in UV chamber
        • 红外摄像机的热力计研究
        • 验证电气组件的安全性和可靠性
        Overview of Solar Thermal Qualification Testing
        • Collector testing on flat and vacuum tube collectors that comply with European standard EN 12975 and SRCC standard 100:
        • Performance testing of warm water storage in compliance with European standard EN 12977-3
        • 检查吸收器和内部热冲击测试
        • Inspection of standardized systems
          例如,基于欧洲标准EN 12976的性能和质量测试,用于集成存储收集器和热烟系统系统
        • 检查特定客户系统
          Testing of collectors, regulators, and storage systems with component testing system simulation (CTSS) based on the European prestandard ENV 12977
      • 风力涡轮机发电机

      • 风能:精心设计和成本效益
        Our services cover every aspect of wind power, allowing you to combine profitability and safety. At TÜV Rheinland we support you in all matters to do with technical safety, providing the basis for a long operating life and cost-effective operation of your wind turbine generators (WTG). From site analysis to inspections during installation, from acceptance tests to certification – our experts offer the full range of services as a one-stop shop.

        With TÜV Rheinland’s services for inspecting and certifying wind turbine generators, you can:
        • Reduce plant outages
        • 增强维护物流计划
        • 降低维护成本
        • Receive an independent assessment of quality, also in the case of legal disputes
        • 受益于单个来源的综合服务
        • Benefit from greater acceptance in the market
        我们的服务from Planning to Decommissioning
        Our experts offer comprehensive services covering every aspect of wind turbine generator operation. These include:
        • 场地分析和评估和地下调查
        • Noise emission and emission forecasts, shade projections, and damage reports
        • Plausibility checks for standard designs and advice on individual modifications in accordance with state construction legislation
        • 对混凝土制造商的监督,包括所有零件和组件
        • 结构分析的协调和结构分析的官方审查
        • 测量负载,输出曲线,控制行为和电气特性的测量
        • 防火概念,报告和避雷针
        • Legal discovery focused on infrastructure, transport routes, and more
        • Quality control and supervision of tower and foundation construction, including all parts and components
        • Risk analysis of, for example, rotor blade failures or falling ice
        • Structural inspection certificates and load capacity and serviceability certificates for rotor blades, towers, and foundations
        • Acceptance tests and inspections prior to commissioning
        • Building inspections by the testing agencies of TÜV Rheinland LGA
        • 定期检查,包括根据机械法规和转子刀片检查检查的检查
        • 设计负载检查
        • 保修到期之前的检查
        • 通过安全课程和维修教练,您的员工的基本和高级培训是服务钳工和服务机制
        • Rehabilitation concepts
        • Damage analysis
        • 退役,包括用于融资的成本计算,准备招标文件,法律发现以及处置建议
  • Climate and Environmental Protection

  • 您充分意识到自己对环境的责任。公司议程的气候保护和能源效率很高。我们可以衡量,认证并提供有关排放,imissions,噪音和隔热材料的建议,并以符合主要事件法规的运营商的义务。
      • Climate Protection and Emissions Trade

      • For the Success of Your Climate Protection Projects

        京都机制提供真正的商业opportunities for you as a project owner, developer or participant - without compromising on the importance of satisfying all project-level requirements.

        TÜV Rheinland is a United Nations (UN) accredited validation agency, known as a Designated Operational Entity (DOE). We can carry out the obligatory validation of your CDM project within the scope of all sectors, including energy generation and distribution, chemical, construction, transportation, mining, metal production, manufacturing and agricultural industries. Once validated, your project can then be submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

        TÜV Rheinland is also an Accredited Independent Entity (AIE) and offers determination and verification services in conjunction with JI projects.

        Benefits of Our Climate Protection Services at a Glance
        With support from TÜV Rheinland for your climate protection projects and climate protection issues, you can:
        • Take advantage of our international reputation as an independent testing body.
        • Rely on comprehensive services for your climate protection projects.
        • Use our CDM validation and verification services as an accredited DOE.
        • 完成成功的JI或CDM项目。
        • 从可交易的排放证书中受益。
        • 以可信和透明的方式报告您在欧盟排放交易系统下的年温室气体排放。
        Our services:
        • CDM验证和验证
        • Validation and Verification in the VER Area
        • 我们为欧盟排放交易计划的服务
        • Eco-Friendly Electricity Certification and Bio Natural Gas Certification
      • Corporate Carbon Footprint

      • Your Company's CO2 Footprint
        How climate-friendly is your company? Take the first step on your way to certification as a "climate neutral company" with "Corporate Carbon Footprint" certification. Established as a measure of the environmental impact in the climate debate, the carbon footprint is an important part of holistic environmental assessments. It measures all greenhouse gases that occur along the value chain in your company.

        TÜV Rheinland provides ISO 14064-compliant carbon footprint services, which help your enterprise learn more about the conditions of, and possible liabilities and risks associated with your GHG emissions. Carbon footprint assessment allows your company to demonstrate its corporate social responsibility (CSR) and promote sustainable low-carbon development.



        Benefits At A Glance
        With the assistance of TÜV Rheinland to determine your corporate carbon footprint, you:
        • improve your energy efficiency with lower operating costs
        • identify the most cost-effective opportunities for emission reduction and save costs by reducing CO2 emissions
        • 碳足迹评估在与较低气候友好的公司竞争时为您提供强烈的争论
        • 提高所有过程的透明度并确定“排放热点”
        • 实现您的减排目标并提高排放数据的透明度,从而提高利益相关者的信心
        • 通过证明温室气体量化,监视和报告的信誉,一致性和清晰度来提高可靠性
        • Build a basis for development and implementation of a future GHG management strategy
        • Improve management of internal GHG data and processes
        • Can take advantage of an effective public marketing tool

        TÜV Rheinland helps you determine your company's carbon footprint and provides services for calculating, declaring, and attaining climate neutral emissions.

      • Emissions

      • 空气污染控制:测量 - 评估 - 建议
        One of the basic goals of environmental protection is to eliminate or reduce harmful emissions – to safeguard the environment from air, soil, and surface water contamination and to protect populace from pollution. TÜV Rheinland can inspect your facilities – from large emission facilities to biogas plants, from waste incinerators to crematoria – in accordance with immission control regulations and technical air quality control instructions. In addition, we can also advise you on how to reduce odor and pollutant emissions along with plant modernization.

        • Ensure compliance with statutory regulations
        • 积极地有助于保护环境免受空气,土壤和地表水的污染
        • Ensure economical and reliable operation
        Our Range of Services
        • Emissions measurements at plants required to comply with immission control regulations and technical air quality control instructions
        • 功能测试和校准 - 符合DIN EN 14181 NORM或VDI 3950的AST和QAL2 - 连续测量和监视废气的装置
        • 确定安装位置连续s sampling equipment and the measurement points to use for comparison – in compliance with the DIN EN 15259 (VDI 4200) norm – as well as issuing installation certificates
        • Preparation of strategies to measure and monitor thermal processes, such as in a combustion chamber
        • Measurement and consultation for thermal processes and process engineering, including exhaust gas purification
        • 作为远程排放监视框架的一部分(使用排放评估计算机)的一部分,用于获取,评估和传输数据的系统的测试和参数化用于监管机构
        • 监视废气和过程参数的策略
        • In-house measurements, for example, for plant optimization
        • Assessment, measurement, and consultation for processes and process engineering in exhaust gas purification and the state of the art of related technologies
        • Measurement and monitoring of material flows and trace substances of all types; expert assessment for acceptance testing and preparation of heat and material balances and guarantees
        • Measurement of odors and dispersal of odors; predictions on dispersal of odors along with consultation on measures to minimize them
      • 商业和行业的能源效率

      • Save Money and Preserve the Environment through Efficient Energy Use

        With support from TÜV Rheinland in matters related to energy efficiency, you can:
        • Implement a continuous improvement process that increases efficiency by taking a comprehensive view of all sources of energy used
        • Benefit from the introduction of an energy management system that offers well-defined, systematic optimization processes
        • Polish your corporate image as far as sustainable development is concerned, by earning a highly recognized TÜV Rheinland certification
      • GIS Consulting

      • Geodata:公司和市政当局的附加值
        Business processes are increasingly being optimized with the help of a rapid increase in geodata that is available. Do you want to know which sales region generates the highest sales? Or find out where your service technicians conduct the most service calls? Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – tailored to the needs and issues of your company or municipality – can provide the answers to these questions. Our experts for geodata collection and processing use all types of geodata in an extremely wide variety of projects to answer geographically linked business questions. See our list of references for examples of the sorts of projects we manage.

        Geographic Information Systems are now a virtually indispensable part of both municipal and business life. As an independent consultant, we can help you introduce new GI systems and integrate and migrate such systems into existing IT planning. Along with general consulting, our services also include drafting specifications and detailed concepts, as well as support throughout the contracting process, including preparing and evaluating documentation for tenders and bids.

        • Take advantage of neutral and product-independent consulting services that cover the full range of GI systems and geodata – because our employees are perfectly acquainted with this type of heterogeneous market
        • 永久提高您的效率并可以根据我们一致的方法扩大您的产品范围
        • Can rest assured that any of your projects that deal with geographic questions are perfectly executed, thanks to our many years of experience in working with geodata
        • GIS Consulting
        • Geodata处理
        • Geodata Collection
        • Street Cadastre and Object Registration
        • Split Wastewater Charges
      • Green IT

      • Energy-Efficient and Sustainable IT
        计算能力消耗电能。信息and computer technology requires energy for data processing, cooling, and an uninterruptible power supply. But, do you know exactly how much energy your IT systems consume? Let TÜV Rheinland guide your company to higher energy efficiency and lower CO2 emissions with our comprehensive analysis and monitoring services. Besides helping you lower your energy consumption and costs over the long term, we can help boost your company’s positive image.

        With TÜV Rheinland as your partner in IT energy efficiency, you can:
        • 确定您的IT景观消耗多少电力
        • Get competent advice on the best ways to increase efficiency
        • 永久降低能源成本
        • Achieve certification of your corporate social responsibility from an independent certifying body
      • Immissions

      • 测试架上的空气质量

        • Take advantage of state-of-the-art technology for measurements and expert assessments
        • 为您的监管许可生成排放预测
        • 确保符合法定要求of immissions control regulations (Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz (BImSchG))
        • Take advantage of our expertise as an authorized measurement agency
          (in compliance with §26 of the 28th BImSchG)
      • 噪音和振动保护

      • Get Effective Protection against Noise, Vibration, and Shock
        保护当地居民,员工和您的环境免受噪音和振动。TüvRheinland为市政当局和工业公司提供了各种有效的噪声控制服务。从对现有条件的分析和噪声控制策略的发展到实施噪声控制措施 - 我们可以帮助您开发可持续的方法来保护您的公民或员工。

        With TÜV Rheinland as your noise and vibration control partner, you:
        • Rely on state-of-the-art technology for measurements, calculations, and expert assessments
        • Receive competent advice on all environmental protection matters
        • Benefit from the know-how of our highly experienced experts and our certification as an authorized institute for air pollution control in accordance with pollution control regulations (§26 of the Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz, BImSchG)
        Our Areas of Expertise
        • Architectural acoustics and construction physics
        • Industrial noise
        • 城市土地使用计划中的噪声控制技术
        • Traffic noise
        • 环境噪音
        • Sports and recreation noise
        • Construction noise
        • 机械噪音和振动
        • Noise and vibration in the workplace
        • Vibration
      • 适用性测试 - QAL1认证

      • 适用性测量测试
        The best environmental protection is based on tested and certified instruments that continuously measure and monitor emissions and ambient air quality. In our suitability-testing laboratory, we test and can certify the instruments you use to monitor emissions and determine ambient air conditions. Our tests and certifications comply with the DIN EN 15267 series of regulations. And our tests for instruments that monitor ambient air conditions comply with the relevant guidelines.

        With TÜV Rheinland’s suitability testing for automatic measurement systems, you can:
        • Ensure that your equipment is tested in accordance with the latest requirements
        • 利用我们的空气污染控制专家的全面专业知识
        • 支持通知适用性和认证
      • 雨水管理

      • 确保EPA遵守雨水管理
        The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandates compliance to standards created in an effort to reduce storm water discharges from new development and redevelopment.

        TÜV Rheinland provides complete storm water management services, including erosion control design, storm water monitoring, pollution prevention, and assistance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm water permits.

        Our services are performed by qualified, experienced personnel in a timely and cost effective manner. These experts are certified in storm water collection, testing, sampling, analysis, and testing.

        With storm water management services from TÜV Rheinland, you can be sure of:
        • 符合已建立的EPA标准和安全合规性
        • 预防和管理
        • A lead against the competition with an independent third-party certification
        • Reduced risk of company liability with documented safety standards
        • Fast audit times and our long-standing experience
        • TüvRheinland的独家一站式服务
        • 遵守地方政府和法律要求