导航:EXPO21XX>游艇21 xx>H03:摩托艇> Elan Marine


自1949年以来,ELAN一直从事海洋导向工艺的生产,从制造由防水木板制成的船只,皮划艇,独木舟,双桨开始,在1950年至1952年取得了最大的成功。在接下来的六年中,Elan将其制造转向了折叠橡胶皮艇的生产。1957年和1958年,Elan接到了来自美国的订单,制造了大约700艘游艇和其他船只,并冠以“奥林匹亚”的名字。1962年开始用增强聚酯纤维生产船只。这种材料在当时意味着游艇建造方面的革命性创新。第一个聚酯模型是一艘3.5米长的船,用于平静的水域。它有三个变种:海王星1号、海王星2号和命运号。在生产的第一年就生产了100多艘这样的船,并出口到瑞典。斯堪的纳维亚设计系列的船:标记011,013和015,有一个非常宽的船尾和相对较高的干舷。它们非常稳定,而且能很好地保持方向,适合极端天气条件。 Due to their quality and Lloyd’s Certificate, they were of interest to more demanding buyers. In the 70’s boats by the name of Turist were being manufactured. Models: T 240, 375, 400, 410, 480, 495 and finally 401. In fact, out of all the motor boats they were the most sucessfully marketed craft. At the height of its manufacture up to 600 of them were made, and over 10.000 during the 27 years of their existence. Among the motor boats that emerged in the period from the 70’s to the 90’s, the following models deserve mentioning: Elan 600 cabin, Elan 23 Walkaround and the largest yet, the 11-metre Elan 35 Power that emerged in 1988. The motor individual owners and also the police. More than 300 boats models T410, E-15c/c, Pasara, GT495F, E-17c/c, E18c/c, E-18 cabin, E20 c/c and 22FL were manufactured and sold annualy until the end of the production of smaller boats in 2003. The same year, in line with our vision to become one of the world’s major boat builders, we decided to expand our brand portfolio and to strenghten our position on the market of the motor yachts. In order to fulfill that vision, the Power range was developed. The first boat in the range is the Elan Power 35 and two years later introduced Elan Power 42, both designed by world-famous yacht designer Tony Castro.


  • 舱室动力艇
  • 租游艇
  • 游艇游弋
  • 巡航/竞赛帆船
  • 天巡洋舰
  • 机动游艇
  • 动力游艇
  • 游艇