

它开始小。只有13英尺长。这艘船与1958年波士顿船展上的其他船都不一样。但那艘小船却产生了巨大的影响。这是一个传奇的开始。很快,第一艘波士顿捕鲸船——以及随后的七万多艘类似的捕鲸船——到处都是。还要处理一些13英尺长的船都应付不了的大水。这个传说了。有故事说这艘船即使装满了水也能载十个人。在1000发自动武器射击后,它仍然漂浮在水面上。 That could run when it was cut in half - as long as you've got the half with the engine. The stories were true. Unibond™ foam-filled construction makes the Whaler unsinkable. An amazing innovation then. One that's still exceptional today. A totally unsinkable boat. The innovation continued. Whaler pioneered the center console. An inverted chine system for a drier ride. Advanced hull shapes. The design evolved into everything from dinghies to big-muscled offshore fishing machines. And the legend kept growing. Kids everywhere spent their summers in a swimsuit and a Whaler. Fishermen relied on Whalers to take them out where the big ones hide. Parents counted on them to bring children back safe and sound. Families piled everyone, and everything you could imagine, into Whalers for fun on the water. You can still get a boat just like the one that started it all back in 1958. But today you can choose from many more, each one creating a new legend all its own