

像所有的Baja®船,第一个模型是特别的。在一个大胆的动力和决心的展示中,四个业主/员工在一个废弃的轮滑溜冰场组装了原始设计。他们在资源上的不足,用动力来弥补——一心一意地打造世界上性能最好的游艇。在接下来的两年里,Baja Boats诞生了,一条14到20英尺的产品线,包括经典的CT 150赛车设计,形成了。巴哈在20世纪70年代迅速扩张,拥有19英尺长的巡洋舰和弓箭手。190 TC将他们分开与它的使用集成灯,造型,打破了模具,并从一个19英尺见过的最好的性能。在接下来的十年里,他们不断完善自己的非传统设计,进一步巩固了巴哈的风格和作为创新者的地位。而不是寻找其他船只制造商的灵感,巴哈率先专门追求运动船市场。1978年,他们推出了第一艘高性能的大型游艇Carrera 240,这一举动得到了回报。当1979年的Carrera SS Bowrider在第一年就获得了《动力船》杂志的“年度船”奖时,他们知道自己成功了! In the 1980s, they successfully expanded the Baja line to include distinctively styled, world-class offshore boats like the 240 Sport and the 420. Their interest and attention were directed more and more toward creating bigger, better offshore products with improved design and structural integrity. After all, progressive product development has always been the core of the Baja philosophy. As they expanded their line in the early 1990s, Baja confirmed its place as the industry leader in style, performance and quality. The .38 Special™ and the 272 served notice that Baja wasn't going to let up! They kept pushing the envelope - introducing the 20 Outlaw™ and 32 Outlaw™ with modern performance styling for the power-hungry, speed-seeking, hard-core offshore runner.