导航:EXPO21XX>游艇21 xx>H11:发动机和推进韦斯特贝克公司



韦斯特贝克公司由老约翰·h·韦斯特贝克于1937年创立。公司从事柴油和汽油船用发动机和发电机、工业柴油发电机和船用空调的设计、制造和销售。自公司成立以来,westbeke为各种用途设计和制造柴油发动机和发电机。早在1938年,韦斯特贝克是第一个公司引进底特律柴油6-71进入海洋使用。1959年,公司开始生产帕金斯公司生产的小型柴油发动机。这为主要用于帆船辅助动力的小型船用柴油创造了市场。同样的发动机也被用于船用柴油发电机。20世纪80年代,该公司推出了一系列安静、紧凑、轻便、可靠的发电机,使船用柴油市场发生了革命性的变化。目前,该公司从几个主要制造商的柴油和汽油发动机。westbeke发动机的功率范围为7到170马力,而发电机的功率范围为3.8到95千瓦。westbeke还为高度专业化的应用设计和制造发动机和发电机,其中一些是非海洋应用。 These include special sub-zero cold start generators for the Aurora Australis project at the reactivated Admiral Byrd base in the Antarctic, an eight hundred kilowatt standby diesel generator in use by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Lottery Commission, and a custom mobile generators for use by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency in measuring air quality in the Adirondack Mountains. Westerbeke developed and was issued a US patent on a LubeCell - a device which injects oil into the cylinders to improve cold weather startup of diesel engines. The Company employs over 120 full time people. The Company's executive and administrative offices and manufacturing operations are located in Taunton, Massachusetts in an approximately 110,000 square foot facility owned by the Company.