

1991年,Tigé诞生了。它的第一个模特因其突破性的激流回游表演而获得“年度最佳新秀”(记住激流回旋吗?)。Cobe Mikacich于1995年在Wakeboard Worlds获得了银牌,并加入Tigé队,担任居民专业人士和骑马顾问。同样在1995年,经过多年的发展,Tigé引入了Taps-daria-able船体,彻底改变了内侧的船体,并在不断增长的滑水人群中产生了轰动。TAPS获得了美国专利,并很快被Waterski Magazine称为“十年创新”。1996年,将Tigé2200V引入了渴望唤醒的群众。第一台带有水龙头唤醒的TigéSport-V成为全世界骑手的新标准。克里斯·比乔夫(Chris Bischoff)于1996年加入了Cobe和Tigé队。Tigé于1998年推出了21V Riders Edition,这是第一艘专门为滑水而设计和建造的船。21V骑手从船体上设计出最佳的唤醒性能,并结合了对骑手生活方式很重要的创新功能。Tigé经过最高的Pro-Riders进行了广泛的水评估,以其受欢迎的2200V名被评为年度最佳Wakeboard Boat。 Conducted by L10 Magazine, this was the first year for the testing and award. Tigé was the official towboat of the first Wakeboard World Cup in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1999 Tigé earned second Wakeboard Boat of the Year designation for its 21V Riders Edition. The Tigé 2300V Limited joined the 21V Riders as the new riders ideal for precision pro wakes and lifestyle accommodation. Cobe and Bisch hit the road for the first cross-country Tigé bus tours, holding riding clinics and spreading the wakeboarding word to thousands across America. Also in 1999, Erik Ruck and Cathy Williams joined the Tigé team. Erik went on to win his first World Cup event. Cathy won the 2000 European Pro Tour. In 2000, Daniel Watkins joined the Tigé team and was ranked in world's top five. Tigé won Wakeboard Boat of the Year for the third time, this time wakeboard boat manufacturers evaluated and ranked their peers. The Tigé 2300V Limited takes the honors. In the same year, Tigé Road Show went global. Cobe went down under. Tigé Boats was named the Official Towboat for the 2000 World Wakeboard Championships in Montpeiler, France, one of five major wakeboard boat companies considered for the honor. In 2001 Tigé introduced the 22i Type R, the first direct-drive watersport boat designed specifically for wakeboarding. Tigé developed the 20v, inspiring innovation and performance. Pro Riders Keith Lyman and Wayne Mawer joined the Tigé team. True to the Tigé legacy, Pro Riders Erik Ruck and Daniel Watkins won big in world-class contests. Tigé was named 2002 Official World Wakeboard Championship Towboat - held in Sun City, South Africa. Tigé signed three-year agreement for sponsorship of the World Wakeboard Championships in 2001, 2002 & 2003.