

Aquanaut游艇荷兰有限公司拥有一个由50名工匠组成的团队,用钢铁建造了广为人知的Aquanaut机动巡洋舰。巡洋舰的长度为9至15米,分为3个型号线,有40多种变体。从“铺设龙骨”到最终的质量控制,一切都在公司内部完成。事实上,他们是荷兰第一家有资格获得ISO 9001证书的游艇制造商,他们必须遵守最严格的质量控制。不同型号的Aquanaut也可以从他们的家乡喷嚏克租用。风景如画的斯涅克镇位于弗里斯兰省,是独特而杰出的美丽的“湖区”的中心点,具有前所未有的可能性。客户经常用旧的Aquanaut巡洋舰换新的型号。这些被交换的潜水员经过彻底检查后就会被投放市场。由于他们多年的经验,新主人是保证可靠的购买。他们有许多这部分交换巡洋舰出售。 Aquanaut Yachting Holland ltd is also the only company in the Netherlands chosen by the Finnish builder of quality polyester boats -the Bella, Flipper and the Falcon, from fishing boat to fast motor cruiser. Aquanaut Yachting Holland ltd is also a main dealer for Yamaha outboard engines, Yamarin fishing boats and Yam inflatable. They are also agents for Harris Kayot roomy speedboats and covered boats.