

Ozone的团队由飞行员组成,包括世界冠军和全国冠军;他们都是热情的自由飞行者,喜欢自由飞行的简单和美丽。飞行是有趣的,它是你的运动,你应该享受它。Ozone的理念是为您提供“最先进的”性能,从安全的滑翔伞和纯粹的乐趣飞行,无论你是什么水平的飞行员。在过去的十年中,滑翔伞的设计和发展一直是由比赛飞行员对更多性能的需求所驱动的。这导致滑翔伞制造商投入了大量的资源,为世界上很小比例的飞行员开发设计。Ozone将所有的研发资源集中在认证的滑翔伞上,让每个人都能享受到。Ozone的设计简介很简单。为了生产安全的滑翔机,既要给飞行员信心,又要保留飞行乐趣的动态感觉。在正常飞行速度下,我们正在全力研发滑翔伞的操纵特性、灵敏度和安全性。 We believe this is much more important than the quest to gain the \'winning edge\' through top end speed. Confidence in your wing is a far greater asset than any gain in performance - ask any of the many pilots who have flown our gliders to wins all over the world. Our base in the south of France is right beneath Gourdon, one of the most reliable flying sites in the world. With good soaring conditions over 300 days of the year we are able to test and develop our gliders far more than most other manufacturers. All the extra airtime we get on our wings ensures that every glider we release is as perfect as it can be.