导航:EXPO21XX>游艇21 xx>H09:水上运动三角洲苍蝇



“真正的”飞行员认识我们很久了:从1981年开始。在斯图加特附近一个叫Holzgerlingen的小村庄,Hans Madreiter开始开发和制造悬挂式滑翔机的安全带。在接下来的几年里,他增加了一些产品和服务,不断增加的需求需要扩大项目的一个新的市场部分:滑翔伞。在欧洲,deltafly滑翔伞很快就出名了。自1990年以来,DELTAFLY坐落在斯图加特附近的艾德林根。有足够的空间进行从开发到批量生产的完整生产。新的想法是通过现代的硬件和软件实现的,空气动力学、飞机设计、产品工程等方面的专家是DELTAFLY的基本能力的一部分。著名的飞行员即使在极端情况下也会测试我们翅膀的飞行行为。我们的目标是获得最高的安全水平,并为我们的客户提供最好的结果。毫无疑问,DELTAFLY产品的质量是众所周知的绝对高水平。 As well as our service. Hans Madreiter knows about the qualities of infrastructure in the business area around Stuttgart. The surrounding region offers - among other advantages - a original characteristic of its people that is to be described may be with a kind of \"never resigning\" in following a certain idea. DELTAFLYs big points still are the continously working team, the product´s quality, the close contact to the customers Added to this combination of experience, know how, high tech and - above all: personal engagement of the whole team, DELTAFLY became this very special brand.