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Company Profile

飞行员kno \“真正\”w us for a long time: Exactly since 1981. In a small village called Holzgerlingen near by Stuttgart Hans Madreiter startet with devloping and manufacturing of harnesses for hang gliders. In the following years he added a number of products and services Increasing demands needed to expand the programm with a new part of the market: paragliders. In the european \"scene\" the DELTAFLY-paragliders soon became well known. Since 1990 DELTAFLY is seated in Aidlingen, near by Stuttgart. There is enough space for the complete production from development to serial manufacturing. New ideas are realized using modern hard- and software, experts in aerodynamics, aircraft-design, product-engineering and more are part of the basic capacities of DELTAFLY. Well known pilots are testing the flight behaviour of our wings even in extreme situations. Our aims are to get highest safety levels and to offer our customers only best results. Without any doubt the quality of DELTAFLY products is known to be absolutely high levelled. As well as our service. Hans Madreiter knows about the qualities of infrastructure in the business area around Stuttgart. The surrounding region offers - among other advantages - a original characteristic of its people that is to be described may be with a kind of \"never resigning\" in following a certain idea. DELTAFLYs big points still are the continously working team, the product´s quality, the close contact to the customers Added to this combination of experience, know how, high tech and - above all: personal engagement of the whole team, DELTAFLY became this very special brand.