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    This is our motto! We have got extensive experience in the development of complex electro-optical devices such as multi-spectral cameras. We can offer a wide range of OEM products ranging from the 1 channel Condor-1000 MS1 to the 5 channel Condor-1000 MS5.

    Quest Innovations专门从事特定于客户的应用程序开发。项目可以包括自定义相机开发,机器视觉应用程序和/或系统集成。因为每个项目都不同,所以我们将与客户密切合作。
Product Portfolio
  • Five Sensors

  • 传统视觉应用程序使用单色visualization of the visible spectrum (roughly 400 to 700nm). There are good reasons to use the visible spectrum: the first is the availability of costeffective sensors that are sensitive to this range, such as CCD and CMOS. Another is that it seems only logical to use a camera that sees that same things as their human users do. However, for some applications it is essential to use different spectral bands such as ultra violet (below 400 nm) or near infrared (700-1000nm) or to capture important features. Examples are found in medical camera systems (cancer surgery, diabetes), food inspection (fruit sorting, agriculture (disease detection) or material surface inspection (fabric, metals, paper, print).
    • Condor-1000 MS5-VNN-285

    • The Condor-1000 MS5-VNN-285 contains five optically separated spectral bands for red, green and blue in the visible spectrum and two infrared channels. This camera combines optimal image quality in the visible spectrum with the enhanced vision of two infrared channels.

      Number of sensors 5
      传感器对齐精度 1/4
      Sensor technology CCD
      Sensor type SonyICX285
      区域或线扫 Areascan
      Horizontal resolution 1360
      垂直分辨率 1024
      Framerate 15
      灵敏度 红色的;绿色的;蓝色的;尼尔
      Interface Camera Link;
      Lens Mount 哈塞尔布拉德; M42
    • Condor-1000 MS5-VNN-618

    • CONDOR-1000 MS5包含五个光学分离的光谱带,可在可见光谱和两个红外通道中进行红色,绿色和蓝色。该摄像头结合了可见光谱中的最佳图像质量以及两个红外通道的视觉增强。

      Number of sensors 5
      传感器对齐精度 1/3
      Sensor technology CCD
      Sensor type Sonyicx618
      区域或线扫 Areascan
      Horizontal resolution 640
      垂直分辨率 484
      Framerate 120
      灵敏度 红色的;绿色的;蓝色的;尼尔
      Interface Camera Link;
      Lens Mount F-Mount
    • Condor-1000 MS5-VNN-I5

    • CONDOR-1000 MS5包含五个光学分离的光谱带,可在可见光谱和两个红外通道中进行红色,绿色和蓝色。该摄像头结合了可见光谱中的最佳图像质量以及两个红外通道的视觉增强。

      Number of sensors 5
      传感器对齐精度 1/4
      Sensor technology CMOS
      Sensor type IBIS5
      区域或线扫 Areascan
      Horizontal resolution 1280
      垂直分辨率 1024
      Framerate 30
      灵敏度 红色的;绿色的;蓝色的;尼尔
      Interface Camera Link;
      Lens Mount 哈塞尔布拉德
  • Four Sensors

  • The Condor-1000 MS4 camera is an advanced multi-spectral imaging system which uses a total of 4 sensors to capture images. State of the art optic solutions combined with the latest in CMOS or CCD sensor technology combined with the latest electronic developments are used in developing this camera system. This system generates an excellent multi-spectral view of the world. On-board processing is available to manage the challenge of real-time processing for all optical channels.
      • CONDOR-1000 MS4-VN-285

      • Worlds first Multispectral four channel area scan camera enables you to develop the most demanding multispectral applications.
        Number of sensors 4
        传感器对齐精度 1/4
        Sensor technology CCD
        Sensor type SonyICX285
        区域或线扫 Areascan
        Horizontal resolution 1360
        垂直分辨率 1024
        Framerate 15
        灵敏度 红色的;绿色的;蓝色的;尼尔
        Interface Camera Link; GigE; Optical Fibre
        Lens Mount F-Mount
  • 三个传感器

  • 秃鹫- 1000 MS3多光谱成像仪平行enables you to develop the most demanding high speed multispectral applications. The visible channel can be equipped with either a monochrome or a Bayer sensor. Like all other infrared channels, this camera uses infrared enhanced sensors for optimal sensitivity in the infrared spectrum.
    凭借Condor-1000相机范围,Quest Innovations提供了一个从成本效益的双通道(VIS + NIR)摄像机到高端五频道摄像机的完整范围。与像素的1/4更好,将所有传感器与像素到像素的精度对齐。特殊红外增强传感器均在所有红外通道上使用。在我们的术语中,当我们提及通道的数量时,这意味着配备成像传感器的光通道的数量。按照此规则,在400-650NM光通道上使用的拜耳摩赛克传感器仅计数一个“虚拟通道”(RGB)。
    • Condor-1000 MS3-PCH-285

    • The Condor-1000 MS3-PCH-285 is a multi-spectral camera with one visible channel and two infrared channels.

      Number of sensors 3
      传感器对齐精度 1/4
      Sensor technology CCD
      Sensor type SonyICX285
      区域或线扫 Areascan
      Horizontal resolution 1360
      垂直分辨率 1024
      Framerate 15
      灵敏度 拜耳RGB;尼尔
      Interface Camera Link;
      Lens Mount F-Mount
    • Condor-1000 MS3-PCH-I5

    • The Condor-1000 MS3-PCH-I5 is a multi-spectral camera with one visible channel and two near-infrared channels.
      Number of sensors 3
      传感器对齐精度 1/4
      Sensor technology CMOS
      Sensor type IBIS5
      区域或线扫 Areascan
      Horizontal resolution 1280
      垂直分辨率 1024
      Framerate 30
      灵敏度 拜耳RGB;尼尔
      Interface Camera Link;
      Lens Mount F-Mount
    • Condor-1000 MS3-PCH-618

    • The Condor-1000 MS3-PCH-285 is a multi-spectral camera with one visible channel and two infrared channels.
      Number of sensors 3
      传感器对齐精度 1/3
      Sensor technology CCD
      Sensor type Sonyicx618
      区域或线扫 Areascan
      Horizontal resolution 640
      垂直分辨率 484
      Framerate 120
      灵敏度 拜耳RGB;尼尔
      Interface Camera Link;
      Lens Mount C-Mount
    • Condor-1000 MS3-RGB-618

    • With the Condor-1000 MS3-RGB-618 it is possible to perform highly accurate color measurements up to 120 frames per second.

      Number of sensors 3
      传感器对齐精度 1/4
      Sensor technology CCD
      Sensor type Sonyicx618
      区域或线扫 Areascan
      Horizontal resolution 640
      垂直分辨率 484
      Framerate 120
      灵敏度 红色的;绿色的;蓝色的
      Interface Camera Link;
      Lens Mount C-Mount
  • Two Sensors

  • The Condor-1000 MS2 is a competitively priced dual channel camera which is available with either a monochrome or a Bayer pattern sensor to capture the visible spectrum. The Condor-1000 MS2 camera is available with several framegrabber interfaces: for full data transfer an Optical Fiber or CameraLink interface is available while GigE is available for reduced framerates. The infrared channels are equipped with special IR-enhanced sensors and Bayer mozaic sensors are available for placement on the visible spectrum channels.
    • CONDOR-1000 MS2-BN-285

    • This Condor-1000 multispectral camera can be completely customized to your requirements regarding splitting wavebands of channels (wavelengths) as well as placing narrow band filters on the output (bandwidth). Please contact us for conditions regarding this customization.

      Number of sensors 2
      传感器对齐精度 1/4
      Sensor technology CCD
      Sensor type SonyICX285
      区域或线扫 Areascan
      Horizontal resolution 1360
      垂直分辨率 1024
      Framerate 15
      灵敏度 拜耳RGB;尼尔
      Interface Camera Link;
      Lens Mount C-Mount
    • CONDOR-1000 MS2-BN-618

    • This Condor-1000 multispectral camera can be completely customized to your requirements regarding splitting wavebands of channels (wavelengths) as well as placing narrow band filters on the output (bandwidth). Please contact us for conditions regarding this customization.

      This Condor-1000 multispectral camera can be completely customized to your requirements regarding splitting wavebands of channels (wavelengths) as well as placing narrow band filters on the output (bandwidth). Please contact us for conditions regarding this customization.

      This Condor-1000 multispectral camera can be completely customized to your requirements regarding splitting wavebands of channels (wavelengths) as well as placing narrow band filters on the output (bandwidth). Please contact us for conditions regarding this customization.

      Number of sensors 2
      传感器对齐精度 1/3
      Sensor technology CCD
      Sensor type Sonyicx618
      区域或线扫 Areascan
      Horizontal resolution 640
      垂直分辨率 484
      Framerate 120
      灵敏度 拜耳RGB;尼尔
      Interface 关联;吉格;
      Lens Mount C-Mount
  • 一个传感器

  • The Condor-1000 MS1 is our range of single sensor camera's which can be equipped with any of our available sensors. The possibilities range from greyscale VGA resolution camera's to 14.4 megapixel Foveon sensors (and a lot in between!).
      • CONDOR-1000 MS1-RGB-FV

      • 该相机以完整分辨率的红色,绿色和蓝色发送完整的图像。由于具有独特的3层技术和传感器上的特殊寄存器,因此Condor-1000 MS1-FV可以在RGB通道中完美注册的线扫描模式下操作。RGB数据没有任何方向的空间偏移。与其他线条扫描摄像机不同,可以立即在线路和区域操作之间切换1000 MS-1FV,以促进应用程序开发和相机对齐。该相机可配备电子和(可选)机械快门。

        Number of sensors 1
        传感器对齐精度 NA
        Sensor technology Foveon
        Sensor type foveonx3
        区域或线扫 Areascan
        Horizontal resolution 2652
        垂直分辨率 1768年
        Framerate 6
        灵敏度 红色的;绿色的;蓝色的
        Interface Camera Link; GigE; Optical Fibre
        Lens Mount F-Mount
  • Software

      • Architector Vision Suite

      • Architetor Vision Suite是一个图像采集和操纵计划,旨在专注于多光谱和多通道图像。它支持使用任何数量的频道的图像,并允许您同时可视化所有通道。所有Quest Innovations的相机都可以与Architetor Vision Suite一起使用。

        Below you can find all available downloadable versions of Architector Vision Suite. Please select one to see details of the product. After registration, free editions can be downloaded free of charge. You'll recieve a dowload link to download the files instantly. For paid aditions, the order needs to be approved before a download link is supplied.
  • Accessories

    • Epix Pixci E4

    • PixCI®E4是插头N播放框架抓手。加载软件,连接相机并开始捕获图像。除了支持高带宽摄像头外,PixCI E4还支持100多个完整,中和基础配置摄像头链接摄像机。

      - 高带宽相机链接框架抓取器
      - PCI Express x4 Bus
      - 1 GBYTE/SEC爆发转移
      - 最多700 mbyte/sec持续数据传输
      - 线扫描或区域扫描
      - 相机框架速率序列捕获
      - Triggered Image Sequence Capture
      - 摄像机集成和异步重置控制
      - 从微秒到几分钟的集成
      - 存储在主板内存或RAID阵列中的图像
      - Windows & Linux, 32 & 64–bit Compatible
      - 符合ROHS
    • Epix Pixci EC1

    • The PIXCI® EC1 frame grabber supports all Full, Medium, and Base configuration Camera Link cameras with bandwidth requirements of 191 MB (1528 Mbits) per second or less. Compatible with ExpressCard, the mobile PCI Express interface for notebook computers, the PIXCI® EC1 offers dedicated support to more than 70 of the newest, most advanced, highest bandwidth machine vision cameras.

      - 完整,中和基本配置摄像头链接框架抓手
      - ExpressCard Compatible
      - 线扫描或区域扫描
      - 相机框架速率序列捕获
      - Triggered Image Sequence Capture
      - 摄像机集成和异步重置控制
      - 从微秒到几分钟的集成
      - 存储在主板内存或直接到硬盘驱动器中的图像
      - Windows & Linux, 32 & 64–bit Compatible
      - 符合ROHS
    • Epix pixci el1db

    • The PIXCI® EL1DB frame grabber provides two interfaces for any two Base camera link cameras or interfaces. The PIXCI EL1DB frame grabber has a combined sustained bandwidth up to 204 MB/second.

      - Supports One or Two Base Configuration Camera Link Cameras
      - PCI Express x1 Bus
      -250 MB/sec爆发数据传输
      - 204 MB/sec Sustained Data Transfer
      - 线扫描或区域扫描
      - 相机框架速率序列捕获
      - Triggered Image Sequence Capture
      - 摄像机集成和异步重置控制
      - 从微秒到几分钟的集成
      - 存储在主板内存或RAID阵列中的图像
      - Windows & Linux, 32 & 64–bit Compatible
      - 符合ROHSBoards Available
    • FrameLink Express

    • The FrameLink Express is a professional, state of art, ExpressCard/54 digital frame grabber that allows users to view and store in real time megapixel video images on their notebook computers. It is capable of capturing single or multiple frames, and standard AVI clips from two Base CameraLink compliant video sources. Each captured frame can be stamped with a user message along with the date and time of capture. The FrameLink Express comes with an easy to use application program, drivers and an SDK that allows quick and simple integration into machine vision applications.
    • 摄像机链接电缆组件

    • Camera Link® is a high speed serial communication protocol based on the National Semiconductor interface Channel Link. It was created for vision applications to help standardize video products including cameras, cables and, frame grabbers.

      - CameraLink cable assemblies are an industry first in high-flex cable design
      - Connectors are ruggedly designed and internally shielded
      - Cable exceeds 20 million flex cycles
      - RoHS compliant
      - 满足附录D/附录E的相机链接规格要求
    • Mini Camera Link Cable Assemblies

    • Camera Link® is a high speed serial communication protocol based on the National Semiconductor interface Channel Link. It was created for vision applications to help standardize video products including cameras, cables and, frame grabbers.

      - Internally shielded connectors
      - Screwdriver supplied with each assembly
      - Especially designedfor industrial-duty Camera Link vision systems
      - Northwire Camera Link电缆已通过了2000万个弹性循环。
      - 相机链接电缆满足相机链接规范的附录D和附录E的要求。
    • Power supply 12V

    • 该12V电源可与Condor-1000多光谱摄像机一起使用。请与我们联系,以确定适合您的相机的电源。

      - Conforms to Energy-related Product Directive 2009/125/EC
      - 外部开关模式电源
      - EUP compliant
      - Energy saving
      - 最大0.3W。没有负载待手力
      - High efficiency, long life and high reliability
      - Fully regulated output
      - Short circuit, overload and over voltage protection
      - LED power on indicator
      - 输出导线长度约15m,装有2.1x5.5x11mm输出连接器,中心触点正阳性
      - Power derates above 40°C
      - Harmonic current compliance to EN 61000-3-2
      -EMC符合EN 55022 B类
    • 电源19V

    • 该19V电源可与Condor-1000多光谱摄像机一起使用。请与我们联系,以确定适合您的相机的电源。

      - 外部开关模式台式电源供应
      - 节能电源
      - No load power consumption ≤0.5W
      - Ultra-miniature & lightweight
      - II类 - 双隔离
      - 1.2米输出线
      - Regulated output
      - EMC compliance to EN 55022 Class B
      - Power on LED indicator
      - 短路,过电压和过电流保护
      - Conforms to Energy-related Product Directive 2009/125/EC
    • 电源5V

    • 该5V电源可与Condor-1000多光谱摄像机一起使用。请与我们联系,以确定适合您的相机的电源。

      - 通用交流输入 /全范围
      - Class power (without earth pin)
      - 全输出3→48V安全批准
      - 保护:短路,超负荷,电压
      - Fully enclosed plastic case
      - RCC控制电路和调节
      - LED indicator for power on
      - Conforms to Energy-related Product Directive 2009/125/EC