• 想象21XX
  • 视觉和摄像机在线贸易展览会。
  • H01Industrial Cameras

    • Sony Europe�s Image Sensing Solutions division has an in-depth range of component cameras and image sensing products.
    • Sony
    • A1
    • Virtual Stand
    • Manufacturer of precise and sophisticated optical products for a broad range of industries.
    • A3
    • Virtual Stand
    • 松下工业医学愿景为医学,生命科学,PROAV或工业等各个细分市场提供了应用
    • A5
    • Virtual Stand
    • We manufacture scientific and industrial digital camera systems with high dynamic range, high resolution, high speed and low noise
    • A7
    • Virtual Stand
    • 洁是一家高质量的工业cameras and machine vision cameras for use in a wide range of industries
    • C1
    • Virtual Stand
    • 快速成像Corporation is dedicated to designing and manufacturing high-speed digital imaging solutions that are easy to use and cost effective.
    • 快速成像
    • C3
    • Virtual Stand
    • 我们是用于精确数据采集和控制解决方案的全球技术领导者,可为广泛的应用提供服务。
    • C5
    • Virtual Stand
    • 我们是基于二极管激光技术的照明激光器的专家。我们的激光照明用于许多苛刻的高速成像和机器视觉应用中。我们为研发应用程序的最终用户以及工业监测系统集成商提供多功能组件,产品和系统。
    • C7
    • Virtual Stand
    • High-speed video cameras with up to 3.0 MPixel image sensor capable of capturing 12,500 frames per second
    • E1
    • Virtual Stand
    • JetCam是高速高端但低成本摄像机的家族,具有纤维或哄骗界面,可支持高质量的视频,价格高达2400fps,并分辨率高达25百万像素。
    • E3
    • Virtual Stand
    • Cutting Edge Machine Vision: QTEC designs and manufactures OEM industrial smart cameras and embedded vision technology machine vision solutions.
    • QTechnology
    • E5
    • Virtual Stand
    • 光电探测器和 - 二极管,光电层流,图像传感器,低光级相机,荧光和科学成像系统。
    • E7
    • Virtual Stand
    • Machine vision software, 3D metrology software, smart cameras, bar code and identification sensors as well as ready-to-use systems for industries such as food, beverage, electronic as well as areas such as Deep Learning, Thermal Imaging, 2D and also 3D image processing.
    • G1
    • Virtual Stand
    • 我们提供用于非破坏性测试(NDT),工业植物的自动化和监测高速3D传感器的热力计系统,通过激光三角测量为快速,精确的3D扫描。
    • 自动化技术
    • G3
    • Virtual Stand
    • OPOoffers various compact imaging modules for system integrators and machine manufacturers. The high-resolution optical-illumination-camera-electronic solutions are ideal for use in measuring machines, testing devices, roundness testing machines or directly in the production line.
    • G5
    • Virtual Stand
    • ``一家停车商店。
    • Ecom Instruments
    • G7
    • Virtual Stand
    • Fluorescence imaging, high-speed Imaging and scientific imaging for the medical, biology, pharmaceutical and chemical industry
    • I1
    • Virtual Stand
    • Raytrix plenoptic传感器提供3D高速视频捕获。带一个相机。一个镜头。在一个快照中。
    • i3
    • Virtual Stand
    • Satir是世界领先的平民热成像系统制造商之一。
    • SATIR
    • i5
    • Virtual Stand
    • 我们是针对广泛应用的创新红外检测解决方案的领先开发商。
    • Xenics
    • i6
    • Virtual Stand
    • Deltapix为工业,取证和生物医学显微镜应用开发了广泛的数字成像解决方案
    • DeltaPix
    • i7
    • Virtual Stand
    • 40多年来,SILL Optics一直生产遥不可及的镜头。首先以轮廓投影镜头的形式,自1989年以来以当前数码相机的形式出现。
    • K1
    • Virtual Stand
    • We develop and distribute intelligent cameras which are perfectly suited for all tasks in the field of industrial image processing
    • K3
    • Virtual Stand
    • 您的全球成像和机器视觉组件分销商。
    • FRAMOS
    • K5
    • Virtual Stand
    • 全球领先的高速数字成像系统制造商,每秒多达100万帧
    • 光子
    • K6
    • Virtual Stand
    • 保留
    • 世界上最先进和通用的CCD和ICCD探测器,低光乘以CCD和科学的CMOS摄像机
    • M1
    • Virtual Stand

    • 从陆地,空气或海洋中,让东芝将您的项目带入高清生活!
    • Toshiba Europe
    • M3
    • Virtual Stand
    • 我们使用最新技术设计相机,并提供快速,可靠的支持。
    • 艾鲁尼斯
    • M4
    • Virtual Stand
    • Optronis GmbH aims to provide high-quality cameras for industry, science and research and to record high-speed operations. These are fast machine vision cameras, streak cameras and slow-motion cameras.
    • M5
    • Virtual Stand
    • 工业图像处理组件,定制解决方案。用于各个工业领域的高质量数字和智能相机。
    • M7
    • Virtual Stand
    • 我们是工业机器视觉摄像机,框架抓取器和视频转换器的领先制造商。
    • O1
    • Virtual Stand
    • We design, develops & manufacture Line Scan Cameras, Machine Vision Lenses & Machine Vision Cameras etc
    • BalaJi MicroTechnologies
    • O3
    • Virtual Stand
    • Our robust industrial cameras with CMOS or CCD sensors provide up to 337 frames/s or resolutions up to 8 megapixels.
    • O5
    • Virtual Stand
    • Cubert provides real time spectral imaging in various application fields such as remote sensing, life science, machine vision etc.
    • O7
    • Virtual Stand
    • 我们是全球领先的提供商,替代了各种运营区域的CCD和CMOS摄像机和传感器
    • Q1
    • Virtual Stand
    • 高光谱成像摄像机具有出色的分析性能!工业过程,在线质量控制和科学应用的分析技术。
    • LLA仪器
    • Q3
    • Virtual Stand
    • With over 60 years of experience in the manufacture of CCTV lenses it is our goal to always offer our machine vision customers the best lens with which to meet the technical constraints of an application.
    • Q5
    • Virtual Stand
    • 我们提供广泛的最新视觉产品​​,为用户提供完整的视觉解决方案。
    • IVS
    • Q7
    • Virtual Stand