Business Profile

圣机器人is a totally independent, self financed manufacturer of low cost robots. We have been in existence for some 20 years. The company is based mainly in Cambridge UK with sister companies in Princeton NJ, USA and Sri Lanka. Our robots are all over the world, with both big name customers like GSK, Motorola and Amazon as well as countless small companies. ST robots have been used in nuclear decommissioning and several robots were used in the worlds first DNA database. Additionally ST robots are extremely popular with universities and colleges. Sales are mostly through the Internet but we have integrators worldwide.

ST is constantly innovating and has a huge range of grippers, tool changers, bluetooth, IoT, voice control and many other innovative products. We are different and do not conform to the conventional (as you can see). Nevertheless all our products are the result of demand from our large customer base.

Our tagline is 'robotics within reach' – within reach technically, financially as well as in a robotic sense.