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Company Profile

KISS Institute for Practical Robotics is a not-for-profit educational organization that uses hands on robotics programs in order to communicate the excitement, knowledge, and practical understanding of science, technology, engineering, and math. Mission • Improve the public's understanding of science, technology, engineering, and math; • Develop the skills, character, and aspirations of students; and • Contribute to the enrichment of our school systems, communities, and the nation. History: KISS Institute for Practical Robotics was incorporated as a 501(c) 3 organization in 1994 to make the long-term educational benefits of robotics accessible to students. We’re based in beautiful Norman, Oklahoma. Our name is the well-known acronym (Keep It Simple, Stupid), and students tell us that this motto has been quite useful in designing their robots. KISS Institute for Practical Robotics is the leading provider of programming based educational robotics programs. Over 300 teams of middle and high school students, and their teachers, participated in our Botball® Educational Robotics Program in 2010, including teams from Qatar. Over 1,000 individuals participated in our hands-on Botball® robotics workshops that took place in 13 regions across the country. We are a national organization with a small cheerful staff, and many essential volunteers, sponsors, and other members of the Botball® family across the country, from Massachusetts to Hawaii. We create most of our products in house.