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  • Offer Profile
  • INNOROBOoffers the unique opportunity to robotics companies and affiliated industry (components, software, hardware) as well as research laboratories to increase their overall business internationally, develop new partnerships and share real discussions about robotics with renowned thought leaders and worldwide robotics experts. A rich and full experience that only happens atINNOROBO.

    Start-ups gain visibility while demonstrating their innovations and have opportunities to introduce their strategy and business plan to private investors and public financial institutions.

    Research labs communicate and disseminate to the whole international robotics community projects and their results, establish contacts with potential industrial partners and share real discussions with their peers from abroad.

    Worldwide experts and thought pioneers and leaders are on the floor, available and open to real strategic discussions and decision makings.
Product Portfolio


    • INNOROBO offers the unique opportunity to robotics companies and affiliated industry to increase their overall business internationally

    • Conferences at Innorobo gathers the international elite, from prestigious universities, commercial entities and research centers to share their vision...

    • Robotics is already part of our lives and is the near future for many sectors of the economy. It is not only a vertical industry but also a transversal dynamic...

    • The purpose of Innorobo is to gather leading entrepreneurs, start-ups, brilliant individuals from Research laboratories...


    • By 2030, the world’s urban population will be 4.9 billion, with 1.7 billion more city dwellers and 20 million fewer rural dwellers. The challenges of global urbanization will bring us information technology, embedded robotics and sensing technology in buildings and infrastructure, and small personal devices spread into every corner of city dwellers’ lives. What will that look like?

    • 主要用于机器人技术industry has now made its way into our lives for our well-being and comfort. Sophisticated automation and connected objects will allow our lives to become simpler. Robots can manage our daily household chores, social robots will keep us in the know with our social surrounding on the go, companion robots will help organize our personal lives and entertainment robots will provide for a…

    • There are not enough institutions or professional caregivers to absorb the healthcare requirements of today’s aging population. Technologies are focusing on extending independent living for the elderly, but is independence the appropriate technological goal? Perhaps a cohesion and interdependence to help the elderly function in their own environment is the key living more independent lives. Robots can help medical professionals and caregivers by removing tedious tasks and freeing them to…

    • It’s so smart. Smart grid integrates the traditional energy infrastructure of production and distribution with digital and communication technologies. But simply providing feedback about energy use isn’t enough to create great efficiency. There’s a strong global movement spearheaded by economists to add intelligent switching, thus robotics, to the energy distribution network. Robotics hold opportunities to innovate in production and distribution infrastructures, user interfaces, services and applications associated with the smart…

    • Robotics is pluridisciplinary and integrates technologies from three main sciences : electronics, computing and mechanics. Hence robotics technologies are progressing with the progress of electronics, mechanics, materials, Artificial Intelligence and its applications (voice recognition, visual recognition, navigation allgorithms, behavior modellisation, image processing, etc….), nanotechnologies, aso. Looking at the robotics world through the technological theme, we could consider a robot as an ultimate prototype demonstrator, whose main purpose is to integrate…

    • 2011年,超过160米隆美元was invested into hardware and robotics companies. There are now 56 venture capital, private equity and investment houses that actively invest in hardware and robotics and in 2012, the industry got its very own dedicated robotics venture capital companies with an initial $25 million dollar and € 60 million investment. Robotics will see a new age of growth from the alignment of the…