Navigation :EXPO21XX>ROBOTICS 21XX>H22: Mobile Robots Research> University of Catania

Company Profile

The Service Robots Group - works on different service robot projects as: - Unmanned ground robots, - Climbing robots, - Rapid prototyping, - Unmanned aerial vehicles, - Biped robots

Product Range

  • Agriculture robot research: Orange Picking Robot
  • Agriculture robot research: Unmanned Ground Outdoor Robot
  • Mobile robot research: Autonomous robots
  • Mobile robot research: Bipedal walking
  • Mobile robot research: Climbing robot
  • Mobile robot research: Crawling and jumping soft robots
  • Mobile robot research: Dual-wheeled mobile robots
  • Mobile robot research: Field and service robots
  • Mobile robot research: Flying robots
  • Mobile robot research: IGV Intelligent Ground Vehicle
  • Mobile robot research: Legged machines
  • Mobile robot research: Mobil robot locomotion strategies
  • Mobile robot research: Navigation systems
  • Mobile robot research: Obstacle avoidance
  • Mobile robot research: Perception systems
  • Mobile robot research: ROV
  • 移动机器人研究:安全、安全与救援robots (SSRR)
  • Mobile robot research: Service robot
  • Mobile robot research: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
  • Mobile robot research: Unmanned Arial Vehicle for environmental monitoring
  • Research: Machine vision