
第一颗双子星HI-1是由ATR的石黑浩教授和东京的Kokoro公司在2005年创造出来的。geminoid是一种机器人,被设计成和主人一模一样,通过计算机系统控制,该系统复制了机器人操作员的面部动作。2010年春天,一个新的geminoid诞生了。新的机器人Geminoid-F是原来HI-1的更简单的版本,而且它也更便宜,因此在人机交互的人文研究中获得一个是合理的。Geminoid|DK将是日本以外的第一个此类机器人,旨在促进机器人科学和哲学,寻求基本问题的答案,其中许多问题也一直困扰着日本研究人员。最重要的问题是:人是什么?-什么是存在?—什么是关系?-什么是身份?我们打算在研究诸如HRI中的情感支持、混合在场的新概念以及研究机器人感知中的文化差异的同时,继续研究这些问题。 Research The first Geminoid Lab outside Japan will be located at Aalborg University. The lab will be the home of a gemonoid, a human-like robot, modeled over the director of AAU's Center for Computer-mediated Epistemology, Associate Professor, Henrik Scharfe.The purpose of the lab is to systematically investigate certain aspects of Human Robot Interaction. A Geminoid or twin-robot is designed to resemble a living person. It is controlled by an operator who through the use of advanced software can transfer facial movements and speech to the robot next door (or where ever...). For many years, robot technology has primarily been associated with factories and warehouses, but the days of thinking about robots as just 'tools' are over, Henrik Scharfe says. The robots have become a media, perhaps one of the more significant media of the future. In that way, robot technology follows the trajectory of computers: from tools to media. The research at the Geminoid Lab at Aalborg University will focus on: - emotional affordances in human robot interaction - The novel notion of Blended Presence - Cultural differences (from different continents) in the perception of robots The geminoid soon to inhabit AAU will be build in Japan, as is it's predecessors.