

曾几何时,1981年,我们在UPM参与了西班牙首批机器人之一DISAM-0的开发,这是一款3自由度机器人,由铝制窗户框架件、卡车发动机和自行车电线组成。该机器人具有较强的帕金森性,但使用8位Z-80微处理器实现的简单P控制器,消除了位置误差。后来,在1982年,我们发表了第一篇关于机器人的论文。这真是一个黄金开始的日子!自这些天以来,已经完成了一些研究和项目,其中一些是在我们几年前工作的UPM的DISAM中完成的。机器人技术的第一个工业实施是SIRO项目(1984年)为航空公司CASA(现在EADS)检查空中客车飞机的碳纤维部件。这个系统经过一些修改,今天运行良好。其他发展是烟草仓库的机器人采摘(BUBI, 1986)和建筑行业的自动预制制造(GRC-Auto, 1992)。1989年,我们开始了欧盟项目第一阶段的研究活动。机器人实验室的成员是欧盟机器人领域研发项目的先驱。 During earlier 90s several EU project were developed: Esprit II project PANORAMA (Perception and Navigation Systems for Mobile Applications), and Eureka projects SAMCA (Flexible shoe factory), AMR (Advanced Mobile Robot for Public Safety) and GEO (Big Range Robotized System). In 1992 the Esprit III project ROCCO (Robot Assembly System for Computer Integrated Construction) was started. More basic research projects also started at the beginning of 80s. Several projects funded by Spanish R&D governmental and private agencies were: FMS/2 (Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 1982), first FMS prototype system developed in Spain; VAD-1 (1983), our first mobile robot (it had one ultrasound sensor!); DISAM E-65 (Scara type robot, 1984), first industrial prototype of the robot; and Coco (Coordinated multirobot system, 1989), two arms robotic system with force/torque control. These projects permitted us to obtain fundamental knowledge in robotics. In 1994 several EU projects with participation of Robotics Lab’s members began: Esprit IV project CEROS (Cost Effective Robot Control System, 1994), INTAS project DYROS (Dynamical Robot 3D Simulation for Structures Assembly in Space, 1994) and Brite-Euram projects PSYCHO (Powerful Systems for Identification and Control of Highly Non-Linear Processes Using Neural Networks). Since these days the history became nowadays, that is viewed in our web page. During these earlier years we obtained big knowledge and experience in robotics, and remember these hard and funny days as unforgettable.