Navigation :EXPO21XX>自动化21xx>H03:协作机器人技术> Visevi机器人技术
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  • Offer Profile
  • RoVi was founded by three engineers as a spin-off from Technical University of Munich (TUM). Our common vision is to create robots that improve our daily lives. Robots that are simple and low-cost yet smart enough to take over dull, dirty and dangerous tasks.

    Our vision is to make intelligent robots available to everyone – to help us in manufacturing, in the office and at home. Sensors are a key technology to bring robots “out of the cage”, but current sensor systems are complex and expensive.

    Visevi Robotics offers the world's first completely camera-based sensor system for robot arms and grippers. Our patented solution relies on an image processing software and features rich sensory feedback.
  • ViseGrip

  • 请参阅,检测和掌握:一种用于多功能和敏感抓握的智能抓地力系统。

      • 智能抓地力系统

      • 一个提供触摸感的诱人系统
        Our intelligent gripping system is a ready-to-use solution for flexible and sensitive grasping applications. It integrates an industrial gripper, a stereo vision system, as well as our camera-based sensors for tactile data and optionally force/torque.
      • Your benefits

      • Versatile

        Cost Effective
        Avoids complex, inflexible and expensive feeding systems

        Ease of Use

        Reliable Gripping
        监控扣人心弦的过程以确保an accurate, rapid and secure grip
      • Our technical solution

      • Our intelligent gripping solution integrates two grayscale/color cameras, an industrial 2-jaw gripper, as well as universal fingers in a compact package with a standard mount. The fingers are equipped with a layer of rubber foam to support camera-based tactile sensing.


    • VisePick

    • 基于摄像头的选择和放置解决方案,以在非结构化环境中可靠处理对象。

        • Camera-based pick and place solution

        • 在非结构化环境中可靠的选择
          Our camera-based pick and place solution for low cost robot arms employs a stereo depth camera system to locate objects in the workspace. It enables the reliable handling of a wide range of objects from unstructured positions without time-extensive programming and teaching.
          Please get in touch for an evaluation of your use case.
        • Your benefits

        • 多功能对象识别
          Recognises a large variety of different objects even in unstructured environments.

          Low cost solution

          Reliable gripping

        • 特征

        • Hardware General
          有效载荷取决于您的机器人型号(例如,对于Igus Robolink-D:300-2500G)
          Gripper Exchangeable suction cup

          Depth Field of View (FOV) 85.2° x 58° x 94° (+/- 3°) (Horizontal × Vertical × Diagonal)
          Depth Stream Output Resolution Up to 1280 x 720
      • 维修莎河

      • 通过看到的感觉!基于相机的触觉传感器可提供触感。

        Your benefits
        Tactile Profile

        Pressure profile, e.g. to be used as touch feedback for gripper fingers
        Remote Sensing
        External camera (“eye-in-hand” on the gripper), or nearby
        虚拟传感器Tactile signal from image processing

        Development kit
        Our kit contains everything you need to get started quickly with tactile sensing. Contact us for options and availablity.

        • 敏感元素(橡胶泡沫杆),带有座椅
        • USB3相机
        • 带有ROS集成的传感器软件
        • 可引导USB棒
        • 基于Web的接口
          • Camera-based tactile sensor

          • Tactile sensors provide a pressure or contact profile, similar to touch we feel on our skin. They offer rich feedback about the grasping process and are thus essential for adaptive and sensitive grasping processes. Our camera-based solution requires only a passive and deformable material, which deforms on pressure. Our image processing software derives a tactile signal from the observed deformation.
          • 示例性应用:抓手指

          • 我们的基于摄像机的触觉传感器很容易连接到握把手指上,因为它们不需要任何接线。
          • Different shapes and sizes

          • 由于传感元件是被动的和可变形的,因此可以适应任何形状和大小。
        • 技术

            • Visevi Robotics offers the world's first completely camera-based sensor system for robot arms and grippers. Our patented solution relies on an image processing software and features rich sensory feedback.
            • Low-cost passive elements substitute electronic sensors for joint positions, force/torque and tactile data. Positions are determined using visual markers, while force sensing relies on deformable elements, such as rubber foam. A camera obserses these elements remotely. The physical measurements are calculated from the image by our software.
            • Visevi的传感器软件大大简化了机器人武器的机制,硬件设计和接线,从而使它们可以在低成本自动化,服务机器人和消费者应用中使用。该机器人经过不断自动校准,即使用于精确的操纵任务,也可以使用低成本结构零件。
          • Use Cases

          • The following shows some exemplary use cases and applications for robots using our sensing system. Do not hesitate to tell us about your application! We will provide a quick evaluation of what our technology can do to solve your automation problem!
              • Desktop robot arm

              • Our camera-based sensing technology enables lightweight, low-cost and mobile robot arms. They fit on any desk or workbench to assist a human worker. With integrated computer vision, they are easily adaptable and can detect objects.
              • Versatile sensitive grasping

              • Take your grasping applications to the next level! Handle objects of different shapes, rigidities and materials with a single versatile and self-adapting gripper. With our tactile sensor, you get rich feedback about the grasped object and the grasping state.
              • Order picking

              • 委托小零件,例如螺丝,配件或塑料零件,以精确的量子或随后的工作空间。机器人甚至可以使用我们的多功能抓握系统或任何其他操纵器在工作台上执行此步骤。

              • 过程监视

              • Monitor the status of your automation systems by adding our software-based sensors. Data and statistics are processed on-site or in the cloud and presented on any web browser.
              • Flexible packaging

              • Package parts or components provided by a machine or a human worker. Our camera-based system flexibly localizes new parts, picks them and places them to a free spot.