导航 :EXPO21XX>自动化21xx>H03: Collaborative Robotics> Yuanda机器人技术
  • 提供个人资料
  • 德国工程遇到了中国动态

    Two partners, one company, one vision – founded by German engineers and the Shenyang Yuanda Aluminium Industry Group, Yuanda Robotics unites the best of two cultures to create quality that makes a difference. Together, we are committed to advancing the evolution of robotics and to making robots accessible to everyone. We develop robots that are as approachable as an ordinary power tool and as easy to use as a smartphone.

    我们的机器人感觉,看到和理解。它感知到其环境,不断学习新事物并找到解决方案。这就是我们也努力做的。我们的愿景:为从设置到部署的人们提供服务的机器人 - 协作,直观,友好。
  • Industrial Power Tool

  • Adapt & Automate


      • 开箱即用的设置和无缝集成

        Your Yuanda Robot can be set up in record time. Unpack it, plug it in, and switch it on – it’s running. Switching tools is just as easy: The system software will detect and adjust to the change automatically. No experts needed!

      • Quick adaption to a wide variety of production processes

        The Yuanda Robot is the perfect choice for small batch sizes or for applications that require frequent adjustments and flexibility. Meet the demands of short product life cycles, and easily teach your collaborative robot new skills on demand.
      • 熟练的生产

      • 集成的扭矩传感器,可适应性,容错性和安全性

    • 用户体验

    • Collaborate & Control

      符合当今机器人行业的最高安全标准,Yuanda机器人旨在与人类无缝无缝地与人类安全合作,而无需附带。它的易用性允许任何人快速调试 - 无需培训。

        • Intuitive hardware interfaces for direct interaction and control

          Physical controls are accessible and prominent to create fluent workflows and minimize set-up times in a diverse set of application scenarios. Highly sensitive force control allows the user to hand-guide the robot’s arm with no effort, for example during installation or programming.
        • 动手编程

        • 快速工作流程的最先进的用户界面设计

          It’s easy to teach your Yuanda Robot with our visual programming interface – whether you are a newbie or an expert. Use drag and drop commands to set up your application, use 3D visualizations to run simulations, and supervise your robot on a customizable dashboard.
        • 安全第一

        • Experience collaborative robotics first hand – without worry

          Yuanda机器人符合DIN ISO 10218和13849中指定的人类/机器人协作的要求。所有轴的敏感扭矩传感器在所有轴上注册任何外部冲动。机器人立即发现不需要的碰撞并相应停止。
      • 视觉智能

      • Look & Learn

        The Yuanda Robot comes with advanced vision intelligence consisting of an integrated camera and a processing system for visual data. Yuanda Vision can detect and memorize objects, evaluate product quality, recognize critical process changes, and much more.

          • 机器人指导的学习和过程调整实时

            可以通过Yuanda Vision注册对象及其轮廓。在此过程中,视觉可以定义或纠正用于处理已识别对象的抓地位置和工具方向,例如在选择和放置应用程序中。
          • 标签本地化

          • 通过参考点的环境取向


          • Visual process monitoring and good/bad case distinction

            Yuanda Vision可以根据所需的过程质量对一批对象进行分类。组件不在预期的位置?两个组件尚未正确组装?Vision与Bad区分开,并决定是否继续进行相应的生产。
        • 界面

        • 编程变得容易

          With your Yuanda Robot’s visual programming interface, you can configure and perform applications directly on your desktop computer or tablet with a minimum of time and effort. The interface is designed for optimal ease of use, offering clearly-mapped workflows valuable to experts and newbies alike.

            • 动手编程使每个人都能构建机器人应用程序

            • Build and modify customized program flows, guided by a clean interface that supports the user through a clear visual structure and intuitive interaction patterns.

            • 使用我们强大的界面在其变为真实之前,就可以验证Yuanda机器人在数字双胞胎上的动作。快速使用即时路径预览创建完美的运动模式。
            • 完全自定义的应用程序仪表板用于监视

            • 在一个地方查看Yuanda机器人的所有重要统计数据。在运行时轻松调整设置,并实时接收警告和警报。
          • 解决方案

          • At Home in All Industries

            Assembly in the morning, spray painting at noon, testing in the afternoon, packaging at night – quickly set up and deploy your robot to perform a wide variety of skills and workflows depending on your needs. 3C electronics, automotive, metal processing, or mechanical engineering – the Yuanda Robot is as unique and versatile as the task you assign to it.
              • 选择和地点

              • Handle your work pieces precisely, rapidly, and safely. Quickly set up external tools and sensors, or just let the robot palpate the perfect pose for your product by itself with fully controlled interaction forces.
              • MACHINE TENDING

              • Just minutes of teaching for hours of work: Open the lid, place the work piece, close the lid and let the robot start the machine before removing the work piece again.
              • PACKAGING

              • 自动生成的包装和托盘模式加速编程。由集成摄像机手工引导和支撑,您将在几分钟之内完成。
              • 质量控制

              • 使用机器人的视觉和触觉感,以确保制造过程中的最高质量。检测工作部件上缺失的零件,并使用视觉,力控制和高度专门的运动控制验证配件。
              • TESTING

              • 利用机器人对同时测试和测量的敏感性。使用预定义的模板为常见测试场景快速为您的产品设置测试模式。
              • 螺丝驾驶

              • 控制驱动工具很容易:除了the tools already supported ex-factory, you can put your own tools, such as automated screw drivers, into operation in just a few steps.
              • 部件

              • 让机器人快速,仔细,敏感地构建产品 - 包括视觉和触觉质量检查。
              • DISPENSING

              • 在任何路径上都非常准确,机器人非常适合重现精确的形状。它甚至可以使用我们集成的Yuanda Vision功能自动生产。