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  • 提供个人资料
  • wooffers customized solutions to make logistical movements within organizations and institutions as efficient as possible.

    在内部物流方面,WEWO是您选择的专家。我们通过倾听客户并不断发展内部材料处理领域的专家来发展我们的专业知识。WEWO开发了特定于客户的解决方案,以使组织和企业内的后勤运动尽可能高效。WEWO在内部开发和制造所有解决方案,这意味着我们可以提供灵活性 - 通常受到客户的赞赏。我们的专业知识基于最新技术和25年以上的经验。WEWO提供了提高效率,工作满意度,时代浪费等的解决方案;双赢的情况!

  • woMaterial Handling

  • 内部物流专家
      • 自动引导车辆

      • AGV系统提供的可能性是无限的


        In response to requests from our customers, the engineers of WEWO Europe B.V. developed a proprietary system for AGV vehicles. AGV is short for Automatic Guided Vehicle. AGV vehicles are independent, unmanned vehicles that can – among other things - transport materials around a factory or warehouse. The cart is equipped with a safety scanner with multiple safety fields, which means it can safely move around in an area with personnel present.

          • 电运输

          • 用于产品和材料的水平和垂直运动。


            Industry often makes use of electrical transport systems, for example, to optimize the production process. However, electrically-operated carts are also very useful in warehouses or in the catering industry. An electrically-operated cart can lift 500 kg and is very easy to operate. There are electrically-operated carts with a scissor table that lift up to 500 kg of materials. These are especially useful if there is a requirement for an adjustable table top for moving materials on and off the cart.


            电动推车typically reach a speed of 5 km/h, and are equipped with front or middle wheel drive. The speed of these carts can be controlled by means of a potentiometer, and the maintenance-free 52 Amp/h dry-gel batteries provide the power. The ergonomic height of the tiller head, via which the electrical motors are controlled, can be adjusted with the aid of the gas spring.

            Companies often require their own, unique electrically-operated cart to meet their specific needs. A specific solution is then necessary. WEWO develops electrically-operated carts that first meet the demands of the customer.
              • 电拖船

              • User-friendly and designed to reduce physical effort




                Years of experience in the logistics sector combined with in-house engineering result in the realization of many customer-specific solutions for both the electric tug and the coupling link.

              • 完全由WEWO订购




            • 特殊解决方案

            • 开箱即用的解决方案


              wocan deliver a complete solution that fully meets the customer's requirements. That's why out-of-the-box thinking is important to WEWO.


              WEWO的力量在于deliv“开箱即用”ery of solutions. For example, we developed a concept to remove all forklift trucks from the Volvo Cars assembly line. Materials will be supplied by a train, after which the materials are removed and ergonomically presented to the production line with the help of special scissor tables and tilt dollies.

              还为Bringme开发了一个倾斜系统,现在可以将预制机柜模块放入一个GO中 - 这意味着可以将1天的安装成本降低到少于1小时。通过继续要求最大的构建,WEWO可以实现最佳解决方案。