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  • Die-Sep standard models will open and close molds

  • 停止使用撬杆,锤子,起重机以及您的技术人员的精力和时间,仅需打开,尖端和关闭模具即可。他们的精力和时间更好地用于执行实际的清洁,维修和维护。保护你们的家伙并全天保持新鲜!

    各种模型标准型号将打开和关闭重量从1,000至70,000磅的模具。迷你模具系统处理较小的模具。当配备了我们的三种拆分N-TIP型号之一时,Die-Sep Tipper可以将霉菌或霉菌重量高达50,000磅的霉菌倾斜。

    One of the largest Die-Sep machines in operation today opens a 68,000 pound mold with 22 inch leader pins in less than 30 seconds once it is lowered vertically into the Die-Sep.
    14个标准模式ls of the Die-Sep can be delivered in 8 weeks and custom built machines are delivered in 12 weeks.

    Tool rooms opening 3 molds per day will usually see a 15 Month ROI and shorter when opening more.
      • Portable Mold Water Leak Tester

      • Our portable Mold Water Leak Tester will let your technicians test an entire mold halve or up to 12 individual circuits for leaks in the tool room, on the production floor, or elsewhere. Some of its specifications are:
        • 12 Circuits
        • 25加仑水库
        • Swivel casters
        • Fork truck pocket
        • 软管存储区
        • 3 gallons per minute
        • 45 psi水泵
        • Up to 125 psi with shop air
        • 数字流量计
        • Pressure gauge
        • Optional Reynolds Number thermometer unit.
      • Split-N-Tip, the Die-Sep tipper

      • Three different models of tippers are usually added to the Die-Sep machine. With capacities of 8,000, 25,000 and 50,000 pounds, these tippers will tip their load up or down in 30 – 60 seconds. While the largest Die-Sep tipper in use today will tip molds weighing 50,000 pounds, it’s scale-able to 100,000 pounds.

      • Die-Sep Mini

      • he Die Sep Mini was introduced at NPE2015 and will open, tip and close molds as small as 6 inches in size and weighing up to 3,000 pounds. It is designed and manufactured with two basic configurations, two movable and tipping platens or one moving and tipping and one adjustable and non-tipping platen.
        The Mini can also include a core pull accessory for hydraulically working cores while your mold is still in the bay of the Mini.
    • 死亡SEP产品配件。

        • Table Top

        • 桌面是除拆分n-tip以外的Die-Sep中最常见的附件之一。标准桌面由滚动钢制成,重量为10,000磅或25,000磅,重量限制能力,其距离为12英寸。因此,桌面通常可以更换工具室中的工作台,并有助于将Die-Sep变成工作站。已经用Blanchard地面钢而不是更常见的滚动钢制成了几个桌面。
        • Split -N-Tip, the Die-Sep Tipper

        • The tipper is the most commonly purchased accessory added to a Die-Sep and it is rare that a machine is purchased without a tipper. The smaller tipper, which is capable of lifting loads up to 8,000 pounds, tips the mold or mold half from its vertical position to a horizontal position in 30 seconds. The larger tippers, capable of tipping 25,000 or 50,000 pounds takes about 60 seconds to tip the load. Thus, with the smaller tipper, once a mold is vertically loaded into the bay of the Die-Sep, it can open, tip up, tip down and close the mold in 3 minutes. As the larger tippers move slower, the same routine of opening, tipping up, tipping down and closing the mold will take a bit less than 5 minutes. Humans, using cranes, pry bars and hammers simply cannot accomplish this feat in the same time span, especially when considering the safety of technicians and the mold itself.
        • Core Pull Accessory

        • The core pull accessory allows technicians to hydraulically work the cores of your mold using the same hydraulic pump of the Die-Sep. A handy, inexpensive and simple add on allowing you to save more time on servicing molds instead of spending time struggling to open and close them. When we provide the return on investment analysis, while we include the price of the core pull accessory, we do not include the time saved using it. There is just no simple way to measure the time saved from having such a useful tool at the time repairs have been finished on the mold.

          The Die-Sep can built with 1-6 Core Pull Accessories and the Mini with 3 accessories.
        • 可调节的地板

        • The normal floor of the Die-Sep is built on steel covered with ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMW) – plastic. Molds with legs near the parting line that support each half when opened can easily slide on top of the normal floor of the Die-Sep. However, we’ve developed a method and technology to also open molds without legs at the parting line needed to support the mold half when opened. Our Adjustable/Movable Floor simply requires that each mold half with legs be supported with jacks, blocks or other items near the parting line. Then, when opening and closing the mold halves, the floor moves, not the mold. With the sprue-bar offset, another accessory, the Die-Sep can now open, tip and close virtually every type of mold.
        • 浇道栏偏移附件

        • The standard platens of the Die-Sep have locator ring channels deep enough to accept a sprue-bar that protrudes up to 4 inches. Molds with larger sprue-bars in the Die-Sep with a tipper require a modification to the movable platen. The Sprue-bar accessory allows the sprue-bar to extend into and past the frame of the platen. It extends the overall length of the machine by the size of the sprue-bar accessory, typically 20 inches or so.