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  • 提供个人资料
  • K-Team Corporation是一家瑞士公司,开发,制造和销售高质量的移动机器人用于高级教育和研究。Khepera和Koala现在是学术研究的标准,而K-Junior机器人则是为教师和业余爱好者设计的。基于Korebot Advanced Miniature单板控制器的Korebot II是自动化和自定义机器人开发的完美解决方案。
Product Portfolio
  • Mobile Robots

  • Koala 2.5

  • Introduction to Koala Koala is a mid-size robot designed for real-world applications. Bigger than Khepera, more powerful, and capable of carrying larger accessories, Koala has the functionality necessary for use in practical applications (like navigation, mapping, artificial intelligent,…), rides on 6 wheels for indoor or outdoor all-terrain operation, with a sports stylish bodywork for attractive demonstrations.

    易于使用,考拉基地机器人可以计划d using the GNU C environment or remote controlled using the K-Team serial protocol. We deliver a complete library, so the user can focus on the algorithm. The library is open and can be modified, allowing a high customization for the customer.

    To facilitate the programming of the robot, we support several development environments, from standard cross-C developments to more sophisticated tools like LabVIEW® , MATLAB® or SysQuake. Please note however that this software is just a suggestion and not at all needed to use the robot. Any other programming environment capable of communicating over a serial port can also be used. The communication protocol implemented on Koala is described in the user manual.
    Sensor Modules
    • PAN倾斜视觉
    • Ultrasonic
    • KoreIOLE
    • KoreMotorLE

    CPU Modules:
    • Koa-PicoITX
    • KoreBot II
    • PC 104 (discontinued)

    I/O Modules:
    • Radio Modem
    Power Modules:
    • Battery Pack
    • External battery charger
    • Remote Operation
    • GNU C/C++
    • High Reflective Paper
      • Koala 2.5

      • Koala and its modules have the following very interesting features:
        • Compact (30 x 30 cm)
        • 室内或室外使用
        • Powerful Embedded Computing Power running on Linux Ubuntu
        • Easy to use by the connection to very standard and well known tools or using the existing Library
        • High mdularity in order to fit to a large number of needs. Compatible with any USB, Ethernet or Serial devices.
        • Multiple sensor arrays
        • Swappable battery pack, docking ready
        • High quality and high accuracy DC motors and gearbox
        • 扩展的各种固定点
  • Kilobot

  • Kilobot是一种低成本,易于使用的机器人系统,用于促进机器人的“群体”的开发,可以通过协调许多个体的互动来编程以执行有用的功能。这些群的灵感来自社会昆虫,例如蚂蚁菌落,它们可以在大型复杂环境中有效寻找和找到食物来源,集体运输大物体,并协调在这种环境中的巢和桥梁的建造。

      • Kilobot

        • Low cost
        • Small, only 33mm of diameter
        • Fine motor controlling (255 differents power levels)
        • The Kilobot can communicate with neighbors up to 7 cm.
        • Neighbor-to-neighbor distance sensing
        • Ambient light sensing
        • RGB led
        • Rechargable and amovible battery
        • 易于操作,使用千托控制器您可以一次进行编程和控制数百个千射线。
  • Khepera III

  • Khepera III provides features never seen before on a mini-robot
    新一代的Khepera仍然能够在桌面上移动,但它也旨在在您的实验室地板上移动。对于Khepera III而言,粗糙的地板表面,地毯甚至门口都不是问题。它是现实世界群机器人实验的完美解决方案。
    新的Khepera从现在开始,包括Korebot 2板。借助其扩展总线,任何Korebot扩展名都可以插入机器人的顶部。总线规范是完全打开的,可以为用户启用自定义扩展开发。

    Khepera III架构
    Khepera III体系结构提供了出色的模块化。作为任何K-Team机器人,Khepera III都使用扩展总线系统几乎无限的配置。
    The robot base can be used with or without a KoreBot II board. Using the KoreBot II, it features a standard embedded Linux Operating System for quick and easy autonomous application development. Without the KoreBot II, the robot can be remotely operated, as the previous Kheperas, it is easily interfaced with any Personal Computer. Remote operation programs can be written with Matlab, LabView, or with any programming language supporting serial port communication.
    机器人基地包括一系列9红外Sensors for obstacle detection as well as 5 Ultrasonic Sensors for long range object detection. It also proposes an optional front pair of ground Infrared Sensors for line following and table edge detection. The robot motor blocks are Swiss made quality mechanical parts, using very high quality DC motors for efficiency and accuracy. The swappable battery pack system provides an unique solution for almost continuous experiments, as an empty battery can be replaced in a couple of seconds.
    Korebot II,机器人还能够托管标准的紧凑型闪存扩展卡,支持WiFi,蓝牙,额外的存储空间等。
    • 抓手
    • Battery Pack
    • KoreBot II
    • KoreIOLE
    • KoreIO

    • koreusbcam
    • korewirelesscam
    • Laser Range Finder
    • Indoor global positioning
    • External charger
    • koreconnect
    • 蓝牙USB加密狗

    • C编译器
    • V-REP
    • Player/Stage

      • Khepera III

      • The Khepera III is the new standard tool for robotic experiments and demonstrations such as:
        • Navigation
        • Artificial Intelligence
        • Multi-Agents System
        • Control
        • Collective Behavior
        • Real-Time Programming
        • 高级电子演​​示
  • K-Junior V2

  • After 3 generations of Khepera and Koala robots, today we introduce you to the new generation: K-Junior. Research and teaching tool, with functionalities similar to larger robots, K-Junior allows real world testing of algorithms developed in simulation for trajectory planning, obstacle avoidance, pre-processing of sensory information and hypotheses on behaviour processing, among others. A large number of extension modules make it adaptable to a wide range of experiments.
    Discover the latest progress in mobile robotics.
    Sensor and Articulation
    • 抓手
    • Linear Camera
    • UltraSonic Sensor
    • 无线彩色相机
    IO Modules
    • 一般I/O
    • LCD Display
    • 蓝牙USB加密狗

    • 分机。程序
    • ICD Interface
    • ICD PIC Programmer
    • C编译器

    2 Pack are available. The standard pack with one robot is the basis. The educational pack is provided with 2 robots, several extensions and the educational tutorial with teacher and student parts. A software describing the robot layout and allowing to experiment with the robot and its extensions is also included in that pack. You can also order each extension separately.
    • Standard Robot Pack

    • The K-Junior is the perfect robot to discover deeply the robotics. It comes with many features and sensors allowing you to be comfortable with today's robotic. The K-Junior can be purchased individually or in a didactic pack including all the material needed to create a course on robotics.
      The K-Junior is so complete and powerful that it can be a low cost research robot!

      它采用了三个K团队标准,这使K-Team Overs Over年代的成功:聪明,简单和瑞士的质量。

      Standard pack content:
      • K-Junior Robot
      • USB Cable
        To charge your robot simply connect to the serial port of your PC.
      • 带有K-Junior用户手册的CD
        A clear manual to make your first steps with K-Junior.
      • Felt-pen
        This standard felt-pen allows to plot the trajectory of the robot by setting it in the slot in the center of K-Junior.
      • Screw driver
    • Super Educational Pack

    • K-Junior V2 is a small ready to use autonomous programmable robot ideal for teaching a wide range of experiments in Science & Technology, including subjects like Electronics, Mechanics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, etc. for students aged 7 – 77 from all over the world. Includes:

      • 2个K -Junior V2机器人 - 完全组装和编程,以基本行为为例,例如避免障碍物,跟随线,电视遥控和舞蹈演示。
      • 一般I/Oboard - allows interfacing your own electronics.
      • Ultra Sonic Sensor - provides a much longer detection range than the default K-Junior V2 infrared sensors
      • Linear Camera – it reads one line of 102 pixels in 256 level of grey
      • LCD屏幕 - 它提供了一个用户界面,可以使用无PC的机器人构建交互式控制程序
      • USB电缆 - 为您的机器人充电,只需连接到PC的串行端口
      • External Charger – to charge your robot without PC
      • Remote control - standard RC5 compatible remote for the K-Junior V2 robot
      • 蓝牙加密狗 - 用于PC的无线通信
      • ...

      • OS for C programming – source code for autonomous applications
      • CCS C编译器 - 高级C编程
      • Multimedia Teaching Software - interactive environment for your robotic cause (click image below to see main features)
  • Boards

  • Korebot II

      • Designed for mobile robotics, KoreBot II fits the needs of OEM developers of handheld devices: at the size of a credit card, KoreBot II is a powerful embedded platform based on the gumstix Verdex PRO with an XScale processor. KoreBot II extends the same type of functionality and performance found in the latest generation consumer PDA devices to the industrial market.
        Ready-to-run, extremely compact, but flexible for expansion and customization for customer application needs, KoreBot II provides the starting point for new designs and comes complete with all the hardware and software needed to start development including its Linux operating system.

        • KoreIO
        • KoreIOLE
        • koreusbcam
        • KoreAudio (discontinued)

        • KoreMotorLE
        • KoreWifi
        • Korebase
        • Laser Range Finder (LRF)
        • koreconnect

  • 仿真软件

  • V-REP

      • 功能强大的3D机器人模拟器,具有多个通用计算模块(逆运动学,物理/动力学,碰撞检测,最小距离计算,路径规划等),一个分布式控制架构(无限制的控制脚本数,线程或无线程),以及几种扩展机制(插件,自定义客户端应用程序等)。它提供了多种功能,可以通过详尽的API和脚本功能轻松地集成和组合。V-REP有5个不同的版本,大多数版本都有不同的许可选项。

        V-REP is the perfect tool for fast prototyping and verification, remote monitoring, fast algorithm development, robotics related education, and simulation of factory automation systems. A V-REP plug-in was specifically developed to allow an intuitive, easy and realistic Khepera robot simulation.

        开发了一种新的强大机制,可以轻松访问来自外部应用程序(例如机器人):远程API的V-REP API函数。它可以与Python,Java,Matlab和Urbi结合。
        The software is available for PC, Mac and Linux platforms.
  • Services

  • K-Team拥有超过10年的移动机器人技术专业知识,是该行业中最古老的公司之一。K-Team在电子设计,机械工程和嵌入式软件方面建立专有技术,能够设计,开发和制造自定义机器人或定制机器人系统,以满足您的特定需求。
    K团队has been developping and integrating the technology required for mobile robots since 1995. We have the required structure to transform any project into a product, ready for the market and in a minimum timeframe.