Business Profile

Kissling AG is a tradition rich family run enterprise that has been developing and building innovative solutions for gear units since 1925. We are a global market leader in the construction of cable car gear units and amusement park rides.

Many plants in the paper, chemical, cement, foodstuff and metal industries are equipped with our gear units. We also develop many special gear units with very high speeds for power generation, test benches and turbomachines.

Safety requirements in passenger transport have played a large role in shaping our thoughts about quality; as a result, we are also one of the leaders in the sector today in terms of quality.


Project based work
Regardless of the size of the project, we work with standardized processes for customer specific developments. If detailed job specifications do not exist, we analyze data regarding operation and ambient conditions together with the customer. The collected data are processed in our Technical Department for initial layout and cost calculations. Experienced project engineers take the required tasks into account.

Due to short paths between the Technology and Sales departments, as well as to the customer, we work out an optimum customer solution. After agreeing upon the technical design, the required quality, the delivery period and the investment amount, the Technical Department works on attaining the agreed-upon goals to the full satisfaction of the customer.

Technical competence from delivery to assembly

Technical competency
Customers for gear units with special applications and designs require a great deal of technical competency. At Kissling, qualified engineers with many years of experience and an excellent specialist knowledge are responsible not only for development, but also for sales advice and project management. Your personal project engineer accompanies the order from the initial contact up to delivery and assembly. He knows about the progress of the project and is capable of providing competent information at any time.