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  • Offer Profile

    Kissling AG is a leading provider of innovative gear unit solutions. A large number of ropeways, roller coasters, cement and sugar mills, paper machines, extrusion systems, agitators, test benches and power plants are equipped with KISSLING gear units.

    As a medium-sized family-run company, we can fully harness our flexible strength and develop and build customised drive concepts for our customers.

    Our products are characterised by high operating safety, above-average service life, compact design, high power density, smooth low-noise running and optimised efficiency.

Product Portfolio
  • Kissling gear units

  • Our strengths lie in developing customised solutions for small to medium series. We focus on our customer requirements without always trying to reinvent the wheel at the same time.

    Our products are distinguished by the following features:

    • High operational safety
    • Above-average service life
    • Compact design, high power density
    • Smooth, quiet running performance
    • Optimised efficiency
    • High flexibility

    Our gears are designed according to the latest ISO, DIN and AGMA standards. We use KissSoft software to perform our calculations. This product was originally developed by our company and has been developed further and distributed by an independent company for several years.

    The ATEX certification for gears in explosive atmospheres is becoming increasingly important. Our gears can be designed and converted according to the ATEX standards. It is important that this is specified as early as the offer phase and can be included in the calculation.
      • Ropeway gear units

      • Kissling发展发挥了积极作用nd building ropeway gear units since the early 1950s. Initially, the company's bevel helical gear reducers set new standards. In the 1970s, Kissling made its breakthrough by launching unprecedented planetary gearboxes. Being more compact and lighter than the competition, they quickly became the industry standard for detachable ropeways.

        Kissling builds the drives for all types of cable-drawn transport systems. This not only holds true for classic winter sports ropeways, but also for urban transport systems and shuttle systems for airports.
          • Gearbox series PK and SKP

          • Bevel planetary gearboxes
            • Bevel planetary gearboxes, primarily for detachable ropeways
            • Operating torque up to 800,000 Nm
            • Standardised and modular design
            • High spare parts availability
          • Bevel helical gear reducers for fixed-grip ropeways

          • Kissling covers fixed-grip ropeways up to 400,000 Nm based on the standard bevel helical gear reducers.
          • 外围其他产品

          • In addition to our gear units, we also offer the following:
            • Auxiliary drives for evacuating passengers in case of motor defects
            • Stand-by drives for ensuring operation in case of a power outage
            • Support tubes for the gearbox to mount the bull wheels independently
            • Decoupling devices for disconnecting bull wheels and the gearbox
            • Couplings, brakes and emergency/auxiliary drives are arranged specifically to meet customer requirements.
            • Switchable insulated couplings can also be supplied if necessary.
        • Turbo gear units

        • We developed our first turbo gear units in 1980. During the last 15 years, we have increasingly focused on designing turbo planetary gears. We have acquired a great deal of experience, developed new manufacturing processes and are increasingly represented in the European and American market.
            • ER series - Parallel shaft gear units

            • Kissling offers a single-stage gear unit series, which can feature a single or double helical gear tooth system as well as journal or roller bearings depending on the requirements.

              POWERup to 5 MW

              SPEEDup to 60'000 min-1

              TRANSMISSIONRATIO1:1 up to 1:6.5
            • ORION series - Planetary gearboxes

            • Kissling has also developed 2-stage concentric gearboxes for high gear reductions. Transmission ratios up to 25 can be achieved with a compact design and a power rating up to 5 MW. The drive is carried out via the gear rim. The planets remain still, while the sun can be connected directly to the output, which eliminates the need for an additional fast bearing. The power can naturally also flow in the opposite direction. This gear unit type has a very compact design. The direction of rotation can be reversed here.

              POWERto 5 MW

              SPEEDup to 50,000 rpm

              TRANSMISSIONRATIO1:1 up to 1:25
            • 小天狼星系列——行星变速箱

            • This is actually a two-stage helical gear unit in the shape of a planet in which the power is split. It is suitable for high speeds for compressors up to 25,000 rpm as well as for lower speeds for power gen sets.

              The advantage over normal helical gear units is that it does not necessarily require bearings for the input or the output stage. The shafts have bearings in the gears.

              POWERup to 10 MW

              SPEEDup to 40,000 rpm

              TRANSMISSIONRATIO1:1 up to 1:16
            • WEGA series - Planetary gearboxes

            • Single-stage planetary gearboxes, which are built according to the Stoeckicht principle, have double helical gears. As with all other planetary gearboxes, the distribution of power to the planets allows for a compact design. The double helical gears also minimise the negative influence of dynamic and axial forces.

              POWERup to 5 MW

              SPEEDup to 30,000 rpm

              TRANSMISSIONRATIO1:4.3 up to 1:9
            • ASTRO series - Planetary gearboxes

            • Gas turbines with a power range between 0.5 and 8 MW operate at relatively high speeds (20,000 up to 60,000 rpm). A planetary drive with a power distribution system is required to couple these gas turbines with a generator at 1,500 rpm. The dual-stage ASTRO gearbox is equipped with flexible pin technology. This makes it possible to use up to 7 planets per stage, while still ensuring a uniform load distribution. Transmission ratios ranging between 8 and 40 can be achieved.

              POWERup to 5 MW

              SPEEDup to 60,000 rpm

              TRANSMISSIONRATIO1:12 up to 1:40
          • Heavy-duty gearboxes

          • Over the years, Kissling has become a specialist for planetary gearboxes. Today, more than 70% of all our units are planetary gearboxes. Planetary gearboxes can be used to transfer extremely high torque in very compact gear units. Our expertise in large planetary gearboxes was not used only for ropeways, but also increasingly in heavy load industries, such as the cement and sugar industries. Our product portfolio includes planetary gearboxes covering rated torques up to 5,000 kNm. The power range extends up to 2,000 kW. The limit for helical gear units is 1,000 kNm.
              • Cement industry

              • Kissling had already made a name for itself back in the 1970s as a traditional provider of a wide range of gear units in cement factories. Today, roller presses, rotary furnaces, hydropower plants, river locks and other units are also equipped with our heavy-duty planetary gearboxes.

                POWERup to 5 MW

                SPEEDup to 60'000 min-1

                TRANSMISSION1:1 up to 1:6.5
              • Sugar industry

              • 糖厂传统上使用螺旋齿轮和open gear units. To increase efficiency and simultaneously keep overall costs low, this concept was applied to planetary gearboxes. Kissling has already supplied different unit types in various sizes to several sugar mills.

                POWERup to 5 MW

                SPEEDup to 50'000 min-1

                TRANSMISSIONRATIO1:1 up to 1:25
            • Extruder gearboxes

            • From the very beginning, Kissling played a key role in the development of ZSK twin helix extruder drives for plastic and foodstuff extrusion, including the EX gear unit series, which was developed in-house precisely for this purpose.

              Kissling worked together with leading system builders to develop compact gear units capable of transferring high torques via shafts that have relatively small cross sections. They can also withstand incredibly high axial forces thanks to an optimum arrangement of the tandem bearings. Kissling's portfolio also contains in-house solutions for single-shaft extruders and kneading machines.
                • Single-shaft extrusion

                • Kissling developed the VZD gear unit series especially for kneading machines. This gear unit enables the worm shaft to move axially at high speeds and power levels.
                • Twin-shaft extrusion

                • We have developed compact gear units that can transfer high torques via shafts that have relatively small cross sections.

                  Thanks to the optimum arrangement of the tandem bearings, they can also simultaneously withstand incredibly high axial forces.

                  CENTREDISTANCES25 - 150 mm
                • Twin-shaft extrusion with internal shaft cooling

                • This gear unit was developed as a specialty product, which allows coolant to be fed through the worm shaft.
              • Planetary gearboxes

                    • Planetary gearboxes

                    • Kissling offers a modern range of standard gear units featuring different planetary gearboxes for a wide range of applications. The product range thus includes normal industrial gearboxes and also serves the ropeway, heavy-duty and turbo sector.

                      Planetary gearboxes offer the following advantages:
                      • Compact design
                      • Low weight
                      • Coaxial input and output shafts
                      • Higher operational safety
                      • Higher efficiency

                      In Kissling planetary gearboxes, the planetary wheels rotate together with the crosspiece around the central axis. Part of the transferred power therefore consists solely of coupling power, thus yielding greater efficiency than with the helical gear units while offering the same gear reduction.

                      We distinguish ourselves through our ability to flexibly respond to customer requirements with these standard gearboxes.

                      POWER2 - 2'000 kW

                      OPERATINGTORQUE1'500 - 610'000 Nm

                      TRANSMISSION5:1 up to 300:1

                      The values specified are for standard designs. We are happy to examine deviating data / performance requirements and implement customer-specific solutions.

                • Helical and bevel helical gear reducers

                      • Helical and bevel helical gear reducers

                      • Kissling offers a modern range of standard gear units with different helical and bevel helical gear reducers for a wide range of applications. The product range thus includes normal industrial gearboxes and also serves the ropeway and turbo sector.

                        Helical gear units are particularly suitable for:
                        • 各种动力问题
                        • Wherever affordable prices are important
                        • Wherever a coaxial design is desired
                        • Wherever a high level of operational safety and low costs are required

                        POWER3- 3'000 kW

                        OPERATINGTORQUE700 - 400'000 Nm

                        GEARREDUCTION1:1 up to 400:1

                        The values specified are for standard designs. We are happy to examine deviating data / performance requirements and implement customer-specific solutions.

                  • Coaxial helical gear units

                        • Coaxial helical gear units

                        • Kissling also offers various coaxial helical gear units in its current range of standard gear units.

                          POWER0.1- 100 kW

                          OPERATINGTORQUE300 - 800 Nm

                          GEARREDUCTION3.5:1 up to 1'700:1

                          The values specified are for standard designs. We are happy to examine deviating data / performance requirements and implement customer-specific solutions.

                    • Worm gears

                          • Worm gears

                          • Kissling offers a modern range of standard gear units featuring various worm gears for a wide range of applications.

                            Worm gears are particularly suitable:
                            • For drives for irregularly shaped masses
                            • Wherever low noise is important
                            • Wherever a short design is required
                            • Wherever a self-locking effect is desired

                            POWER0.1- 30 kW

                            OPERATINGTORQUE10 - 5'000 Nm

                            GEARREDUCTION10:1 bis zu 100:1
                      • Special purpose products

                      • We have already implemented a number of special-purpose gear units with our sophisticated engineering capabilities. The projects originate from a wide range of sectors and applications.
                          • Test benches

                          • We have built a wide array of gear units designed for test benches for a wide range of applications including aircraft components, Formula 1 racing cars, pumps, generators, turbochargers, couplings and helicopter gearboxes. There are practically no limits here – speeds of up to 80,000 rpm are achieved.
                          • Roller coasters

                          • When it comes to gear units for amusement park rides, the safety aspects that must be observed are similar to those for passenger transportation. Special Kissling AG designs are used for the world’s fastest amusement park rides, some of which reach speeds of up to 240 km/h. Additional gears for drop towers, winch and chain lifts have also been developed for the market leader in amusement park rides.
                          • Industry

                          • If you have a drive problem that cannot be solved using a conventional gear unit, we recommend discussing the matter with our experienced sales engineers. We can make the impossible possible.
                          • Research and development projects

                          • In recent years, we have manufactured or helped design specialised gear units for the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and the Bern University of Applied Sciences.

                            For example, we built the gearbox for a hybrid race car in 2008 and 2009. The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) took home first prize overall in the international "Formula Hybrid" competition in 2008. A compact and powerful staged planetary gear unit installed in the wheelhouse was designed for the Bern University of Applied Sciences in 2016.

                            As early as the 1980s, Kissling built gearboxes for some of the racing cars in the "Tour de Sol" solar race, and celebrated a few wins.
                        • Solutions

                        • Kissling构建齿轮单位广泛应用lications and solutions
                          Limited spatial conditions, operational safety, specific environmental conditions, test benches for a jet starter and fuel controller with a maximum speed of 64,600 rpm: Kissling develops, designs and manufactures special gear units for the highest demands and a wide variety of applications. Special requests, small series or even individual designs require the kind of custom solutions that only a medium-sized company can provide while offering both flexibility and transparency. Kissling AG has been demonstrating its efficiency in designing special-purpose gear units for several decades and is one of the leading companies in this sector. Renowned machine manufacturers, plant manufacturers and end customers from all over the world and every sector take advantage of the high-quality products offered by Kissling.
                            • ATEX, explosion protection

                            • The new Europe-wide harmonisation of the ATEX directive, applicable since 1 July 2003, affects the required safety measures in potentially explosive areas. Only new devices and aggregates that are designed according to this directive may be designed, build and tested.

                              Kissling has trained its employees in all areas to ensure the efficient and competent implementation of the ATEX directive. New drive systems are implemented and existing gear units adapted to the current explosion protection directives.
                            • Power generation

                            • Kissling gear units can be used in various types of power generation. Conventional single-stage helical gear units are often used for relatively slow speed steam turbines. The ASTRO gear unit series was developed for higher transmission ratios, ranging between 8 and 80. This is an extremely compact two-stage planetary gear unit with a power split. Flexible pin technology provides a uniform load distribution so that up to seven planets can be installed for each stage.
                            • Plastics and chemical industry

                            • Agitators
                              A number of agitators in the chemical industry are equipped with Kissling gear units. The gear units are built in accordance with the latest ATEX directives. Kissling can also convert old gear units and certify new units in accordance with ATEX.

                              Special-purpose gear units and conversion in accordance with ATEX
                            • Foodstuff industry

                            • Dual-shaft extrusion
                              From the very beginning, Kissling has played a key role in the development of ZSK twin helix extruder drives for foodstuff extrusion, including the EX gear unit series developed in-house precisely for this purpose.

                              Kissling has worked together with leading system builders to develop compact gear units capable of transferring high torques via shafts that have relatively small cross sections. They can also withstand incredibly high axial forces thanks to an optimum arrangement of the tandem bearings.

                              Dual-shaft extrusion with shaft guide
                              This gear unit was developed as a specialty product, which allows coolant to be fed through the worm shaft.

                              Single shaft extrusion
                              Kissling developed the VZD gear unit series especially for kneading machines. This gear unit enables the kneading machine shaft to move axially at a high speeds and power levels.
                            • Paper industry

                            • Hundreds of gear units are integrated in large-scale paper plants. During the 1970s and 1980s, entire paper plants, in particular in Switzerland, were equipped with Kissling gear units.

                              We now focus on key gear units where standard gears can no longer keep up. The ER series turbo gear units are frequently used in compressors for vacuum systems. Plant manufacturers also rely on Kissling quality for smoothing rollers that are susceptible to vibration.
                            • Passenger transport

                            • Chair lifts, ropeways and ski lifts are only a few of the systems in which Kissling plays a leading role. In this area where high and uncompromising demands are placed on equipment safety and reliability, Kissling AG has established itself as a market leader with a variety of gearbox series thanks to its experience in the industry, which spans more than 50 years.
                              Every type of ropeway can now be equipped with a specially developed Kissling product (see Ropeway gear units). Kissling gears are not solely used to complement technologies deployed in ropeways. Systems for amusement parks and gear units for special-purpose vehicles were also added over the years.
                            • Test bench construction

                            • A wide variety of gear units have been developed for test benches in the motor, Formula 1, aviation, turbocharger and defence industry. When it comes to these gear units, Kissling knows no bounds. In recent years, Kissling has achieved up to 80,000 rpm for jet starters as well as maximum acceleration for Formula 1 couplings or bevel gear sets at 22,000 rpm for helicopter test benches.
                            • Bulk goods transport

                            • Kissling offers a series of gears for this industry: shaft-mounted gears, helical and bevel helical gearboxes that meet common industrial standards.

                              Kissling offers a series of gears for this industry: shaft-mounted gears, helical and bevel helical gearboxes that meet common industrial standards.
                            • Special gear units

                            • We have already implemented a number of special purpose gear units using our sophisticated engineering capabilities. The projects originate from a wide range of sectors and applications.
                            • Amusement park rides

                            • 几年来,亲吻一直是一些最疯狂的游乐园游乐设施的组成供应商。例如,我们在内部开发了一个齿轮系列,尤其是针对液压发射过山车的齿轮系列。这些系统可在仅3.5秒内实现高达240 km/h的世界纪录加速度。
                            • Water treatment

                            • From the very beginning, Kissling has also offered small gear units for water treatment systems. Kissling helical and bevel helical gearboxes are used in a number of water treatment plants in Switzerland.
                            • Cement industry

                            • Numerous Swiss cement factories were already equipped with Kissling gear units back in the 60s. The Kissling gear units have a robust design. Many existing gear units of this generation are still in operation.
                            • Sugar industry

                            • Regardless of whether sugar is manufactured from sugar cane or beets, it is a very complex process and production is seasonal. These parameters place great demands on the efficiency and operational safety of the drive systems. Optimum drive system designs help reduce power consumption as well as installation and maintenance costs. Thanks to its extensive experience in the ropeway sector, Kissling is able to help its customers achieve these goals. Together with several European and Asian system builders, Kissling gear units have been installed specifically in the sugar industry, where machines and systems are subjected to extreme operating conditions. Many system operators have opted for a robust and elaborate Kissling design to keep the risk of downtimes to an absolute minimum.