• Offer Profile
  • Welcome to AMC Europe Ltd., European headquarters of ADVANCED Motion Controls, a world leader in servo drive solutions and precision motion controls, headquartered in California, USA.

    AMC’s focus is working with customers to develop and produce motion control amplifiers and drives capable of delivering from 20 W up to 48 kW peak.
Product Portfolio
  • Software

      • Click & Move

              • Multiple axes of point-to-point motion for OEM machines
              • Single axes stand-alone applications embed the program directly into the servo drive
              • Compatible with DPC-series and DZC-series CANopen servo drives
              • Compatible with third-party CANopen I/O modules
              • Graphical function block programming based on the IEC 61131-3 standard and PLCopen
              • Powerful and fully customizable HMI software platform
              • Virtual environment allows for program development, execution and debugging before connecting actual hardware
              • OPC排版atible
        • Drives

        • We offer a wide range of analog- and digital servo drives. Beside serial products, our custom-tailored special solutions are widely applied in different fields of the industry.
            • Analog & Digital

            • Why choose Digital or Analog?
              A well designed machine that uses an analog drive compared with a well designed machine that uses a digital drive will have performance that is about the same. The major difference between the two isn't in the final performance but rather in the setup/configuration and the intelligence:

              setup/configuration- depending on your company's resources, a PC may (or may not) be a more desirable method than switches & pots to make servo drive adjustments
              intelligence- depending on the controller's capabilities the bulk of the intelligence can lie within the controller or be shifted to the drive
              • Servo motors

                  • Synchronous servomotors

                  • Synchronous servomotors have rotors of low inertia and intented to use at high dinamic load. Rotors are built of Neodymium ferrite magnets, which allow very high peak current values for short-time loads.

                    Delivered motors are equipped with TTL line drive encoders, or resolvers as a standard setup.

                        • APM servomotors

                        • APM servo motors are high quality Far-Eastern products. They are charcterized as having fine elaboration, high loading capacity and small size. APM motors are equipped with 3000 line/turn encoders as standard.

                    • Linear servomotors & Torque motors

                        • Linear guideways

                        • guiding linear motions
                        • Ball screws

                        • creating linear motions
                        • Positioning systems

                        • creating and guiding 2d and 3d motions
                        • KK-Stage

                        • creating and guiding linear motions
                        • Planar motors

                        • creating and guiding 2d motions
                        • Rotating tables

                        • creating and guiding circular motions
                        • Gantry

                        • creating and guiding 3d motions
                        • Elecric linear actuators

                        • 创建简洁的线性运动
                        • Linear ball bearings

                        • Another product for guiding linear motions.
                      • Custom and Modified Solutions

                      • At ADVANCED Motion Controls, we understand that some customers need more than what's available in a standard product, and we pride ourselves in being one of the few manufacturers willing to make custom design changes. As a solutions provider, we regularly design affordable custom products optimized for OEM's specific needs. Products modified from our standard offering can be accomplished in as little as a few weeks, while full custom products starting with a completely new design can be achieved in a few months. For extended projects, we work at the customer’s pace where we provide feedback and input as the machine design evolves, then supply an appropriate solution once the specifications are finalized; we always strive to accommodate our customer’s needs.

                          • Custom Solutions

                          • Customizations can include complete re-designs with specified connectors, special shapes or sizes, specific functionality, private labeled products and more.

                          • Modified Products

                          • Modified products involve minor component changes to achieve the desired functionality while leaving the PCB unchanged.