
计算机科学与信息工程系的教职员工在国际组织中非常活跃,并在许多重要会议中担任计划委员会成员和会议主席,如计算分子生物学研究年度国际会议(ACM RECOMB), IEEE机器人与自动化国际会议(ICRA), IEEE控制应用会议(CCA), IEEE决策与控制会议,美国控制会议、IEEE实时系统会议(RTSS)、IEEE实时技术与嵌入式应用会议(RTAS)、国际并行处理会议(ICPP)、国际容错计算会议(FTCS)、国际计算机辅助设计会议(ICCAD)、国际多媒体与探索会议(IEEE Multimedia and Explore)。他们还获得了4位IEEE院士、8位NSC杰出研究奖和3位中国科学院青年研究员奖等荣誉。此外,他们还与行业密切合作,拥有专利并创办公司。“嵌入式系统”、“高性能计算”、“生物信息学”和“多媒体与数字内容”四大研究方向:“嵌入式系统”研究方向包括智能机器人与自动化实验室、芯片系统实验室、嵌入式计算实验室、智能空间实验室、低功耗VSLI实验室、无线网络与移动计算实验室。团队成员在工业控制和SOC设计方面经验丰富,并与工业非常合作。他们还获得了IEEE研究员、NSC杰出研究奖和IEEE CSIDC 2003年冠军等荣誉。“高性能计算”小组专注于算法的设计和分析。研究课题包括并行与分布计算、科学计算与优化。应用领域包括无线通信、金融计算、计算物理和数据挖掘。 The members of this group have published papers in top journals and conferences such as SIAM Journal on Computing and Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC). The members of the \"Bioinformatics\" group collaborate with the college of medicine, college of life science and NTU hospital. They are involved in the development of FASTA, a influential pioneer software for sequence analysis. They have achieved a lot in this area. For example, for classification, our faculty have taken a leading role in developing algorithms for SVM (support vector machine) and RBF (radial basis function). Thousands of users all over the world are using their software including LIBSVM and BSVM. They are also involved in many important national research projects for bioinformatics such as \"national research program for genomic medicine\" and \"national program for biotechnology and pharmaceuticals\". The focus of For \"Multimedia and Digital Content\" research group is related to content science and media engineering. This group collaborates closely with Sinica, EE department, department of library and information science, institute of linguistics, institute of journalism and the department of drama and theatre. The research topics include editing and analysis for multimedia content, language analysis and so on. One member of this group, the communication and multimedia laboratory, is one of the pioneering research groups in multimedia research. For years, this lab has executed research projects worthy of more than 100 million NTD and transferred technology to many companies such as CyberLink and DigiMax.


  • 计算机视觉的研究
  • 计算机视觉研究:视觉跟踪
  • 移动机器人研究:多机器人团队与合作
  • 移动机器人研究:导航系统
  • 移动机器人研究:避障
  • 移动机器人研究:感知系统
  • 移动机器人研究:机器人社团
  • 移动机器人研究:机器人移动平台
  • 移动机器人研究:水下机器人
  • 机器人视觉研究:三维感知与导航
  • 机器人视觉研究:视觉引导机器人
  • 机器人研究:自主机器人
  • 机器人研究:控制软件
  • 机器人研究:人机交互
  • 机器人研究:机器意识
  • 机器人研究:移动机器人
  • 机器人研究:避障
  • 机器人研究:机器人可视化系统
  • 机器人研究:轨迹规划