Imperial College London
  • Offer Profile
  • 医学实验室中的机电一体化正在开发许多机器人和机电系统,以帮助医疗和手术任务。此外,该小组还参与了使这些机器人成为现实所需的控制,外科计划和主动限制方面的基础研究。
  • 外科技术

  • MIM当前研究的主要研究中心是高级技术的手术研究中心之一。该组特别感兴趣的是计算机和机器人辅助骨科手术(CAOS)和微神经外科手术,这两者都受益于该领域的二十年开创性研究。(Ferdinando Rodriguez y Baena博士)
  • 培训系统

  • 膝关节镜检查系统

  • A proprietary haptic system was developed to give surgeons the sense of touch in a virtual reality simulation of knee arthroscopy surgery. During real diagnostic knee arthroscopy, the surgeon operates inside the knee with long tools (an endoscope and a hooked probe) that pass through keyholes in the skin. The surgeon uses visual and haptic (touch) feedback to diagnose problems in the knee.
    在虚拟现实形式lation, a haptic device is used to replace the real hooked probe. The virtual model of the hooked probe moves when the haptic device is moved. When the virtual model of the hooked probe contacts a virtual bone model, the haptic device physically generates a reaction force through motor torque. This system allows surgeons to practice diagnosis tasks on a realistic virtual patient before examining a real patient.
    • Standard Knee Arthroscopy Training
    • 矫正触觉装置
  • Computer-based planning

  • 骨科计划和评估

  • 计算机辅助裂缝减少计划

    We are currently focussing on the pre-operative planning of these operations. We are developing techniques to plan the reduction using statistical shape models.
    • Conventional Acetabular Fracture Reduction I
    • 常规的髋臼裂缝还原II
    • Acetabular Fracture Reduction using a statistical shape model
    • 术后评估

      • Assessment of the quality of implantation of joint replacements.
      • Conventional methods perform poorly when compared to new robotic and navigated techniques
    • 解剖学注册
  • 微创神经外科的路线策划者

  • 大脑的路线策划者在2007年获得了概念证明,有助于利用软组织导航,并通过灵活的探针进行微创神经外科手术,从而在最低风险中实现了最佳的放置准确性。它通过数字脑图生成一条路线,其中包括详细的大脑解剖结构和风险映射数据库。通过提供以下参数来创建一个优化的手术计划:进入站点,遍历路径,目标位置以及由要使用的神经探针的几何特征给出的约束。


  • Robot-assisted surgery

  • Biomimetic Flexible and Steerable Probe for Neurosurgery

  • Medical Motivation

    J. F. V. Vincent和M. J. King。木怀黄蜂卵膜钻探的机制。仿生学,3(4):187–201,1995。

    A biomimetic flexible steerable probe is currently being developed at Imperial College London: the aim is the access of deep brain areas with minimum damage in order to accurately place minimally invasive instrumentation (catheters, electrodes for deep brain stimulation), to perform clinical analysis and diagnosis (biopsy, sampling), localized drug delivery and micro neurosurgery.

    FP7 ROBOCAST, Eurpean project
    ROBOCAST is a 3 year European project (Framework 7 funding) to develop an integrated neurosurgical suite. Robotic assistance, smart sensors, augmented reality and an intelligent user interface are among the deliverables of the project. Imperial’s involvement in ROBOCAST pertains to the development of the biologically inspired flexible probe for brain interventions, described above. Visit for more information.

    Politecnico di Milano(意大利,协调员),Azienda Ospedaliera di Verona(意大利),意大利大学(意大利),英国帝国学院(英国),Prosurgics Ltd.(英国),希伯来语,希伯来语技术(以色列),Mazor Surgical Technologies Ltd(以色列),TechnischeUniversitâtimintétMânchen(德国),UniversitâKarlsruhe(TH)(TH)(德国),CF Consulting S.R.L.(意大利)

  • 过去项目的选择

  • 杂技演员

  • 膝盖置换手术需要良好的准确性才能用假体替换膝盖的骨骼,因为假体的每个部分都必须与骨骼和彼此保持良好状态。杂技演员为外科医生提供了这种准确性。当普通机器人从外科医生那里接管时,杂技演员通过允许他在武力控制下移动切割机来与他一起工作。机器人还限制了外科医生在安全区域内切割,并防止对周围组织的损害。
    This project resulted in the formation of The Acrobot Company Limited, a spinout company to commercialise the research.

    This project resulted in the formation of The Acrobot Company Limited, a spinout company to commercialise the research.

    • 杂技演员in use in the operating room
    • 从左到右显示的杂技系统,被动定位器和控制计算机
    • 在被动定位器上安装在摇篮中的杂技机器人的视图
  • High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)

  • 强烈的超声可以用来治疗体内深处的肿瘤(例如,深座脑肿瘤)。超声的作用是将组织扎根至杀死的温度,然后死组织逐渐将其重新吸收到人体中,并通过出色的过程去除。

    To perform tumour treatment effectively, ultrasound from a transducer must be focused to a small region within the tumour. This requires that the transducer is carefully designed to produce the appropriate beam profile leading to a tight focal point, and that the transducer is correctly positioned and aligned to put the focal point within the tumour.

    为了实现换能器的对齐,正在采用一种机器人方法,将换能器安装在机器人上,并在换能器和大脑之间具有可变的尺寸接口匹配袋,以使大脑内部的焦点深度调节,并提供良好的阻抗匹配,从而提供良好的良好能量转移到大脑中。进行了一项评估机器人的精神的项目 - 以下动画显示了机器人设计分为三个位置。Selvan Pather现在正在开发一个更适合手术的机器人。


    To perform tumour treatment effectively, ultrasound from a transducer must be focused to a small region within the tumour. This requires that the transducer is carefully designed to produce the appropriate beam profile leading to a tight focal point, and that the transducer is correctly positioned and aligned to put the focal point within the tumour.

    为了实现换能器的对齐,正在采用一种机器人方法,将换能器安装在机器人上,并在换能器和大脑之间具有可变的尺寸接口匹配袋,以使大脑内部的焦点深度调节,并提供良好的阻抗匹配,从而提供良好的良好能量转移到大脑中。进行了一项评估机器人的精神的项目 - 以下动画显示了机器人设计分为三个位置。Selvan Pather现在正在开发一个更适合手术的机器人。

  • 内窥镜软组织手术的TURP-TM训练系统

  • The project dealt with the generic problem of training and monitoring minimally invasive endoscopic soft tissue surgery by tracking tools and tissue.


    • To identify generic criteria for in vitro and in vivo computer-based endoscopic surgery training aids #
    • To provide a camera-based tracking system with fixed model prostate phantom as a computer-based in vitro prostatectomy training aid
    • To provide a tracking system and ultrasound measurement facility as a computer-based in vivo prostatectomy training aid.
    • Overview of TURP trainer
    • Computer assisted TURP trainer in use
    • Resectoscope instrumented to allow tracking of its position, orientation and cutter extension
  • 的Bloodbot

  • This project was aimed at investigating how force information gained during a medical procedure may be used by a mechatronic device. The particular procedure chosen was that of taking blood samples from the forearm, as this procedure is reliant on feeling the prescence of veins and feeling the moment of breakthrough of the needle into the vein. One of the problems when taking samples manually is needle overshoot resulting in the needle piercing both sides of the vein resulting in bruising. The robot can find the vein by touch, and when inserting the needle monitors the insertion force and reacts to the elastic properties of the vessel to prevent overshoot.

    This project was aimed at investigating how force information gained during a medical procedure may be used by a mechatronic device. The particular procedure chosen was that of taking blood samples from the forearm, as this procedure is reliant on feeling the prescence of veins and feeling the moment of breakthrough of the needle into the vein. One of the problems when taking samples manually is needle overshoot resulting in the needle piercing both sides of the vein resulting in bruising. The robot can find the vein by touch, and when inserting the needle monitors the insertion force and reacts to the elastic properties of the vessel to prevent overshoot.

  • The Probot

  • 前列腺尿道切除术(TURP)的机器人。该探针是用于前列腺切除的活动机器人。它旨在允许外科医生指定前列腺中的体积,然后自动切割,而无需外科医生的进一步干预。超声图像用于计划过程。


      • 标题

      • Description
  • Roboscope

  • 去除深处的脑肿瘤需要内窥镜手术和高精度。作为一个跨国欧洲项目的一部分,正在开发一个机器人,该机器人持有内窥镜,并允许外科医生在大脑中操纵它。机器人使用主动约束原理将运动限制为特定区域。该项目是多学科的,涉及MRI处理,超声指导,机器人技术和可视化。


    • Here is a teaser for the way the final interface will appear...
    • 这是Hexapod-类似的机器人。
  • MRI引导的直肠前列腺活检

  • MRI可以产生高分辨率的3D人体解剖学图像,使其无与伦比诊断。机器人工具可以使用MRI图像作为指导来靶向体内的结构。

    Diagnosis Prostate Cancer
    Prostate cancer kills over 10,000 men in the UK every year. The current diagnostic procedure involves a biopsy of the prostate using ultrasound (US) image guidance. US leads to 20% false negatives. MRI can solve this problem effectively.

    • Robot Control Station
  • MRI兼容肌腱疾病诊断的“魔术角”设备

  • 诊断肌腱疾病
    • Athletes prone to disease in tendons
    • MRI can provide an ideal imaging environment to diagnose disease early
    • 我们在扫描仪内部自主移动肌腱的机器人系统可以根据要求定制检查
  • Haptic endoscope

  • 医疗技术已经经历了重大发展,以克服微创手术(MIS)固有的问题,例如抑制的手动灵活性,减少视觉信息和缺乏直接接触反馈,以使外科医生更容易操作。正在开发一种最小化的侵入性工具,以通过提供力反馈来提高诊断程序的有效性。磁共振成像(MRI)指南可以允许工具定位,但是这导致了设备上MR兼容性的要求。