

1953年:Busto Arsizio (Varese)。在意大利需要重建的时候,我们开始生产。而人们仍能感受到战争的回声,战争不仅摧毁了社会和城市的布料,而且还摧毁了工业材料和面料。1960年:我们专门用于管状针织织物的准备和整理的机器在中北部的许多公司中全速工作,忙着供应真正的“大众服装”。意大利正在告别经济繁荣的美好时光,从我们的机器中生产出来的大量针织面料,通过对生活和消费享受的重新发现,帮助人们实现自己的梦想。对针织成衣进行熨烫、折叠、自动包装的机器,首次出现在市场上。1970年:管状开剪机、开绳机、开绳机、折叠机、翻转机、烘干机和其他配件机都是必须的,以满足似乎被针织布主导的十年需求。70年代末,折叠和包装紧身衣和长筒袜的机器诞生了。1980年:这是消费主义的年代,“格里夫”的胜利,对形象的崇拜和地位象征的胜利。后来,时尚融入了创意。 The supply of the textile industry becomes more specialized and more sophisticated both in quality and in functionality. And Ferraro's has accepted the challenge and has thrown itself into the market, by planning and manufacturing machines part with handicraft carefulness, which nowadays means the top of the industry. 1990 : These are the years of transition towards the new millennium, the years of the electronics and the computer logic, that now have taken place definitively in the heart of our machines. Elasticity, precision and reliability are the indiscussed qualities of our machines and of our company. And with the technological and entrepreneurial patrimony we are looking at the future.