• 纺织21日xx

导航:EXPO21XX>纺织21 xx>H15:精加工机器西点铸造机械公司



西点铸造和机器公司在西点,佐治亚州。位于亚特兰大哈茨菲尔德国际机场西南80英里处,在北卡罗来纳州加斯顿尼亚、中国上海和德国慕尼黑设有销售和服务办事处。西点在1868年以西点钢铁厂的名义开始运作。1932年,公司更名为西点铸造和机器公司。那时,西点军校开始向一些纺织机械制造商供应零件,不久之后,西点军校就建立了浆纱机的基础。从那时起,我们扩大了市场,目前出口到超过75个国家。我们的主要机械产品包括用于纺纱和合成纱的上浆机(剪浆机),用于靛蓝染色系统的球整经机、筒子架和长链整经机,用于v型和杂志筒子架的高速整经机,用于合成纱和胶带的重型直接整经机,液压灯芯绒切割机和灯芯绒刷毛机。1997年收购GasTex, Gastonia, NC, 1998年收购Reed-Chatwood,罗克福德,IL,使西点提高其纺织机械产品供应。GasTex专门从事二手纺织设备的翻新和升级。Reed-Chatwood的新型经纱制备设备生产线已与西点军校合并,使我们能够提供两种产品的最佳功能。 Reed-Chatwood parts and service can be purchased from GasTex in Gastonia, N.C. West Point also offers a diversity of contract manufacturing services. These services are offered to a wide range of original equipment manufacturers who look at West Point as their manufacturing partner. Pattern making, grey and ductile iron castings are included in our foundry services along with machining, fabrication, assembly, engineering, and ASME vessels. Our installation advisors, service technicians, and contract installation personnel are highly trained professionals. West Point's Parts Department and Service Department can be contacted after normal business hours for emergency parts or service. Training sessions can be conducted in the customer's plant or at our facilities. Our fleet of trucks provides rapid, economical, safe handling of machinery, parts or castings to our customer's door, the airport, or shipping ports.