

我们赢得了诚信的声誉,因为我们将与客户的关系视为伙伴关系。我们认为,当您的CAD解决方案送到您的家门口时,我们的工作才刚刚开始,而不是结束。Monarch Design Systems早在1988年就开创了CAD技术。时至今日,这种开拓精神丝毫未变。我们认真倾听我们的客户和设计界告诉我们他们需要什么,我们努力满足这些需求:-我们引入了强大的和可定制的CAD解决方案,所以你只买你需要的,当你需要它。-我们是第一家提供非常实惠的“现成”纺织品设计软件的CAD技术公司。-为了满足专业课程的需求,我们成立了君主学校,在那里我们使用常见的图形软件教授纺织品和时装设计,以及针织、织造和计算机硬件的基础知识。我们致力于创新,诚信,最高质量的产品和客户服务是我们的母公司,君主针织机械公司所灌输的价值观-这些价值观已经为他们服务了70多年。君主技术强大,可定制和用户友好的技术,设计师喜欢使用。这就是我们的解决方案。 We provide CAD solutions at all levels for surface design. From wovens, knits and textile prints to embroidery and photorealistic rendering. We are known for the amazing quality of the fabric simulations produced in our software. If your company is a manufacturer, as well, our systems interface directly with all the most popular looms, knitting machines and embroidery machines. So, we provide the tools to design a better product, and manufacture it, too! Monarch offers powerful, customizable solutions for: Textile Prints, Graphics and Colorways, Developing and Manufacturing Wovens Creation, simulation and production of Dobby Cloth Creation, simulation and production of Jacquard Cloth Developing and Manufacturing of Knits Drape (Photorealistic Rendering) Textile / Apparel Database Embroidery.