约翰斯顿工业公司是一家屡获殊荣的国内工业、家居/酒店和特种纺织品制造商。约翰斯顿的创新机织和无纺布生产在10个现代化工厂,约350万平方英尺的空间,住宅能力包括棉花,涤棉和涤纶纱生产;凸轮、多臂和提花编织;染色;完成;废纤维回收;垫生产;以及复合面料的构造。庄士敦是国内最早将染整能力与纱线制造和织造相结合的纺织公司之一,使庄士敦能够提供增值工艺,缩短交货时间,并具有集成的产品开发和设计能力。约翰斯顿的家居/酒店产品包括印刷和编织的住宅和合同内饰,内饰衬底,装饰性提花布,餐巾,床上用品等。 Johnston's industrial products include seat suspension fabrics, abrasive substrates, and belting and hosing fabrics. Johnston's specialty textiles include earth friendly reclaimed waste fiber and products manufactured from reclaimed fibers, such as mop yarns and padding. Specialty textiles also include Johnston Industries Composite Reinforcements, Inc., which makes VECTROPLY® and other sophisticated multiaxial non-crimp reinforcing fabrics from fiberglass, carbon, and aramid fibers for a wide variety of highly engineered construction, transportation and recreational applications. Johnston's products are usually components of other manufactured goods, such as motion furniture, stadium seating, rubber belts and hoses, footballs or beds. Accordingly, Johnston's customers are typically manufacturers who require tight quality control, short delivery lead times and continued product improvement and innovation. Johnston is committed to these principles.