Company Profile

半个世纪以前,的想法competing with new, future-orientated products in an existing market formed the foundation of this company. In the course of time, the company developed into a specialist factory for switch-contacts. Based on this groundwork, the Bernstein Group now supplies components and systems for the periphery of industrial automation, for construction of vehicles, for building automation, conveying engineering.In the forefront, we focus on devices that, thanks to synergy, provide complete solutions. Our main point of focus here was to enshure the safety of man, machine and process. You will encounter solutions using Bernstein products across the globe. In all our activities, the focus of our attention is always on the customer's individual wishes and requirements.

Product Range

  • Control equipment: Control system for industrial applications
  • Controls: Controller
  • Sensor: Measurement and inspection sensor, photoelectric
  • Sensors: Capacitive sensor
  • Sensors: Inductive sensor