无论是在炎热干燥的沙漠、温暖潮湿的亚热带气候,还是在极端的高山地区,汽车都必须发挥作用。汽车是产品的独特代表,必须承受各种类型的持续变化的环境条件。K.H.Steuernagel (KHS) SolarConstant太阳能模拟系统提供有效的太阳能,以满足汽车行业的测试需求。在汽车工业中,基于模拟最极端环境条件的测试方法是确保汽车系统可靠性和功能性的一个非常重要的工具。太阳辐射、环境温度和相对湿度被认为是最重要的因素。太阳辐射被定义为全球或总辐射,这是直接和扩散(天空辐射)太阳能量的总和。与太阳密切相关,测试条件的可重复性和足够的加速度是太阳模拟系统的开发、设计、制造和功能的主要关注领域。关于相关性,重要的是要对自然和全球辐射的定量(辐照度)和定性(光谱分布和均匀性)特征进行良好的比较,并对实际经验所知的对取得良好测试结果至关重要的影响进行模拟。凭借在汽车和其他行业数十年的太阳能模拟经验,我们有经验帮助您确定在设计有效的SolarConstant模拟系统中发挥重要作用的关注参数。在进行材料选择和/或性能相关决策时,工程师依赖于可重复和可重复的测试结果,而不管所使用的测试场地或设备如何。 Time plays an important role. An effective test system and accelerated methods to achieve early test results are required to obtain maximum advantage in the development of new products. As a worldwide leader in the field of solar simulation systems we can assist with comprehensive test system development and test method design. While general requirements are similar for most solar simulation applications, whether it is for examining the aging behavior of organic materials, optimizing ventilation and air-conditioning systems, monitoring the thermal stability and interaction of components or emission testing, our resources and experience will assure that the solar system installed will meet your testing objectives. Furthermore, we have experience in other fields, such as solar energy conversion systems, photovoltaic, agricultural, etc., where SolarConstant technology is proven effective in reliable solar simulation.