
设计,制造,并快速交付全球最实用的运动控制组件。我们的组织建立在上帝话语中概述的原则之上,这导致了高员工保留率,增加客户忠诚度和稳步增长:-诚信是我们的指导原则。-客户满意优先于利润。-我们为员工精心营造了一个令人兴奋的工作环境。我们非常照顾我们的供应商。-我们坚持不懈地为客户解决问题。-我们挑战自己,在业务的各个方面都要务实。-我们设计的产品耐用性和可重复性。-我们的定价是公平合理的。-我们按照客户的时间表提供我们的产品和服务。-我们拥抱变化,将其作为持续改进和成长的手段。 - We strive to make it easy for people to do business with us. - We are on a life-long journey of learning. Why We Do What We Do God providentially provides us with talents, abilities and opportunities to fulfill a purpose, to meet needs and solve problems in the world around us. Our responsibility is to diligently develop these talents into productive skills and assemble resources to produce the most fruitful application of these into practical solutions. Through good stewardship, we work to make the world a better place.


  • 编码器:绝对编码器
  • 编码器:空心轴编码器
  • 编码器
  • 接口