Business Profile

Contrinex is a leading manufacturer of inductive and photoelectric sensors. The Swiss company, with headquarters in Givisiez, has developed a unique range of products whose performance far exceeds that of standard devices. Since its foundation in 1972, Contrinex has grown from a one-man concern into a small multi-national Group employing over 500 people worldwide. However, it still concentrates exclusively on the development, manufacturing and sales of sensing equipment for industrial applications.

In particular, Contrinex has specialized in:

- miniature devices
- long operating distances
- resistance to extreme environmental conditions

Our most important aim is to consolidate and extend our technological lead in those areas which form our core business – high-tech sensing equipment. This lead, together with providing increased customer benefits, will guarantee the continuing success of our worldwide clientele, and therefore ultimately of Contrinex itself.

To help achieve this ambitious aim, we will continue to develop an appropriate company management and culture.
我们将确保我们的employees are highly motivated, and that they remain so. We will persevere with our efforts to provide an environment that stimulates teamwork. We will emphasize the need for creativity and innovation at all levels. Above all, we will ensure that quality remains a top priority. Throughout the company, from top to bottom, we must understand that our business means the manufacture of difficult-to-make, high-technology products. This is the key to the company's sustained growth and success.