
瑞尔公司于1959年在意大利都灵成立,以创新和技术为基础。随着时间的推移,工业层面的增加和发展,使公司成为意大利和全球自动化的参考点。由于其安全部门,Reer今天是世界领先的工业安全光电传感器设计和制造公司之一。对客户的关注,技术知识和质量是使照明部门成功的因素。瑞尔照明事业部在意大利照明组件市场上占有越来越重要的地位。里尔在70年代中期开发出了第一个安全传感器。第一批光幕在80年代初问世。从那时起,Reer一直是意大利最重要的,也是欧洲领先的工业安全光电传感器制造商之一。我们从未停止创新和投资,以保持这一角色,并继续为我们的客户提供可靠和有效的解决方案,以保护工人。在国家,欧洲和国际标准化委员会的大力参与使我们的专业知识处于最先进的状态。同时,瑞尔的经验将服务于安全文化的发展。 A strong export activity comes with the development of the Safety Division, witnessing an ever more global experience. The continuous enlargement of the product range makes Reer today a solution provider for the whole world of automation. Ever since its foundation Reer has been Italy’s leading distributor of miniature light bulbs for professional use. In the middle of the years ’90 a decision was taken to take advantage of the company’s technical know-how to start off in the world of household lighting. A challenge that we can know consider as having been won: Reer is one of the main actors in the distribution of lighting products in Italy and our brand is synonymous to quality and technical competence. The Reer range comprises a vast offer of light sources, lighting fixture and outdoor lighting devices, always at the state of the art. Our commercial presence, focused on Italy, is widespread and composed of two sales networks, dedicated respectively to the world of electrical and hardware distribution.


  • 机壳:保护系统
  • 安全系统
  • 安全:机器区域的访问控制
  • 安全:机电安全开关
  • 安全:紧急停止按钮
  • 安全:避光
  • 安全:光束装置
  • 安全:光幕
  • 安全:光网
  • 安全:光电保护装置
  • 安全:安全激光扫描仪
  • 安全:安全光幕
  • 安全:安全开关