• 提供个人资料
  • 我们开发,制造和安装针对农场,农村家庭和企业的2、10和50千瓦的小型风力涡轮机。

Product Portfolio
  • Product Portfolio

  • We are happy to introduce You to our available products: 10 kW small wind turbines. We are also working on a number of new turbines (2 kW and 50 kW), and You can find their preliminary descriptions below.
      • t10 - UPGRADED!

      • t10 is a class II horizontal axis small
        家庭和企业的风力涡轮机。它是一个10 kW的风力涡轮机,带有82平方米的转子区域和18或22 m的液压倾斜塔。这是我们原始10 kW风力涡轮机的第二代升级,第二代版本。

        • Great return-on-investment due to favorable price
        • 每2年轻松且低成本维护
        • 正在进行的MCS认证
        • 低旋转速度和低噪音
        • Fail-safe tip brake and spring-applied electromagnetic rotor brake
      • Tuge2-初步

      • Tuge2是一个水平轴小型风力涡轮机,适用于网格和离网家庭。它是一个2 kW的风力涡轮机,在10 m桅杆上带有铁氧体磁铁发电机。

        • 工业级质量
        • 做自己动手的细分市场价格水平
        • 基于著名的休·皮格特设计
        • 整个软件包是2x1x1 m
      • Tuge50-初步

      • t50 is a Class I horizontal axis small
        机网家庭和企业的风力涡轮机。它是一个50 kW的风力涡轮机,具有两个发电机设计,一个200平方米的转子区域和36 m的单子塔。

        The main benefits of TUGE50 are:
        • Great return-on-investment due to favorable price
        • 轻松而低成本的维护 - 一年一年!
        • MCS certified
        • 两个发电机最大效率
        • No hydraulics
    • 经常一个sked questions

    • 在这里,您将找到一系列文章,以帮助您收集有关小型风力涡轮机的更多信息。在下面,我们将回答诸如“什么是小风力涡轮机?”,“如何为我的风发电机选择最佳地点?”,“如何找到一个好的风力涡轮机?”还有很多。
        • What is a small wind turbine?

        • There are many definitions for a small wind
          turbine. The international standard defines it by the rotor swept area, but the more common definition is by the power rating (kW).

          Countries usually have their own classification. For example, in Estonia it is up to 200 kW, while in Denmark it can be considered up to 25 kW and up to 60 kW in Italy. These definitions are not strictly technical, but are defined according to the access to financial green energy support schemes. For example in Denmark, the 60 kW wind generator, while technically belonging to the small wind class, will not receive small wind support.
        • Typical characteristics of a small wind turbine?

        • 一个小型的风力涡轮机,其班级无权,将包括以下内容:
          • 2 or 3 blades
          • 带有1或2个发电机的Nacelle
          • Control electronics

          刀片越大,越好。它们的定义是刀片长度(通常不超过10 m),转子直径(最大22-23 m)或扫地区域(很少以上300 m2)。应比较具有相同功率的发电机(具有5 M刀片的10 kW发电机将产生的能量比具有3.5 M刀片的10 kW发电机)。但是,较大的叶片意味着涡轮机更昂贵。
        • 如何找到一个好的小风力涡轮机?

        • 首先,风力涡轮机是一项投资,因此,良好的风力涡轮机将在合理的时间内为自己支付,并将开始产生收入(财务和环境)。

          In order for a wind turbine to be a good investment, it has to have a good price to performance ratio. A wind turbine with lower performance and with a lower price may have a better ratio than a more expensive turbine with higher performance (and vice versa).
        • Is it a good area for a small wind turbine?

        • 这个问题的答案是,您必须知道您的地区是否有足够的风。

          The best method is to perform wind speed measurements on site
          • preferably exactly on the same spot and on the same site for at least 6 months.

        • 如何计算小型风力涡轮机回报期?

        • There are several parameters that must be taken into account when calculating the return on investment of a small wind turbine.

          First of all, You will need to calculate lifetime costs. They usually consist of small wind turbine initial price, transport costs, installation costs (foundation price plus actual work) and maintenance costs (yearly maintenance fee multiplied by small wind turbine lifetime, usually around 20 years).
        • How to find a good spot for a small wind turbine?

        • Since small wind turbines are usually installed at relatively low heights, they are very susceptible to turbulence. Thus, it is very important to minimize this influence by carefully choosing the exact spot for a wind turbine installation. For example, the photo on this page is a good example of a bad spot.

        • 小型风力涡轮机有什么好处?

        • 小型风力涡轮机有很多方法对您有用(取决于特定情况),但是小型风力涡轮机具有一些独特的优势,这里有前三名:



          3. And last but not least - a small wind turbine actually does help the environment.

          These are the three main benefits of small wind turbines and this is why we love building them! But, truth be told, some things may not be so great in certain circumstances, so read more to learn all about it.
        • What are the disadvantages of a small wind turbine?

        • There are no perfect things in the world, so it is obvious that small wind turbines also have their disadvantages as well. Here are the most important ones:


          2. A small wind turbine needs micrositing.

          3. Scalability.

          But despite these disadvantages, we still love what we do and encourage everyone to not be easily discouraged and ask our specialists about how to tackle these problems!
        • 屋顶的小型风力发电机

        • As a manufacturer of residential wind turbines and wind energy enthusiasts, we want everyone to own a small wind generator. However, if there is not enough space for a tower and You are thinking about installing a small wind turbine on the rood of Your house, then we strongly recommend You to forget that idea and install solar panels instead - and here is why:




        • 垂直轴风力涡轮机

        • Vertical axis wind turbine, or VAWT, is any turbine with vertical axis of rotation. There are many sub-types of these turbines, but the technology itself has some general advantages and disadvantages when compared with horizontal axis wind turbines.

        • How do wind and solar work together?

        • A combination of different renewable generators is called a hybrid system and there are several advantages to such a configuration.
