We are happy to introduce You to our available products: 10 kW small wind turbines. We are also working on a number of new turbines (2 kW and 50 kW), and You can find their preliminary descriptions below.
There are many definitions for a small wind turbine. The international standard defines it by the rotor swept area, but the more common definition is by the power rating (kW).
Countries usually have their own classification. For example, in Estonia it is up to 200 kW, while in Denmark it can be considered up to 25 kW and up to 60 kW in Italy. These definitions are not strictly technical, but are defined according to the access to financial green energy support schemes. For example in Denmark, the 60 kW wind generator, while technically belonging to the small wind class, will not receive small wind support.
In order for a wind turbine to be a good investment, it has to have a good price to performance ratio. A wind turbine with lower performance and with a lower price may have a better ratio than a more expensive turbine with higher performance (and vice versa).
There are several parameters that must be taken into account when calculating the return on investment of a small wind turbine.
First of all, You will need to calculate lifetime costs. They usually consist of small wind turbine initial price, transport costs, installation costs (foundation price plus actual work) and maintenance costs (yearly maintenance fee multiplied by small wind turbine lifetime, usually around 20 years).
Since small wind turbines are usually installed at relatively low heights, they are very susceptible to turbulence. Thus, it is very important to minimize this influence by carefully choosing the exact spot for a wind turbine installation. For example, the photo on this page is a good example of a bad spot.
3. And last but not least - a small wind turbine actually does help the environment.
These are the three main benefits of small wind turbines and this is why we love building them! But, truth be told, some things may not be so great in certain circumstances, so read more to learn all about it.
What are the disadvantages of a small wind turbine?
There are no perfect things in the world, so it is obvious that small wind turbines also have their disadvantages as well. Here are the most important ones:
2. A small wind turbine needs micrositing.
3. Scalability.
But despite these disadvantages, we still love what we do and encourage everyone to not be easily discouraged and ask our specialists about how to tackle these problems!
As a manufacturer of residential wind turbines and wind energy enthusiasts, we want everyone to own a small wind generator. However, if there is not enough space for a tower and You are thinking about installing a small wind turbine on the rood of Your house, then we strongly recommend You to forget that idea and install solar panels instead - and here is why:
Vertical axis wind turbine, or VAWT, is any turbine with vertical axis of rotation. There are many sub-types of these turbines, but the technology itself has some general advantages and disadvantages when compared with horizontal axis wind turbines.