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  • Offer Profile
  • The sonnenBatterie eco – the start of your independence.

    The sonnenBatterie is not just a battery, it's an intelligent storage system that automatically adjusts the energy usage in your household. In combination with solar panels the sonnenBatterie will enable you to supply yourself with clean energy – thus making you independent and protecting you from energy price hikes.

    • Clean, renewable energy for you or all from the sonnenBaterries
    • Self-produced energy
    • Smart energy supply system
    • Energy sharing
    • Low-priced energy
    • Community discount
Product Portfolio
  • The sonnenBatterie

      • Intelligent, long-lasting and economical – the sonnenBatterie.

      • The sonnenBatterie is a high-tech storage system that has proven itself in thousands of households – every day. The combination of a PV system and a sonnenBatterie will allow you to cover about 75% of your yearly energy requirement with self-produced and clean energy. Since your energy is being generated on your roof and not by some anonymous energy provider you are more independent than before. So take your energy future into your own hands and reduce your energy costs to a minimum. The decision for a sonnenBatterie is also a decision for the highest standards in safety and quality that "Made in Germany" stands for.
      • How the sonnenBatterie gets you through the day.

        • Morning: minimal energy production, high energy needs.
          At sunrise the solar panels start to produce energy, though not enough to cover the morning energy needs. The sonnenBatterie will bridge the gap with the stored energy from the previous day.
        • Midday: highest energy production, low energy needs.
          In the daytime the energy generated from the solar panels is at its peak. But since nobody is home the energy consumption is very low so that most of the generated energy is stored in the sonnenBatterie.
        • Evening: low energy production, high energy needs.
          The highest daily energy consumption is in the evening when the solar panels produce little or no energy. The sonnenBatterie will cover the energy need with the energy produced in the daytime.
      • Our technology

      • Technology from the market leader.
        Sonnenbatterie具有10,000个已安装系统的体验 - 在每个单元中构建,这是最新独立性和最大寿命的最新技术。由于其模块化设计,这一切都在紧凑的案例中提供了最高的灵活性。
        • Dimensions: 69.5 cm x 70 cm x 22 cm (27.6 in x 21.1 in x 8.7 in) (height x width x depth)
        • 存储大小:2 kWh – 16 kWh (expandable in steps of 2 kWh).
        • 输出:1.5 kW – 3.3 kW.
        • Lifespan:10,000 charge cycles.
        • 系统智能:Automatic increase of household consumption, predictive charging.
        • System scope:完整e storage system, ready to connect.
        • Warranty:10 years
      • 我们的程序

      • Keep an eye on your energy supply: with the sonnenApp.

        With the sonnenApp you'll be able to check your energy usage and production - anytime and from anywhere. Use the sonnenApp on your smartphone or tablet to connect to your sonnenBatterie via the internet and to monitor, analyse and control the supply and demand of your household.

      • Suitable for You

      • The right size energy storage for any need – any time.

        Every household has its own very specific energy needs. That's why the sonnenBatterie was developed as a multi-stage storage system that can be adapted to the most diverse energy needs. With storage sizes ranging from 2 kWh to 16 kWh the sonnenBatterie will power a detached house, a multi-family house or an apartment block. The sonnenBatterie's energy capacity can be individually expanded in blocks of 2 kWh - should you ever feel the need to increase the power storage in your house.

      • More than a battery

      • 完整e system.

        All included: high-end components perfectly tuned to your needs.
        The sonnenBatterie is a complete system - ready for connection. This means that inside of every sonnenBatterie you'll find not only the extremely durable battery modules but also an inverter, an intelligent energy manager, measurement technology and the software to operate it all smoothly. All in one handy box. In contrast to most other battery systems in the market, the sonnenBatterie components are build into a single high-quality casing and perfectly attuned to each other - thereby ensuring a very high longevity and maximum quality on a minimum of space.
      • Long Life Non-Toxic Battery

      • Batteries are the basis of all energy storage systems

      • 你的独立性

      • More than the sum of the parts: independence for your business.
        如果您需要更多的功率 - 例如,当您经营业务时,可以将多个Sonnenbatterien设置为级联集群。从而将Sonnenbatterie的能力和力量提高到最多48 kWh。足以满足您业务的能源需求。

      • The sonnenCommunity

      • 什么是sonnencmunity?

        The sonnenCommunity is a community of sonnenBatterie owners who are committed to a cleaner and fairer energy future. As a member you can share your self-produced energy with other members of the sonnenCommunity. Since you are exclusively using renewable energy, there is no need for a conventional energy provider anymore.