
自1909年以来,Leclanché一直是电池存储技术的可靠合作伙伴。Leclanché在干电池发明者Georges Leclanché的传统下成立,除了针对客户的电池系统,还拥有现代锂离子解决方案以及现有的存储技术。2006年,通过整合德国夫琅和费研究所的一个子公司,该公司从一家传统的电池生产商发展成为欧洲最早的锂离子电池开发商和制造商之一。Leclanché开发和生产大型锂离子电池储能系统。这些特点是非常高的循环稳定性(钛酸盐阳极电池)和长使用寿命。得益于我们的专利分离技术,这是钛酸盐阳极锂离子电池的核心元素,Leclanché能够在自动化生产中生产出非常好的安全特性电池。Leclanché运营着一个全自动的生产大型锂离子电池的试验工厂,其年最大产能可达4兆瓦时。2012年7月,新生产线的投产将产能提高到每年100万电池或76兆瓦时(基于钛酸盐技术)的理论上可实现能力。此外,Leclanché还提供许多其他电池和存储系统,如便携式客户专用储能系统,与其他生产商的一次电池和二次电池及配件进行贸易。公司的核心市场是对储能系统的效率、使用寿命、鲁棒性和安全性有较高要求的行业,如更好地利用电网的储能系统,用于军事和医疗应用。 Leclanché has invested in research and development for over 100 years. We recognize trends early on and respond to these with new, innovative products. Our storage systems are characterised by their high performance and safety and are individually developed and manufactured for their different applications. Thus, depending on the requirements we offer various different products for staionary and portable energy storage. Increasing mobility requires solutions that are able to provide energy for as long as possible and in the smallest possible space. The transition of energy sourcing to renewable energies, however, demands stationary large format solutions, e.g. in order to stabilise power grids. At the same time, the environment needs to be protected and the consumption of natural resources needs to be kept as low as possible. We fulfil all of these requirements simultaneously and develop and produce efficient and environmentally friendly products for the various needs of energy storage.