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  • Offer Profile
  • Arizona State University’s Solar Power Lab serves a staging ground for the new technologies and ideas that will move us forward in our quest for a more sustainable society.

    Over 86,000 terawatts of solar energy reach the Earth’s surface each year- enough to satisfy current global energy demand 1000 times over. In 2008, solar electric power amounted to a mere 0.2% of global energy produced but it is at a tipping point with a growth rate of 40% per year. Exponential growth, enormous solar resources and the global economy's unquenchable demand for electricity increasingly position photovoltaic power as vital to 21st century technology.
Product Portfolio
  • Research

  • Arizona State University’s Solar Power Lab serves a staging ground for the new technologies and ideas that will move us forward in our quest for a more sustainable society.

    Over 86,000 terawatts of solar energy reach the Earth’s surface each year- enough to satisfy current global energy demand 1000 times over. In 2008, solar electric power amounted to a mere 0.2% of global energy produced but it is at a tipping point with a growth rate of 40% per year. Exponential growth, enormous solar resources and the global economy's unquenchable demand for electricity increasingly position photovoltaic power as vital to 21st century technology.

    In this rapidly changing industry, the Solar Power Lab stands-out as having some of the most experienced researchers in the field. This, coupled with state-of-the-art facilities and institutional support, gives SPL the solid foundation necessary to push the boundaries of what has become a $20 billion sector of the economy.
      • Circumnavigators Club Foundation grant

      • Steven Limpert, an undergraduate working at the Solar Power Laboratory, was recently awarded a Circumnavigators Club Foundation grant to study the development and commercialization of solar energy technologies in nations throughout the world during the summer of 2011.

        The Circumnavigators Club Foundation awards travel-study grants in the amount of $9,000 to four undergraduate students in their junior year of study in the United States each year. The grant is to be used to circumnavigate the globe visiting at least five countries and three continents while conducting a research study of the recipient’s own design. In giving the grant, the Circumnavigators Club Foundation hopes to foster improved international relations through the development of friendship and understanding.

        Steven will be using the grant to visit a wide range of solar energy technology commercial application sites and research institutions in Spain, Germany, India, Bangladesh, Japan and Australia. In each country, he will be meeting with policy makers, business people and academic researches to discuss their work in the area of solar energy technology and their nation’s relationship with solar energy technologies.

        When Steven returns from his travels, he will be composing a comparative case study containing information regarding the solar energy technology policies, businesses and research pursuits in the nations which he will have visited.

        “事实上,太阳能电力是高度desirable but comparatively expensive has put government policymakers in a difficult position and there is no precedent for the industry’s responses to some of the recent subsidy cutbacks and policy changes that have been made. I am very excited about the prospect of studying the solar energy technology industry and its relationship to a variety of different government subsidy programs throughout the world.”
          • Fulbright Grant Awarded

          • Jeremy Wendte, an undergraduate working with the Solar Power Laboratory, was recently awarded a Fulbright grant to study solar electrification in Bangladesh.

            The Fulbright grant is an international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The program provides fellowships for graduating seniors and graduate students to perform research abroad for a full academic year. The program emphasizes the need to solve shared international challenges and is part of an effort to encourage American participation in global discourse and research. Applicants are chosen by academic merit and the viability of their research goals.

            Jeremy’s grant is to complete a comprehensive study of the role of solar electrification in Bangladesh. It aims specifically to analyze the distribution, administration, usage and sustainability of photovoltaic systems and programs in the country. Although there has been significant research on photovoltaic use in developing nations, few investigations encompass the full array of issues specifically affecting the implementation and sustainability of solar electric power as an alternative energy source. Ultimately, the study is to combine economic, social and technical investigation to present a clear and complete picture of the role of photovoltaic power in a developing nation.

            During his stay, he will most likely live in Dhaka, and plans to travel to several parts of the country for interviewing and to observe some of the many different photovoltaic projects taking place under government, NGO, and commercial supervision.

            “Personally, the Fulbright grant would provide in-depth, first-hand experience in the direct application of electrical engineering to a sustainable form of development, as well as giving me the opportunity to perform research in the field.”
              • QESST Center announced

              • August 17, 2011
                美国国家科学基金会(NSF)宣布了一项award to Arizona State University and its partners to establish a new Engineering Research Center (ERC) jointly funded by NSF and the Department of Energy (DOE): the NSF -DOE ERC for Quantum Energy and Sustainable Solar Technologies (QESST). QESST will develop interdisciplinary research and education programs to address a stubborn energy challenge -- how to realize a large-scale, sustainable, domestic energy source -- by developing advanced solar photovoltaic technologies and by providing the foundation for new industries through innovation. Over the next five years, the NSF ERC program and the DOE Solar Energy Technologies program together will invest $18.5 million in the Center.
                  • Renewable Energy @ ASU

                  • ASU is a leader in adapting sustainable technologies to the campus environment. To date, 1.88 MW of solar electricity has been installed, with more on the way. By December 31, 2009, the total installed generating capacity of the Solar PV Systems is expected to be 10.486 MW (details). Additionally, several buildings on campus have been LEED certified, with the Biodesign B building achieving platinum certification. Campus energy usage is continuously monitored as part of the Campus Metabolism project.